Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Call For Punk And DIY Benefits...

A call for punk and diy events to raise money and awarness for the People's Strike- the DC Anti-Capitalist Convergence's Fall Actions during the IMF/World Bank meetings.
Please distribute this widely!!! Do a show in your town!

Calling all punks!!! A day of benefit shows for a day of protest against capitalism!!!

The Washington DC Anti-Capitalist Convergence is calling all anti-capitalists, revolutionaries and concerned people's to Washington on October 1st for the People's Strike. The People's Strike will be a day of direct action to oppose the fall meetings of the World Bank and IMF. The IMF and World Bank exemplify among other things how capitalsim promotes poverty, racism, sexism, enviromental destruction and the concentration of power in the hands of a few. This action will be a direct strike at the IMF and World Bank but also serve to highlight the ways in which the horrors of global capitalism manifests themselves in Washington DC.

In order to pull this off the Anti-Capitalist Convergence will need money!! We need massive fundraising help from people everywhere. We are calling on the punk scene which operates in the same spirit of the DIY ethic that these protests are being organized to organize benefit shows ALL OVER on the weekend of July 26, 27, and 28. Along with fundraising, by organizing a benefit show you can also help raise awareness and educate others about the issues surrounding the People's Strike Actions in Washington DC.

We call for a day of mass benefits on July 26, 27, 28 Punk Rock shows, House parties, Art shows. We call to DIY punks around the country--help us out!!! Organize something in your town!

The money raised from these shows will be going to pay printing costs, other outreach expenses and benefit the operation of various working groups that are organizing these protests on October 1st. Some of the working groups are: scenario, education and outreach, arts and action, housing, logistics, and more!!!
Contact us and Please organize a benefit on the weekend of JULY 26, 27, 28th!!!!!
or again in August during the weekend of August 23, 24, 25!!!

Some punks who wanna shut down Capitalism...

more info on the action: / 703-276-9768

more info on this call for benefits:
Contact us first to find out who to send the funds you raise too. Thanks

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