LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD
March for Migrants - 2/18 Rally in DC, Infostop in Baltimore
The March for Migrants, which started at the beginning of February with two parallel caravans working their way across the country, is converging in DC on Feb. 18th, with a rally at the Capitol Building at 2:30. Later that evening(7PM), a delegation will be arriving in Baltimore to speak at Red Emma's.
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The March for Migrants, supported by Border Angels(a volunteer organization which trys to prevent people from dying as they try to cross the deserts separating the US from Mexico) and Gente Unida, a coalition of human rights groups and border activists, is traveling to DC to demand an end to the unnecessary and inhumane deaths of migrants attempting to enter the US from Mexico. 4000 innocent people have died as a result of the militarized border since 1994(when Operation Gatekeeper was put into effect by the US government). The most recent victim, Guillermo Martinez Rodriguez, was shot and killed by the Border Patrol as he tried to enter San Diego.
Now is a crucial time to stand up for the rights of migrants, for the demilitarization of the border, and for an end to racist violence - while the Minutemen are taking the law into their own white supremacist hands all across the country(not just at the physical borders), the government is getting ready to pass HR 4437, which will not only authorize the construction of a 700 mile wall along the US-Mexico border, but will make felons not only of paperless migrants, but also of anyone who tries to help them in any way.
For more info on HR4437, see
For general updates on antiracist, antiborder activism, see