Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

IRV Legislation Committee members bios

the following committee members will be voting on whether to end the spoiler effect Th 1pm.
COMMITTEE BIOGRAPHIES COMPLETE: Chairman: PAULA C. HOLLINGER Democrat, District 11, Baltimore County. Chairman: PAULA C. HOLLINGER Democrat, District 11, Baltimore County. First elected to the Senate in 1986. Member of the Senate since 1987. Chairman, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee (Member, Education Subcommittee; Chairman, Health Subcommittee). Member, Executive Nominations Committee; Rules Committee; Special Committee on Substance Abuse; Legislative Policy Committee (Management Subcommittee). Senate Chairman, Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing; member, Agricultural Stewardship Commission, Special Joint Committee on the Rights and Protections of State Employees. Member of the House of Delegates, 1979–87. Born in Washington, D.C., December 30, 1940. Calvin Coolidge High School; Mt. Sinai Hospital School of Nursing, New York, R.N., 1961. Full-Time Legislator; Registered Nurse. Married; 3 children. Member, State Advisory Council on Quality Care at the End of Life; State Advisory Council on Pain Management; Women’s Health Promotional Council; Statewide Commission on the Crisis in Nursing; Board of Spinal Cord Injury Research; Advisory Council on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; Oversight Committee on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes; Task Force on Quality of Care in Nursing Facilities; Governor’s Council on Substance Abuse, Tuberculosis and AIDS, 1993–; Task Force to Study Health Professional-Client Sexual Exploitation, 1993–; Maryland Greenways Commission; Task Force to Study the Crisis in Nursing; Governor’s Advisory Council on AIDS; Task Force to Study Alternative Methods of College Financing; Governor’s Commission on Black Males; Graduate Advisory Council, Notre Dame College; B’nai B’rith Women; Hadassah; Na’Amat; ORT. Board of Directors, National Council of Jewish Women, Baltimore Section; Progress Unlimited; GILD (Group for the Independent Learning Disabled); Medical Eye Bank of Maryland; Maryland Organ Procurement Center, Inc. Former Senate Chairman, Joint Legislative Task Force on Organ and Tissue Donation. Who’s Who in American Politics, . . . In America, . . . In American Women, . . . In the East, . . . Of Emerging Leaders in America; Notable Americans; Personalities of America; The World Who’s Who of Women; The Directory of Distinguished Americans; Community Service Award, Baltimore Hebrew University; Honorary Member, Chi Eta Phi, National Sorority for Black Nurses. Legislator of the Year, Alzheimer’s Association; Maryland Assisted Living Association; American Heart Association. Annapolis office: 2 West, Miller Senate Building, Annapolis, MD 21401; phone: 410-841-3131. Vice-chairman JOAN CARTER CONWAY Democrat, District 43, Baltimore City. First elected to the Senate in 1998. Member of the Senate since 1997: appointed and sworn in January 7, 1997. Vice Chairman, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee (Member, Alcoholic Beverages Subcommittee; Health Subcommittee; Chairman, Environment Subcommittee; Member, Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Subcommittee). Member, Senate Special Commission on Electric Utility Deregulation Implementation; Special Committee on Substance Abuse; Joint Committee on Access to Mental Health Services; Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families; Agricultural Stewardship Commission. Former Secretary, Maryland Legislative Black Caucus. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, April 5, 1951. Brookvale High School, Lancaster, Virginia, 1969; Community College of Baltimore, A.A., Human Services, 1987 (Honor Student Award, 1987); University of Baltimore, B.A., Sociology, 1988 (Dean’s List, 1987–88). General Tax Practitioner and Co-Owner, CIG Professional Tax Services, Inc. City Councilwoman, Third Councilmanic District, Baltimore, 1995–97. Program Director, S.U.R.E. Program, The Jentry McDonald Corporation, 1994–95. HUB Director/Mayor’s Representative, Housing and Community Development (HCD), Human Services Division, Baltimore, 1993–94. Various administrative positions, Urban Services Agency, Baltimore, 1976–93. Secretary, Planning Assistant, Community Developer, Model Cities Program, Baltimore, 1970–76. Married; 1 child; 2 grandchildren. First African American and woman elected as City Council representative in the Third Councilmanic District, Baltimore. Member, Study Commission on Public Funding of Campaigns in Maryland; Task Force on Indoor Air Quality; Statewide Commission on the Crisis in Nursing. Former Member, Task Force on Public Charter Schools. Loaned Executive, Community Services Award, Combined Charities, 1992; Outstanding Community Services, Urban Services Agency, 1987; Coordinator, Community Services Award, 1984 and Solicitor’s Award, 1982, United Way of Central Maryland. Baltimore City awards: Leadership and Participation Award, 1993; Citizen Citation, 1993; Community Service Day Award, 1993; Community Services Award, Woodbourne Center, 1993; Proclamation, 1991; Mayor’s Citation, 1990. Annapolis office: 2 West, Miller Senate Building, Annapolis, MD 21401; phone: 410-841-3145. GWENDOLYN BRITT Democrat, District 47, Prince George’s County. First elected to the Senate in 2002. Member of the Senate since 2003. Member, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee (Alcoholic Beverages Subcommittee, Education Subcommittee, Ethics and Election Law Subcommittee, Health Subcommittee, Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Subcommittee); Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review. Secretary, Women Legislators of Maryland. Born in Washington, D.C., November 29, 1941. McKinley High School, 1959; Bowie State University, B.S., Political Science, 2004. Full-Time Legislator. Retired, Human Resources and Personnel Management; Business Office Management. Married; 2 children. Board of Directors, Prince George’s County Educational Foundation, 1999–2001. Member, NAACP, Prince George’s County; Bellemeade Civic Association; Prince George’s Human Improvement Association, 1980–; Prince George’s County Board of Elections, 1999–2002; Prince George’s County Democratic Central Committee, 1994–99; Columbia Highlands Citizens Association, 1982–88; Prince George’s County Community Development Block Grant Committee, 1982–88; Landover Local Development Corporation, 1982–1988. Winner of the Prince George Human Improvement Association Award for Outstanding Community Service (1994) and the United Way Loaned Executive Club Award (1988). Annapolis office: 222 James Senate Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401; phone: 301-858-3745. SHARON M. GROSFELD Democrat, District 18, Montgomery County. First elected to the Senate in 2002. Member of the Senate since 2003. Member, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee (Education Subcommittee, Environment Subcommittee, Ethics and Election Law Subcommittee). Member, Joint Committee on the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area; Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families. Former Treasurer and Legislative Chair, Women Legislators of Maryland. Member of the House of Delegates, 1995–2003. Born in Brooklyn, New York, February 20, 1957. Fairfax High School (California), 1975; New York University, B.A., Sociology, 1979; New York University, M.A., 1981; Antioch School of Law, J.D., 1985. Attorney. Former Instructor of Sociology. Married; 2 children. Member, Montgomery County Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission; County Executive’s Task Force on Domestic Violence; Legislative Chair, The Montgomery County Commission For Women, 1990–92 and 1993– (President, 1992–93); Former Member: State Advisory Board for Juvenile Justice; Task Force on Concerns Relating to Sex-Offenders in the Community; Attorney General’s Family Violence Council; The Women’s Bar Association of Maryland, 1987–92; The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence, 1987–92. Legislative Coordinator, Montgomery County NOW, 1992–94. Co-Chair, Paternity, Support, Custody and Visitation of Attorney General’s Advisory Council on Family Legal Needs of Low Income Persons, 1991–92. Board Member, Montgomery County Victim Services Advisory Board, 1988–90. Award of Excellence from MADD, 2002; Leadership and Outstanding Service Award from MSBA, 2001; State Legislator of the Year from the National Child Support Enforcement Association, 2001; Maryland Humane Legislator of the Year for the Fund for Animals, 2001; Maryland’s Top 100 Women from The Daily Record, 2000; Leadership Award from Planned Parenthood of Maryland and Metro Washington, 1999; Rita C. Davidson Award from the Women’s Bar Association of Maryland, 1998; Legislator of the Year, ARC of Maryland (formerly the Association of Retarded Citizens), 1997; Defender of Diversity Award, Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Staff and Faculty Association of the University of Maryland College Park, 1997; Honor Roll, Action for the Homeless; Honor Roll, Maryland Food Committee; Award for Service to Women, Women’s Alliance of Maryland, 1996; Woman of the Year, Kensington-Bethesda Business and Professional Women, 1996; Legislative Award for Advances in Legislation Affecting Domestic Violence Victims, Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence, 1993; Pro Bono Service Award, Anne Arundel County Bar Foundation, Inc., 1991; Governor’s Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Victims Rights and Services, 1991; Senate of Maryland Resolution #1387 (for work and commitment towards victims’ rights), 1990; Public Service Award, Montgomery County Government; Annual Award, Senate Biographies A-16 The Women’s Bar Association of Maryland, 1990. Numerous publications and presentations on domestic violence. Annapolis office: 203 James Senate Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401; phone: 301-858-3137. JIM BROCHIN Democrat, District 42, Baltimore County. First elected to the Senate in 2002. Member of the Senate since 2003. Member, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee (Environment Subcommittee, Ethics and Election Law Subcommittee); Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review; Joint Committee on Federal Relations. Born in Baltimore on February 22, 1964. Pikesville High School; University of North Carolina at Greensboro, B. A., Political Science, 1986; University of Maryland, M.A., International Relations, 1990. Insurance Broker, Business Owner, Real Estate Company. Legislative Analyst, Maryland Senate President, 1989; Lobbyist, Baltimore County, 1990–91. Campaign Manager, American Joe Miedusiewski, 1993–94; Political Science Instructor, Catonsville Campus, Community College of Baltimore County, 1990–98 and Towson University, 1994–. Senior Political Writer, Baltimore Magazine, 1994–2001; Political Analyst, WCMB Radio. Married, 1 child. Past president, Hampton Improvement Association. Annapolis office: 221 James Senate Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401; phone: 410-841-3648. ANDREW P. HARRIS Republican, District 7, Baltimore and Harford Counties. First elected to the Senate in 1998. Member of the Senate since 1999. Minority Whip. Member, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee (Chairman, Alcoholic Beverages Subcommittee; Member, Health Subcommittee, Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Subcommittee); Member, Executive Nominations Committee; Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing. Born in New York, New York, January 25, 1957. Regis High School, New York, New York, 1974; University of Pennsylvania/The Johns Hopkins University, B.A. (Human Biology), 1977; The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, M.D., 1980; The Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, M.H.S. (Health Policy and Management), 1995. Physician: Staff, Anesthesiology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital; Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Commander, Medical Corps, U.S. Naval Reserve, 1988–. Married; 5 children. Senate Biographies A-18 Member, Executive Committee, Maryland-D.C. Society of Anesthesiologists, 1996–; Board of Directors, American Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology, 1996–; Board of Directors, Maryland Leadership Council, 1995–; Board of Directors, Sherwood Community Association, 1987–93. Vice President, St. Joseph’s School Home-School Association, 1992–94. President, Thornleigh Improvement Association, 1984–86. Navy Achievement Medal, 1990. Annapolis office: 420 James Senate Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401; phone: 410-841-3706. Republican, District 37, Caroline, Dorchester, Talbot, and Wicomico Counties. First elected to the Senate in 1994. Member of the Senate since 1995. Member, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee, (Environment Subcommittee, Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Subcommittee); Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review; Joint Committee on the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area; Agricultural Stewardship Commission. Chairman, Senate Select Committee No. 10. Member of the House of Delegates, 1983–91. Born in Easton, Maryland, February 9, 1950. Easton High School, 1968; Chesapeake College, A.A., with honors, Humanities and Social Sciences, 1981. Public Administrator; Town Manager, Federalsburg. U.S. Army, 1969–72. Married; 1 daughter. President, People for Better Housing. Director, Maryland Rural Water Association. Member, Study Panel on the Funding Needs of Trauma Centers; Cambridge American Legion Post No. 91; B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 1271, Cambridge; Federalsburg V.F.W., Wye Oak Advisory Committee. Former chairperson, Dorchester County Committee to Promote Employment of the Handicapped. Former Member, Maryland Governor’s Senate Biographies A-5 Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities. Outstanding Young Men of America, 1981; Eastern Community College Award, 1981; Chesapeake College Social Science Award, 1980. Annapolis office: 315 James Senate Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401; phone: 410-841-3590. ALLAN H. KITTLEMAN Republican, District 9, Carroll and Howard Counties. Member of the Senate since 2004. Appointed October 13, and sworn in October 21, 2004. Member, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee (Alcoholic Beverages Subcommittee, Environment Subcommittee, Ethics and Election Law Subcommittee, Procurement Subcommittee). Born in Olney, Maryland, October 20, 1958. Atholton High School, 1976; University of Maryland Baltimore County, B.S., Political Science, 1981; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., with honors, 1988. Attorney. Of Counsel, Herwig & Humphreys, LLP, 2003–present; (Partner, 1996–2003; Associate, 1991–1996). Associate, Smith, Somerville & Case, 1988–91 (legal assistant, 1984–88). Member, American, Maryland State, Howard County, Baltimore City, and District of Columbia Bar Associations. Member, Maryland Association of Defense Trial Counsel, District of Columbia Association of Insurance Compensation Attorneys. Married, 4 children. Member, Howard County Council, 1998–2003; Howard County Zoning Board, 1998– 2003; Patuxent River Commission, 2002–2003; Howard County Republican Central Committee, 1990–98 (chair, 1992–97; vice chair, 1990–92). President, Howard County Republican Club, 1989–90 (vice president, 1988–89). Robert H. Kittleman Life Achievement Award, Howard County Republican Central Committee, 2003. Member, Chapelgate Presbyterian Church. Annapolis office: 414 James Senate Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401; phone: 410-841-3671. ROY P. DYSON Democrat, District 29, Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s Counties. First elected to the Senate in 1994. Member of the Senate since 1995. Member, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee (Member, Alcoholic Beverages Subcommittee; Chairman, Ethics and Election Law Subcommittee; Member, Health Subcommittee). Member, Special Committee on Substance Abuse; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review. Senate Chairman, Joint Committee on the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area. Member, Agricultural Stewardship Commission. Chairman, Senate Select Committee No. 8, Charles, St. Mary’s and Calvert Counties. Member of the House of Representatives, U.S. Congress, 1981–91. Member of the House of Delegates, 1975–80. Born in Great Mills, Maryland, November 15, 1948. Parochial and Public Schools, St. Mary’s County; Montgomery Junior College; University of Baltimore; University of Maryland. Honorary Degree, University of Maryland, 1988. Board of Directors, St. Clement’s Island-Potomac River Museum (Chair); Three Oaks Homeless Shelter; Little Flower School Alumni Association. Member, Maryland Environmental Trust. Co-Producer and Director of live weekly public service radio program on politics and government. Lecturer, Government and Politics, Charles County Community College and local schools. Annapolis office: 102 James Senate Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401; phone: 301-858-3673. PAUL G. PINSKY Democrat, District 22, Prince George’s County. First elected to the Senate in 1998. Member of the Senate since 1994: appointed August 1, 1994 and sworn in August 2, 1994. Member, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee (Chairman, Education Subcommittee; Member, Ethics and Election Law Subcommittee). Member, Special Committee on Substance Abuse. Senate Chairman, Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review. Member, Special Joint Committee on Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program. Member of the House of Delegates, 1987–94. Born in Camden, New Jersey, March 5, 1950. Moorestown Friends School, Moorestown, New Jersey; George Washington University, B.A., Public Affairs, 1972, M.A., Education, 1978. Currently on the staff of a Maryland State Teachers Association affiliate. Former Educator, Prince George’s County Public Schools (20 years). Married; 2 children. Member, Study Commission on Public Funding of Campaigns in Maryland; Maryland Diamondback Terrapin Task Force. Former Member, Task Force to Study College Readiness for Disadvantaged and Capable Students. Executive Board, Progressive Maryland; National Education Association. Past President, Prince George’s County Educators’ Association, 1983–87 (representing over 6,000 professional school employees). Outstanding Contribution to Youth, Prince George’s County Council of PTAs, on behalf of Prince George’s County Educators’ Association; Outstanding Contribution to the Community, National Conference of Christians and Jews, Prince George’s Chapter; Legislative Award, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 1994; Betty Tyler Award, Planned Parenthood, 1992. Annapolis office: 220 James Senate Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401; phone: 301-858-3155. JANET GREENIP Republican, District 33, Anne Arundel County. First elected to the Senate in 2002. Member of the Senate since 2003. Member, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee (Education Subcommittee, Environment Subcommittee); Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing. Secretary, Women Legislators of Maryland. Member of the House of Delegates, 1995–2003. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, August 10, 1947. Miami University, B.S., Education (math and computer science), 1969. Bowie State University. Full-Time Legislator. Former Teacher. Married; 2 children. Founder, Greater Crofton Republican Women (President, 1977–80 and 1980–89). Member, Maryland Federation of Republican Women (held various offices, 1983–93); Republican Women’s Federal Forum Advisory Council; Newcomers Club (Hospitality Chairman); Crofton Civic Association. Board of Directors, Helping Hand; Bethany Christian Services. Delegate, Republican Presidential Nominating Convention, 1992. Election Judge and Chief Judge, 1978–89. Precinct Worker and Neighborhood Precinct Captain. Court of Honor Chairman, Boy Scout Troop #115. Crofton Civic Association Certificate of Appreciation; Helping Hand Award, 1991; Anne Arundel County Republican Central Committee Woman of the Year Award, 1990. Annapolis office: 202 James Senate Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401; phone: 410-841-3568.

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