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"Letters from Young Activists" : readings and discussion

What do young activists have to say to the world? Chesa Boudin, one of the editors behind the new Letters from Young Activists, came to Red Emma's on 2/24 to talk about the book and the issues raised by it, along with Tiffany King and Najah Farley Samad, activists who had contributed a letter to the collection. Listen to an MP3 file HERE that contains reading and introductory remarks from all three.

Written by 44 young activists with diverse backgrounds, ages 10-31, the book contains various letters addressed to parents, authorities, other activists, and movements. Authors address various issues including sexism, homophobia, racism, and imperialism.

Tiffany King, 28, is an African American activist, educator, and writer living in Wilmington, Delaware. She is currently working with students in Wilmington's public Vocational and Technical High Schools, doing organizing work with women in "public" and federally subsidized housing, and is the founder of Resistahs.

Najah Farley Samad, 24, is an African American Muslim woman. Najah grew up in the Cleveland area with her parents Khalid and Leslie Samad, where she participated in the National Movement for Urban Peace and Justice. She lives in Maryland and is involved with Blackout Arts Collective.

Chesa is an author of the book The Venezuelan Revolution: 100 Questions-100 Answers and translator of the book Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution: Hugo Chavez Talks to Marta Harnecker.

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