Regardless of the potential for success, we are obligated to formalize articles of impeachment to define our values for the historic record.
The opposition party is obligated to draw up articles of impeachment. It is not a matter of political strategy, nor does it depend on the probability of successful impeachment; it is a matter of defining American values for posterity.

Regardless of the potential for success, we are obligated to formalize articles of impeachment to define our values for the historic record.
If we can collectively answer "no" to any of the following, then we must draw up articles of impeachment.
Are we willing to accept torture as an American value, including sensory deprivation combined with painful stress positions?
Are we willing to accept abrogation of the Geneva Convention and other international norms as an American value?
Are we willing to accept an executive branch violation of the constitution to allow electronic surveillance of American citizens without a warrant from the judicial branch?
Are we willing to allow the executive branch to detain people indefinitely without charge and due process?
Are we willing to accept the practice of intentional deception of American citizens by the executive in order to sway public opinion in advance of a decision by the legislature? [1]
Are we willing to accept the practice of intentional deception of the US Congress by the executive branch in advance of a dicision by the legislature? [2]
Are we willing to accept cronyism in the form of creating opportunities for windfall profits and steering those profits to corporations that, in turn, provide financial backing to executive interests?
We need to draw a bright line on American values, and future expectations of the Office of the President. Articles of impeachment must be formally drawn up by the opposition party.
1. The executive branch paid African American commentator Armstrong Williams to surreptitiously promote the "No Child Left Behind Act" as a part of his talk shows and columns. The executive branch presented deceptive intelligence information to the public and Congress prior to invading Iraq.
2. The chief Medicare actuary, Richard S. Foster, said that Thomas A. Scully, administrator of the Medicare program, directed him to withhold the information from Congress on the true cost of Bush's proposed prescription drug program, citing orders from the White House in one instance. Congress was informed the cost would be about $400 billion over ten years. The more valid estimate was between $678 to $737 billion.
Acknowledgment: This blog entry was inspired by statements from Richard Dreyfuss. I've drawn heavily from his statements.