LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD
United Workers Association to Unveil Summer of Justice Campaign
The United Workers Association is organizing a community meeting at St. John's Episcopal Church in Mt. Washington to announce its Summer of Justice campaign. The UWA is organizing Camden Yards stadium cleaners to win a living wage.

Last year the UWA secured the right to represent all day laborers who clean Camden Yards (about 150 workers a game) and negotiated a wage increase to $7/hour. This historic victory was tempered by Peter Angelos, the Orioles billionaire owner, who had promised the UWA that workers would earn the Baltimore City Living wage (now $9.06/hour). Angelos broke his promise to workers.
"Angelos showed he is not only labor's team but rather on the team of big business. He's what you'd call a labor fakir" explains UWA leader Jason Perry.
This year the UWA is broadening its campaign with an extensive effort to build a network of faith and justice activists. Workers are planning big events for both May and June that will include a Gospel concert and something special at Angelos's office at Lexington and Charles.
For more information about the community meeting you can contact the UWA at 410-366-2663.
UWA Community Mtg. Saturday Feb. 11th
1-2:30 pm
St. John's Episcopal Church Mt. Washington
1700 South Road
Baltimore, Md. 21209