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<p><font face="arial" size="2" color="#000000"><a href=""></a>
</font><font face="arial" color="#000000" size="4">Testimony of Dr. Imdad Baloch
, President of BSO = Baloch Students Organization <br>
</font><font face="arial" size="2" color="#000000"><br>
<b>[This is the detailed account of torture provided by Dr Imdad Baloch to HRCP
</font><b><font face="arial" size="2" color="#FF0000">Toilet</font></b><font face="arial" size="2" color="#000000"><br>
I had to urinate in a bottle and empty it once a day, when I went for
defecation. Defecation was a torture<br>
itself, as a man would stand nearby and shout:<br>
<b>“Hurry up, you only have 40 seconds.” Then he would shout, “hurry up,
your time is almost finished,”<br>
and finally he would come and say “come out, your time is finished.”<br>
Often, one had to come out without washing up.</b><br>
Every midnight we were woken up for a search by a higher authority. They would
ask us about our<br>
health and how we felt, however, it had nothing to do with their behavior
towards us. The officer in charge of<br>
this procedure, who was accompanied by at least three or four men, used to chat
with every prisoner for four<br>
or five minutes. During this, we were told to face the wall and were not allowed
to look at him. <b>We were also<br>
told that if in case we caught a glimpse of him, it would become impossible for
us to leave the prison alive.</b><br>
When this officer would talk to other prisoners, I would try to come as close to
the door as possible, so<br>
that I could hear their conversations. By doing so, I could tell what was
happening with Allah Nazar, and how<br>
he was feeling. Also, it gave me a chance to know something about the other
This helped me realize that Allah Nazar was being subjected to a more severe
form of torture than<br>
myself. I also found out that he was sick, as he would ask for medicine, but was
constantly refused. During this<br>
search, I also came to know that the other prisoners were Islamic militants.</font></p>
<p><font face="arial" size="2" color="#000000"><br>
Once I heard one of the prisoners saying:<br>
<i>“Sir! It is my fifth month here, and I have been interrogated for weeks.
Why am I not being released?”</i><br>
He was answered:<br>
“We have faxed your case to Islamabad, and we will decide what to do with you
as soon as we get a<br>
reply from there.”<br>
Another prisoner had been there for more than 9 months.<br>



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