"government owes the citizens of the U.S. Protection from all those who wish to take advantage of a free society"Yeah, how dare they take advantage of our free society like that. Coming over here to be all free & stuff. We gotta stop e'm! .....Errrr, okay.
"Who's Really in prison for Marijuana?”...(well, let's see: 88% of them are in simply for "possession"; no violence, nobody hurt -- This includes 85% of all people convicted "for life" under CA's "Three Strikes" law.) .
..and “Starting a Student Drug-Testing Program.”Yikes. With them saving our society from drugs, I really want to know who's going to save our society from the state?
"...working to raise awareness of alternatives to living a homosexual life – alternatives that many have found to be positive and life-affirming."Ah. I didn't realize you could "decide" not to be gay; or that there was anything anyone could say to you to convince you not to be gay. I mean, I can't imagine anything that anyone could say to me that would make me say, "Yeah, boys! You're right! G i r l s ?! What was I thinking?!"
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