The recent rioting over the cartoons is just a tip of the Islamic iceberg. In my estimate they neither care, nor intend to care about Islam, Muhammad or anything else. This is just a cheap farce which serves as an additional bonding power for Islam around the world and an open communication channel, where the surveilance services can be fooled.
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My first choice, if not this week, just keep it fueled
I, yet have to see the first set of higher ethical values that are a product of Kuran’s teaching. This type of a usurious application when it comes to threatening Denmark of some other small country should not go unpunished. We can not be blackmailed by the shifting standards of a murderous religion (not a religion in my private view – but that is not a proper topic for now).
Let’s now take a look at the rest of the world outside of this poor theater. Most of today’s world has some set of standards where dissent is tolerated (except Islam). You can live in France and even make a decent living criticizing everything French. You can live in the United States and be Art Buchwald, be used to reside in D.C. and write most poignant satire about whoever was in power. So why is Islam so “sensitive” about these silly cartoons. It’s not. That’s the whole point. Islam doesn’t give a rat’s a$$ about any of that, but it would be foolish from their end to seek an additional uniting force, against the perceived Satan (the non-Islam part of the world), notwithstanding the fact that all world according to Islam is divided into Muslim (righteous) and non-Muslim (Satanistic). Now, as Satans we owe it to ourselves to know what is it we are accused of, what are the penalties, etc.
My favorite Kuran passage is Sura 9, verse 5, which literally states: “Once the Sacred Months are past, (and they refuse to make peace) you may kill the idol worshipers when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), you shall let them go. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.”
Just so that there is not confusion, the above sentence is NOT taken out of context, it can be found in its entirety at: “Translations Copyright Information Site Copyright © 2003 Quran
Now as I am not Muslim I am entitled to a reasonable fear of Muslims, since the Holly Kuran says I can not be “trusted”, unless I convert and pay Zakat (tax on non-Muslims). Cute, very cute.
Since Islam got itself a black eye in the past few decades (Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Iran, The Phillipines, Indonesia, NYC, Madrid, London bombings, Chechnya’s school kidnapping, etc. etc.) Islam is not stupid as to pass on an excellent opportunity where more of the pro-Islamist non-secular countries will somehow unite and repel the constantly loosing battles that have plagued Islam since it was first invented.
I don’t see that anybody anywhere needs to apologize for a silly cartoon. If we give in now, who’s to say what comes next? We might be forced for rap music playing too close to the Detroit or NYC mosques at the time of their prayers – and they “pray” a lot – 5 times a day, every day.
Danmark is a fairly small country without much in terms of Army threat, without much of a revolutionary spirit, but they do belong to NATO. In the miscalculations of Islam they may have not taken into account that bullying Danmark they could have themselves some more “carpet bomging” – if they continue to burn foreign embassies.
Once we are at the subject of embassies, I hope you remember the last days of Jimmy Carter’s presidency, where our hostages were released only hours after Ronald Reagan gave his oath of office, January 20th.
The most peculiar fact in this farce is that Islam itself chooses to disregard the tenets of the world-wide accepted immunity of Embassies, so they burn and loot foreign embassies. Being too apologetic will only work in their favor in the days to come. I vote for a more firm solution on the wings of our B-52s. This is not the first (and most certainly not the last) time when Muhameddans have tried to influence the world media and catch us napping so that we would respond with our common (normal, typical) Judeo/Christian decency and start censoring our own media. No way Jose. This is not a solution, this is only a pre-embryonic stage of future problems, if we fail to see this now, we are pretty doomed and that much closer to resolving issues by the use of our B-52s. This is how the future non-descript, pro liberal, mindless type of John Kerry will stage a comeback. We don’t want that either. There are a million reasons why the world at large needs to be extra careful in interpreting Islam’s messages sent to us unbelievers and other assorted Satans. It’s impossible to pacify them as they are not intent on keeping any paper that agreements are written on between them and us (Jews, Christians). So in the end of all mental gymnastics, let’s do today, what will be our inevitable course of action: B52. I am pretty sure that everybody still remembers Salaman Rushdie who was sentenced to death by publishing his "Satanic Verses" - and barely escaped with his head on his shoulders by hiding in England.
Iliya Pavlovich PhD

Much to ado about nothing

The only possible culprit

If not the B-52, consider the F117A