Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with evidence and everything!

REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with evidence and everything!
When we cancel other people's human rights, we cancel our own.

=Helen & Harry Highwater=



Please, I beg you to assist me in this cause immediately!

Ack! It turns out that there IS a criminal conspiracy run out of the
Winnipeg Police Department's Exploitation Unit!

Ack!! It turns out that the Crown IS aiding and abetting the
crimes of first degree mass murder!!

Ack!!! It turns out the Judge threw this whole Revelation thing out
without any consideration offered, while the Crown is currently
working on a public ban of disclosure in Winnipeg on these
continuing documented crimes!!!
50,000!! a pop! Stolen from law abiding business owners!!!

Crimes forwarded to the public in part by the concern of Manitoba's Premier!!!!!


Send this post for me to also Winnipeg media persons or to anyone who
will listen. If you don't, then, you ain't my friend. Come on! Do
something for us, and I promise to help you out later if I can.
Help me through the goodness of your heart, so we won't get
railroaded into prison fraudulently by those that hide in darkness
as pirates of our human will. The will to be free.

The Crown's interpretations of my possessions are not my expressions!!


The Judge through this whole thing out for the defense
without any consideration offered to OUR COURT!




Since I am representing myself on these particular criminal matters, Legal Aid
is not required to lend assistance on the grounds that I'm not co-operating with
the system as it operates through professional Barred representations. [I am
eligible for walk in consultations but nothing of the sort of assistance I am
requesting] Considering the complexity of my judicial matter, I would request
legal assistance from the Court in these following areas.

1. National Security Issues

I need assistance in understanding the legal statutes that our national
security services are obligated to practice under, to insure our national
security matters are being truly defended in my respect. No change in summation
of my character was altered, after they were granted a search warrant to verify
it was me who publicly spoke out for honorable FBI officers denied their rights
to speak freely, then as the Court knows, instead of doing what they argued to
grant such privilege to infringe on my personal liberty, enforced a less than
perfect law that most others would buckle under, even if they harbored no
criminal intent, and would never do anything to infringe on the rights of any
child. For I challenge; it does not serve Canada's interest (in particular our
teen soldiers) to knowingly have Canada propagandized under the serious
failures of CBC and the National Security Services to lend no wanting cry to
hear REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with evidence and everything,
President Bush's business partner, (who was at the Whitehouse Sept. 9th working
on the top secret invasion of Afghanistan strategy to heavily arm heroin
pushers who war to keep women as slaves while weaponizing children - done all
for a liquefied gas pipe line to profit his darling dear Enron) funded 9/11's
"mastermind" "ringleader" Mohammad Atta. Inside sources from the RCMP have
notified me, that in the last four years, Section D's salaried employees, have
done practically nothing to serve Canada's interest in this respect. While
Canada's CSIS does not have the legal ability to speak out publicly regarding
the criminal transgressions of President Bush, and because of this nature of
CSIS's position, they have almost only fears to live with by trying. A CSIS
officer told me, many were completely aware of President Bush's criminality
regarding his hugely treasonous actions of mass murder on 9/11, but could do
practically nothing about it outside of filing the reports with the federal
government, or maybe anonymously sending something to CBC, with no promises that
anyone would actually read it. All the while, the senior CSIS boss brags
contemptuously in public about his ties and commitment to his friends in the
ISI. Perceived easily/mistakenly I'd imagine as a threat to all of Canada's
Honorable police officers and Judges. [General Ahmad was the Bush junta's
appointed head of the ISI.] I think Canada's Prime Minister Paul Martin is
genuinely a good man, but it is hard to see him publicly take a stand on this
issue, [if he even received said reports] on behalf of honorable police officers
and soldiers everywhere, in defense of the human race, risking everything,
considering he already does bring about a great deal of good for Canadians where
he stands. [Compared to you know, a let's send the kids to war for whatever
Harper, or nobody in Winnipeg ("officially" 86%) wants us to give away the
public assets so let's do it anyway for ourselves privately Filmon] But to know
the RCMP's Section D, sides that they can't tell us the top secret reason they
have not perused Justice for the sake of Canadian soldiers who bravely put their
lives on the line, of which some have already died, is a situation no Canadian
would tolerate if they knew these freely available facts to decide for
themselves. Sure we can be counted lucky that only so few Canadians have died
thus far, but when will the sacrifice of Americans, Afghanis, Iraqis, and soon
to be Iranians with the Syrians, along with more than fifty other countries
officially marked for death by the lawlessly irrational bushite terrorists, be
more than YOUR willing to bare? As publicly reported repeatedly in European
press, Mr. Sattler ordered the bombing of health care clinics in Fallujah as
first strike targets because he didn't want doctors or nurses to "falsely"
report that his forces target primarily the innocent to steal more from America
in blood and treasure. Then under Sattler's command, they proceeded to
monstrously murder more than two hundred thousand innocent souls, while covering
the region in radio-active toxic waste that will continue to kill for a
scientifically estimated billion or two years. Hell on Earth is what un-
arrested Sattler represents as an enemy to all living things. God included. An
aside: Did you know the commander of the Third Infantry, Maj. Gen. Buford 'buff'
Blount III, is truly a Saudi Wahhabist in disguise, who took up the job at the
request of the Bush junta, and subsequently left near 170 tons of plastic
explosives unprotected for looting in Qaqaa? Why? Well when asked why he
commanded to leave the weapons unattended to instead, go carnage Baghdad, with,
I'm serious, sanctioned thieving expeditions, he replied, he just wanted to let
us know he was there. "We just wanted to let them know that we're here.'' In
Basra, the coalition is still leaving as of last week, more than 30 known
weapons storage facilities unprotected. See, the neo-con peenacker gang can't
steal everything without a stupid man war going. Left continuing unattended
without national discussions, leaves further in it's wake, more innocent victims
of war crimes fallen undefended. I would ask that instead of me seeking to find
where it is written, that the RCMP must be committed to getting the man for nine
eleven, perhaps I can just request we work together, for a national CBC radio
forum kicked off by some kinda joint, international press release acknowledging
briefly our failures to communicate in the past, and politely request where
Canada could go through open line discussions on these very serious matters. We
must not allow our soldiers to be made misinformed by CBC's unwillingness to
bravely with honor, defend our great Nation. Or, perhaps, Canada might want to
consider hiring me on as, we'll see how it goes honorary RCMP spokesperson?, a
paid consultant for my expertise in recognizing the real bad guys, and then I'll
go out there, and win the good fight by using praise with fewer insults. If we
stay committed to defending freedom by defeating war criminals, we all will be
the better for it. Now, take me to your leader.

2. Local Police Issues

As so was brought to the attention of the Courts in the previous motions,
through considering the charge that was brought against me, (where no criminal
intent in alleged, and nobody can possibly see a digital image until it is
already at least in one's possession, case closed, I'm free to go still without
my stolen computer gear.) I discover, the child exploitation unit is not
operating in a manner that would effectually reduce the proliferation of truly
illegal materials. They have included images to demonize me that they must know
are left legal to distribute, or for those couple images categorized as for
sure illegal unto themselves, are left publicly unhindered when it comes to
Police questioning in a manner that would concern illegal public expressions.
Now, I personally don't believe the Courts are consciously operating in a
nefarious manner deliberately to steal computer gears to sell as sadomasochists
who enjoy seeing lovers of life go to prison falsely for five year stints, but
come on, something seriously needs to be done in how things there are run. I
believe the failures are, in part, do to the personal fears officers have of the
information universe; for to acknowledge information sharing through p2p
networks or Usenet, would be to witness criminal code violations by the score
going corporately unaddressed. Like Bush being guilty for high treason in God's
America for example, Iraqi church goers slaughtered by faithful Bush lovers,
women raped by "freedom fighting" GIs, the sex slave trade, or that VLT's are
being run criminally (section 209, 380(1) 380(2), 181, 52(1-4) with a math game
scam that even a sixth grader can figure, but not the "Free Press" editor, or
commercial savvy CJOB's Vic G-----. Being our city's big Bush backers, where our
dying universe is simpler, like "we don't need any evidence, we know he's
guilty", refuses a, trying to be responsible citizen to formulate their own
conclusions through our media on why we have laws. Anyway, I need to have some
one to cross check the "illegal" images through recorded internet domains, to
see which ones are/were located in Canada and elsewhere, and what if any
attempt the exploitation unit tried to limit found providers. I suspect many
providers they would claim they can't do anything about, are so not because a
crime is occurring, but in that respect, actual evidence of criminal conduct
would be required before an internet provider, server, or site owner could be
recommended for censorship. Not this, twenty year olds look like they could be
ten year olds, or that, simply naked children being human should not be viewed
in their/our minds as something youthfully beautiful.

To Police effectually, I would suggest a public domain transparently coded
checksum program checker to automatically recognize, known illegal materials
made available free, with a downloadable database updated by the work of one or
two officers monitoring currently available internet image traffic -
classifiable almost near the speed of electricity across the country. This
action is good to take despite my personal innocence or fraudulent guilt, for
media labelings are completely impossible to designate content/control, but as
such, shouldn't forbid Police services from locating where possibly actual
hugely offensive content is being distributed through. With volunteer co-
operation of programming, a user, server, or internet service provider could
be warned of material almost in their possession as expression is classified
criminal so then simply delete it, and carry on. I'm confident such Police
planning with open for public appeals to fine tune further, would end putting
the hugely profitable exploitation units across the continent almost completely
out of business. Now, who truly wants that?

3. Constitutional Challenges

This possession charge absent intent, where everybody is auto guilty to lose all
their stolen computer gear through fraudulent demonization of the innocent
included, is a for sure, crime in progress. I'd imagine if we had a public
inquiry, we'd find what the exploitation crews are doing, is needing to locate
only a small few arguably illegal depictions, then trumping up a lot of
fraudulent totals. Figuring, I'd imagine, if they openly started convicting
individuals for a couple of images they perhaps deleted when witnessed, people
might begin to ask, just how much money is the unit taking in sold stolen
merchandise? Perhaps 50,000 dollars in a single case where the business owner of
said stolen property wasn't even charged for a criminal offense! No troublesome
Court appearance required to protect your public business image even! Generally,
in cases that do reach trial, all images are seldomly reviewed by the Courts,
and at the "professional" porno viewers discretion, or the Crown, a small sample
is only offered. [The professional naked people person they have in my case I
suspect is lost somewhere in bushville as the clinically insane, or just
extremely helpful to my Judicial cause, thanks big guy, either way.] This has
worked largely unhindered because lawyers for the defense wouldn't generally see
a connection. For only one freely available image that you couldn't see until
you already had it, is all that is needed to put a, loss for words Canadian, in
prison for half a decade. Not only that, but such convictions insist
irrationally that the guilty must also be sexually deviant and require
professional counseling. The law enforced absent rights infringed needs to be
Constitutionally challenged as clearly unjust, and the sentencing structure as
being seriously cruel. [What does one guilty of an actual assault for
comparison get, or better yet, threat of assault that was never truly made?] So,
as a result, I need the assistance of Constitutional lawyers who would provide
me consultations on prepatory requirements and on the relevant Constitutional
questions regarding this specific challenge. And maybe co-operation with the
Crown or Police chief to tally records and total sales figures on cases under
similar circumstances to consider the exploitation unit for re-evaluation.
[Example: The foolish, faith in ignorance argument given by all similar units,
is that nothing can be securely deleted from a hard drive is assuredly patently
ridiculous. Truly indicative however, that we do indeed have a real hidden
problem here regarding their/our intelligence gathering capabilities.] While
maybe supporting public discussions on how to even improve further, the
valuable work that the exploitation unit surely does do already somewhere I'm
sure to operate for our interests. We may together have to overthrow CJOB with
our human skills at demanding some space to talk about bettering our lives by
communicating without two minute commercials every five minutes, and opening up
the phone lines to talk about whatever. They take too much from us as the
clearly disenfranchised already. Like, so who's talk radio station is it anyway?

4. The Crown's Crown

I have concerns regarding the job requirements that our community asks a Crown
to bravely achieve. One, would be to pursue Justice for the principled
betterment of our society. It is clear to anyone familiar with my case, that our
corporate media managers have decided for one fear or another, that such noble
reaches must be left from the grasp of Canadian soldiers and their loving giving
families. This place the Court holds of a principle that all people should be
treated fairly, includes those we know Bush has already had murdered in America
under these left silenced demands for a true accounting by good police work
completed already. The fear that every criminal Court Crown shrugs off when
proudly defending the innocent in our legal challenges, seems thus far, absent
in support of Justice for Johnny. When I read statements from the Crown stating,
John's legal arguments against traitor Bush is irrelevant to the case our Crown
hold's against myself, in our name as Canadians, smacks of an unjust and blind
totalitarian state. Corporately broadcasted uncertainty is forsaking the
innocent lives of Bush's continuing real murder victims. Certainly, the Crown
has a responsibility to pursue just causes, and granted, can falsely suspect I
don't hold the best of intentions towards life with everything I am. However,
the Crown's summations of my character will never change the official FBI's
conclusions arrived at by following the crime scene leads, at the real murder
scene, to discover who personally is still escaping arrest for mass murder of
our good friends in New York City on 9/11. A crime who's principle perpetrators
obviously faithfully count on this form of injustice to dictate continuous
failures by our Crown to serve our public interest. For whatever reason, my case
documents a corporate news agenda of non-committal in our pursuit of Justice
for ourselves as the little people. Ourselves, including the Crown's of all
Canada, are, without doubt, denied fair representation by CBC standards. Canada
is being left not defending honorable American police officers, doing their jobs
to the best of their ability, should not leave too, our Public's Crown
unrepresented. (If the Crowns of Canada so willed it in our names.) So, I would
ask that the Crown's refusal to speak out for Canada, while fighting to silence
my cries with an unjust as cruel prison sentence, be investigated for
obstructing Justice, and therefore, aiding and abetting the terrorist crimes of
first degree mass murder. Now, how to do this... I'm not sure. Perhaps the
Court's assistance of aid in the form of one or two Crown offices from a
different province in Canada could be considered, or a Constitutional Law firm
more up on what all I got to work with here. Look, somebody has tricked my
nation, and subsequently our naiver youths, into excepting Canadians can not
hear the silenced screams of global tyranny. If soldiers the world over need
to die for Bush, let it be for something worth fighting. Freedom must be Canada,
a Canada that would go if asked, in favor of Universal Justice always. Just ask

Your Friend,

John W.


I, JOHN W., in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba


The facts articulated in the accompanying motion, the Seeking of Friends Amicus Curiae Application,
contain I swear only facts as I know them, and the legal positions I wish to obtain assistance from our
court, are listed there by numbered statement also..


The two lawyers I’ve had previously representing myself through Legal Aid, I parted company with
under amicable terms. Mr. S-------, a great lawyer and friend who over the course of my case,
moved himself into a private practice where the money was much better. Mr. F-------, a quick on his
toes, knowledgeable lawyer, who I’m sure adequately represents his numerous clients with the utmost
professionalism and skill, found after reviewing with myself this complicated criminal matter an
understanding on how I would like to progress, found both of us comfortably agreeing, that I would
be better to go at this on my own discretion as self represented.


I used to do a fair amount of extra work in Hollywood movies out of Winnipeg up until
about six months ago, and I’ve performed principally in no less than thirty theatrical productions over
the years in our fair city, but work for me in that respect has since dried up. I take the odd jobs here
and there when I can, and have a small part time job lined up assisting in the transcription of letters
that will be part of a book soon to be published.


I spoke to the Executive Director of Legal Aid by phone, and he confirmed Legal Aid’s stance that I
received by letter on self defended individuals. In a complicated case such as mine, I would need to
make a direct appeal through a Court motion for Judicial assistance.


It was Constable C-------, who during the preliminary, told the Court of the business owner, who by
committing no criminal offense, needed to make costly legal efforts if he ever thought he could
expect his computer equipment to be returned without a fight from those who had plans to sell it all to
the highest bidder. It was an employee, at the company with thousands of dollars in computer
equipment they nabbed, under perhaps legitimate circumstances, or perhaps not. Unjust laws make for
good cops gone awry.


I have seen the Crowns access a lap top to peruse ready access info. While I, have near a two foot
high stack of papers and we’re just getting started. With the use of a lap top, or the return of my stolen
computer equipment, along with transcriptions provided in digital format like the Crown has, I too,
could readily access the same info just as easily.


Desmond Morris, History’s most widely published as recognized human behaviorist, who has a
number of world wide best sellers, states in his five part TLC TV series "The Meaning of Love", that
juvenile attributes to natural expressions between two adult lovers occurs frequently in private
settings. Something along the lines of naturally nurturing and protecting a healthy monogamous love
life. And of course, sexuality is a normal part of being human, as is curiosity. Well, generally,
curiosity is not a popular attribute to those who support Bush irrationally in their blind beliefs
suffering under his self inducing delusions, and as a result, as like self flagellating blind cult members,
often support warring innocent others or to torture my Humanity for being intelligently
communicative as the truly loving of God and family.


I was provided most of the evidence on the regressive toll the Manitoba Lotteries take on our lives
here in Canada, by none other than the Honorable ---- ---- himself. He provided me the paper work
but informed me he couldn't publicly challenge the operation directly for good reason, but told me to
see what I could do on my own. I contacted the RCMP several times, but finding someone who could
understand the simple math skills wasn’t easy. But finally, I made some headway with one late night
officer I was speaking to, who after reviewing over the phone what I was saying, stated our RCMP
would likely refuse to investigate enforcing the criminal code, unless the ---- government made a
formal motion to act judiciously on the matter in Parliament. I already knew that wasn’t going to
happen. In frustrations I wrote "Stand Together or Don’t". Now, I’ve contacted Constable ----
---- at least five times on this huge national security issue, and, since she did allege top
secretly to a Judge I was anti-government by excluding any principled legal points I was making, I
figured her response would be telling. We’re still waiting. I will include the named artistic paper on
how the very serious costly crime with many real victims in Canada is secretly operated, to let our
Court consider my support for true accountability through effective police work.. Beckoning again to
call, just what does "Section D" do for us anywho?

[These next 11 points of fact are duplicate reiterations made previously, but done again for sake of
attempting completeness in support of the accompanying motion, "The Seeking of Friends Amicus
Curiae Application", in support of my request for legal assistance against the Crown’s subterfuge of


Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta.
Ahmad later resigns after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01,
Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01] The individual who makes the
wire transfer at Ahmad's direction is Saeed Sheikh, later convinced for kidnapping and murdering
reporter Daniel Pearl in February 2002. ABC News later reports, "federal authorities have told ABC
News they've now tracked more than $100,000 from banks in Pakistan to two banks in Florida to
accounts held by suspected hijack ringleader Mohamed Atta." [ABC News, 9/30/01] CNN also
reports the $100,000 transfer, and the New York Times specifies that it came in 2000. [CNN,
10/1/01, CNN, 10/6/01, New York Times, 7/10/02] Ahmad's order must have preceded June 2000,
since that's when Atta and others started opening bank accounts and receiving the money ($109,910 is
received by Atta and Marwan Alshehhi between June 19 and September 18). [MSNBC, 12/11/01]


On March 3, 2002, MSNBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported that he had received anonymously, top
secret presidential war strategy documents dated September 9th, 2001, originating from Condolezza's
office, outlining a strategy to invade Afghanistan premised on blaming bin Laden a terrorist, but
providing no evidence to back up the allegations, thereby guaranteeing criminal invasion. Only
workable if Laden pleads innocence to a crime that hadn't yet taken place, a crime serious enough to
"justify" sacrificing American GIs truly for a liquefied natural gas pipe line for pension thieving
Enron. ["The Dahbol Working Group" and Bridas] Any evidence for any offense would have been
sufficient to have Muslim fundamentalists hand Laden immediately over, as they had offered [as
others of other nations had also] repeatedly during the Clinton years.

CBC and CNN have still, to this day, consciously refused to do any follow up on the intelligence,
deciding instead on behalf of dying people everywhere, our public devolvement of a just society.


RTÉ News - US rejects Taliban bin Laden evidence calls
21 September 2001 17:41

The White House has rejected requests from Afghanistan's ruling Taliban for proof that Osama bin
Laden was responsible for last week's attacks. According to the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell,
the United States has enough evidence to try bin Laden in an American court.

The US Government said there would be no negotiations.


[This following document was the official damning account]

Responsibility for the terrorist atrocities in the United States - 4 October 2001

[This Internet Domain is Britain's Prime Minister's]

"This document does not purport to provide a prosecutable case against Usama Bin Laden in a court
of law."

The document doesn’t hold ANY case, as that was the strategy.... See?


Investigating the Investigation

After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked Daschle, "Did the vice president call you
and urge you not to investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly contradicted Cheney: "Yes, he
did, Tim, on Jan. 24, and then on Jan. 28 the president himself at one of our breakfast meetings
repeated the request." ...."[T]hat request was made" by Cheney not only on Jan. 24 and by Mr. Bush
four days later, but "on other dates following" as well.

14. : FBI Called off Terror Investigations

Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop investigations into a suspected terror cell
linked to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks...

`You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'


October 9 2001 - The Times of India

"While the Pakistani Inter Services Public Relations claimed that former ISI [the "Pakistani CIA"]
director-general Lt-Gen Mahmud Ahmad sought retirement after being superseded on Monday, the
truth is more shocking. Top sources confirmed here on Tuesday that the general lost his job because
of the "evidence" India produced to show his links to one of the suicide bombers that wrecked the
World Trade Center. The U.S. authorities sought his removal after confirming the fact that $100,000
were wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan by Ahmad Umar Sheikh [Omar Saeed]
at the instance of General Mahmud [Ahmad]. Senior government sources have confirmed that India
contributed significantly to establishing the link between the money transfer and the role played by
the dismissed ISI chief. While they did not provide details, they said that Indian inputs, including
[Omar Saeed's] mobile phone number, helped the FBI in tracing and establishing the link."


No evidence was brought against Laden for nine eleven, none. [So according to Bush's official top
secret Presidential directives] While Laden himself claimed he played no part in 911. Still, to save
the lives of third worlders on the brink of starvation, Laden agreed to hand himself over, but Bush
refused the offer, while CBC and CNN denied to report on that fact for the behalf of now dying
dismembered American GIs. Once the indiscriminate bombing began, targeting almost every
building in the country of Afghanistan, Laden then claimed he had no choice but to fight back to
defend US innocent from the ungodly enemies of Creation/Freedom. Then the clear to all fake
video came out with an actor who's face wasn't even close to looking remotely like Laden, but for
almost the facial hair. [Bridge of the Jamaican actor's nose is HALF as long in proportion to
Laden’s for example, and surely frightfully shocking for some, the actor doesn't even take blame for
911 either!] Photos comparing the two faces never aired on CBC and CNN available in about
twelve seconds with the power of the Internet.


former FBI deputy director and murder victim John O'Neill

"the main obstacles to investigating Islamic terrorism were U.S. oil corporate interests and the role
played by Saudi Arabia."


Alex Jones interviewing Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von Buelow

"Bush signed W199I months before 911 ordering the FBI not to stop Al-Qaeda. They threatened to
arrest FBI agent Robert Wright if he tells us what he knows."


Mr. Bush was quoted somewhere regarding Mr. Laden's guilt of complete innocence with "We don't
need any evidence, we know he's guilty."

you know what is right, though you may still be blind, never too late to change your mind, we are all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is just the deceived disguised...


Our Gambling Problem

Instead of our government deciding what services we need and are willing to pay for, they'll have us think that by actively promoting gambling to those we can take advantage of, somehow serves them right, and us well. This abnormal behavior is not only destructive to many cheated players, their families and friends, but also to our institutions, government, and economy. You may have heard some say, that gambling
is a tax on stupidity, and here are only some of the reasons why. This information is for you to judge, think freely, ask the questions, then pray your wrong. The whole VLT system our government uses is so deeply flawed it's beyond belief. They count credits as dollars, reporting to trusting economists and reporters, a payout of 96%. They will tell you they're needed because otherwise the victims of manipulation would travel to
the states before the local state casinos to spend their last two bucks, and they should, their odds are a real deal better. There are no checks and balances in place as there is normally to regulate tax revenues. Nobody in the corrupt gaming commission, MLC, AFM in fact Canada has looked at the computer code, and in Montana where they have, they've made them illegal to operate. They're not stupid. Some of the possible new car owners at the MLC, state that the machines run on a random basis. They have deduced this by testing that they are computers and can simulate a random number concluding presumably that every computer program is just an act of chance. I guess the free cars to some in management make this easier. If this is true, how come no one ever wins
more than a $1000? If, as they claim, it is random, occasionally one might win $33 billion by starting at 125 credits doubling 30 times. Get a deck of cards and a calculator and try! Your odds are slim, but at least you have a chance. If this
type of psychological manipulation is to be allowed, why not physiological as well. Why not put an odorless chemical right on the pay slips that would leach through the players skin, causing them to act against their better judgment? Body and mind? Here's a tip: Bar owners are privy to much statistical information, that we, the general public are not. If they play, your being really stupid. Also the machines are filthy, wash
your hands. You see, they're trying to turn us against each other, into one of them, blinding us, making us lash out and cheat our weaker brothers and their families, if it means we can drink their blood (190+ suicides last year). But in truth, we are all being bled. BAH HA! It is a pure regressive tax, no attached goods or services! Billionaires own freezers and stacks of paper! These players are REAL consumers, shopping and moving the economy, if they hadn't lost all our money. Filmon was right wing when he called in gambling for the stupid. Was not the reason for forcing the VLT's into our homes to protect us from casinos? Were we not warned that if you remove what would normally be consumer dollars from an economy, there would be less there? If you call the gaming
commission they take 4%, Manitoba lottery books say 30%, but in truth they take all they take. They pull in 191,000,000- (not mentioning 92% casinos and the shut down of Crystal, not enough money in an honest game of cards, and all those losing free $2 ticket tickets) in revenues each year. If you divide revenues by 4813 odd machines, 313 odd days a year, holy Christmas, if they return 96%, that's close to a payout of
$3000 every day, every machine! Why don't we take 40%? We could advertise the best odds in North America! It works well in Vegas, where they actually give players a chance with games of chance, and because more than 50% of the players are from out of state. In Oct 97, Nova Scotia gaming Corp. head Ralf Fisk quit claiming his concerns were ignored, and his power was stripped. In Dec 97, 5 of 6 B.C. gaming commissioners quit stating they felt they were made redundant and could provide no significant contribution. I guess the major media doesn't think this is worth knowing! If your lucky enough to get a hold of any of the receipts that come out when the machines are opened, or tilted, you'll see that if you count actual game-ply, some bars, are taking 70%+ of the games and giving you all the credit. Churning of credits with many NON-random events, and prize amounts are critical in determining how much is actually removed and returned to our communities. Why don't we promise a payout of 99.9%, we can still take the same amount of the dollar. Couple extra play 5 win 5 backs, walla! Some gaming (don't say lottery! VGT's?) information is classified information, so there are only a small tiny few, who might know all the details, but refuse to tell anyone, some by law or maybe threat. They destroy "gaming operations" records (VLT's and casinos) yearly, but keep employee's names for fifty! (under MLF0028) Their argument, that makes it illegal, for anyone to publicly disclose the actual dollars, on a site by site basis was "site-holders could gain an unfair advantage if they knew what their competitors were taking in" How? Don't they already have one? If you average it out, bars are making close to ten grand a machine per year, Just provide an addict a seat, and you can still pay your waitresses minimum wage. People can be addicted to many things like VLT's or peanuts, and they can be equally motivating, but they have different consequences. It's nearly impossible to consume 500 dollars worth of peanuts in 2 seconds, and how many entertaining peanuts are there, that leave you smiling and filled with glee? Mr. dealer will you help these addicts see? If you deposit a hundred thousand and then cash out without playing, it's now short four thousand, and the bars, more flesh for the pound. If these bars were ever
caught committing such an act, they'd get a wink and 2 days of profits taken, instead of time in Stony Mountain. If Stephenson did it, who would know! They paid out 2.6 billion in credits, and took 191 in cash! Should we, the fascists (look it up), support a
predominantly VLT infested NDP riding with provincial funding, nothing wrong with that, right? When Stephenson (the same who told us no, we would never sell MTS, then sold it way below value, hundreds of employee's fired, rates etc.) was asked way back on June 24/95 in the Sun, why some areas such as Carman, Morden, Thompson, and The Pas, were
losing as much as 1.4 million yearly after counting provincial grants Stephenson quipped "We have to make an assessment to make sure the project makes economic sense for the area" the same story also informs us, we guarantee a 10% return of gambling profit to our communities. So I guess that means we're really stealing as much as 90%?#! Also in conjunction, we threaten communities that don't want the machines, saying they wouldn't get "revenues". Then shouldn't those that do, get theirs? Even if they did, how would they? Would it be like the "well advertised" $25,000 VLT hearings held between 1 and 4 on a weekday, where apparently only something like six from Manitoba showed up, with nothing important to say. Is that imp lying a thread to 1,043.863- of us, which of at least 96%, want to know where in hell they are going. Can they be that stupid? Can we? We'd bet er.. not. If we were misled, we should be outraged! There is nothing wrong with earning money, but this is a great deal of money stolen off the backs of the sore, the desperately poor, grocery stores and many many more. Is it because we think we're only illegally (section 209, 380(1) 380(2), 181, 52(1-4) etc.) ripping off evil welfare
mothers with too much money in their pockets, or those sinister seniors on some mental incomes? Many in the media mistakenly think that if we cheat the poor and stupid into
paying more in taxes, theirs will equally go down. That is misguided, this regressive tax doesn't simply work in this manner. In addition, the lotteries claim that 300 mill is spent in salaries to less than 10000 employees. We know it's not into the workers at the casinos or bars. Just what is the going rate for paper shredders? Are there any other sides that should be at issues? Would you like all information to make a sound
right decision? Why would one would not? A crucial trust is clearly being violated. I would suggest showing prudence with where you place your full page ads until some of these serious questions are addressed. Nobody is watching, nobody is really regulating, where are we? Your dream of utopia? You'll have us pay huge taxes, take away tax benefits from all renters($?) and single mothers, infants, create monopolies for your
sympathizing fascist supporters knowingly against the interests and wishes of the vast majority, cut back on provincial welfare if necessary, liquidate assets, screw the schools (you certainly don't need to be educated), hospitals, breed a judicial system
to keep us reminded while you drain the entire economy, and if there's anything left over you'll give it to a private Bank. Then blame the transfer reductions of 250 mill, call it billions, not telling that your including all of Canada when your good for
nothing, black sheep brother comes beggin for a nickel. Better yet, you'll lock him up. With faith that most !private! media won't bring up the fact that you pulled in an extra 900, that social programs have been continually cut for the last twenty years when compared to the GDP, that we don't even have to be borrowing from American private banks, that we are in fact being robbed, or that your brother was just hungry and hurt.
How does anyone buy this? On credit? Things are changing from bad to worse, and everybody appears, from one or two media accounts, to think, so what or, whatever. Don't drink the water! A part of the problem is the journalists who are in fact just trained reporters, who take all the perks and none of the responsibilities. Selling off themselves to something they have written, for them to read. Told what is cover, where is resources, drawing our pictures with their color crayolas. Telling themselves there must be a good reason why no one is doing the story! Or they'll take any of a 1000, why think if you don't have work to? They know the scores, much more money in advertising. The odds would also dictate a small tiny informed few who have their minds made closed, polluted by greed, and lack of power, looking at another side, pleading ignorance, they didn't see anything at all, and say you won't either. Exercising power the only way they can, draining from all, including themselves. Can you believe it? This is our government re-appropriating billions of our dollars, causing economic destruction and death! Leading the way to the misled and cheated is the well paid AFM, advising us to only
blame ourselves, and the best thing we could do for ourselves is to drink at the bar/casino. It's akin to the schoolyard heroin dealer paying some chump to quickly get help to misguided children by selling them crack. Why bite the hand that stuffs
you? Do you wonder what happened to all our money? The truth is out, the lies are old, but the blind idiots directing your show, don't want to see, you know. Do 300,000+ petition signing Albertans, incidentally more than register to vote, know something you don't? Studies galore! Watch what you support with money, and with your thoughts. Do your own polls! Did you know we're planning to take away your fundamental democratic right to put up garage, and election signs freely? How do they win elections, if nobody put up any signs? How will we ever get a honest deal? Is lying and cheating just
endemic with this communist government? Is anyone making money on all these bad business investments? Pool the legislature transcripts! Take a day on, call your grand mother, vote! But just how many "obscured ballots" are there, phone and see. Do you think in a democracy this information should be open to the public? Do you own thinking! Why not? Also what's a public voters list good for? Did you know since '95 votes have been tallied by computer, coded in Texas? Now carefully in a measured way, ask yourself, just who is foolish enough to be manipulated by the machine? Having themselves, their family and just about everyone else punished for it? Send for the facts, over the lines, face the truth, you're living, alive! Horrors committed before your eyes, n your name, are you justified? If this is allowed to continue to
grow, it can only turn into something much worse. Slowly, your freedom will further become chained, and the only thing you'll wish for is that you had taken the time to take action while you had the chance. Just what are the chances? Unless you think
you don't count? Better by golly, you sure as do so Bobby! Petitions delicious! Or do nothing, continuing on going backwards, selling yourself short. You know who you are, it's made up for you, you don't have to go far. Just don't sit on the sidewalk or leave a ticket unpaid, or beg for justice of the wounded dying or dead. Blame the weak and disabled, you'll be so strong, living in your fable. Then when they come for you, you'll say something must be wrong, but who cares? Your not listening. You'd know if you were being deceived. 1000 of beer in one small sip, remove all your regulations, they're just there to keep us in, and privatize always, right.. ya.. that's thinking. We want to sell Winnipeg Hydro, it's working making a profit. All we need now are private prisons and the economy will really take off screaming! The one only reason people commit crimes is cause, they know we don't have guns. Bombs don't kill people that are killing people! The sky isn't falling, the sky isn't falling. Something to consider, what's the cause-like symptom and how do you treat it? Like an infection? As a matter of truth, it is completely without question, there it is no such thing, as deception. Now you know the rules, your losses, odds and stakes. What's your limit? Can you stop? Are you feeling okay buddy? Let us get out of here, and go to talk.


Please forward that following post to anyone who will listen. If you
don't, then, you ain't my friend. Come on! Do something for me, and
I promise to help you out later if I can. Help me through the goodness
of your heart, so I won't get railroaded into prison fraudulently by
those that hide in darkness.


Christ's Recorded Statement to America

"Holy Christ.."

Get bush for 9/11 and all our problems will be solving.

This indicates that with the foreknowledge gained through prior experiences of Muslim
fundamentalists, such as the Taliban, being forbidden by their religion [Jihad] to persecute
the innocent, left the Bush Administration with only needing to do, and had officially
done, was to use no evidence to back up allegations to insure invasion plans, and as a
result, a deliberate treasonous criminal strategy to not follow the crime scene leads at the
real murder scene to nab to true evil doers. For otherwise - spoil the top secret plot.


/ / /Bush has actually declared it treasonous to reveal his illegal behavior! His
propagandists, who masquerade as news organizations, have taken up the line:
To reveal wrong-doing by the Bush administration is to give aid and comfort
to the enemy. \ \


Canada: The time to speak on Khadr is now

But the national radio and TV managers loyal to al-CIA-duh would
forbid such communications, like a publicly participated hearing of
his Canadian defense we would naturally want.


Pentagon propaganda program orders soldiers to promote Iraq war while home on leave

/ / Clark wrote entries describing the company's commander as a "glory
seeker" and the battalion sergeant major an "inhuman monster". His last
entry before the blog was shut down told how his fellow soldiers were
becoming increasingly opposed to the US operation in Iraq. \ \

Dying American soldiers denied their rights to speak godly.


/ / [...] a Pentagon operation dubbed ``Operation Homefront,''
ordered military personnel to give interviews to their hometown
newspapers, television stations and other media outlets and praise the
American war effort in Iraq. \ \

This is not freedom for my America.


/ / Upon stealing the $10,000 that were in his coat pocket the troops that the
Americans are so proud of and support, found that he did not have any weapons
or explosives and then they dumped his body at the local hospital and walked
away with his money.

My cousin is a resident physician at the local hospital. \ \

I would have all enemy bushite arrested for trial.


/ / Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) said NSA's inspector general should not be
conducting an investigation if the office has played a role in approving the
program. \ \

He would be the criminal actually. He's already admitted knowingly
to breaking the law for Bush. What more do we need to know about
America's weakness with an "unopposed" tyrant war mongering dictator
leading it's charges fraudulently?


/ / "The NSA must be spying on us from the federal post office right across a
small street from the AFSC," Allwine said. "It's the only place that gives
them enough of a view to see our cars/license plate numbers." \ \


/ / This ridiculous prohibition, which would likely imperil much of Usenet, is
buried in the so-called Violence Against Women and Department of Justice
Reauthorization Act. Criminal penalties include stiff fines and two years in
prison. [...]

A law meant to annoy?
FAQ: The new 'annoy' law explained
A practical guide to the new [GEORGE BUSH] federal law that
aims to outlaw certain types of annoying Web sites and e-mail. \ \

This is serious bushite tyranny for America if you continue to
go silently wasting as forbidden to speak freely. George Norrie sucks!


/ / "The dead included women and children whose bodies were recovered in the
nightclothes and blankets in which they had apparently been sleeping. A
Washington Post special correspondent watched as the corpses of three
women and three boys who appeared to be younger than 10 were removed
Tuesday from the house." \ \

How about we try the culprits responsible for ordering the strike, along
with bush bitch bomb dropper? Then after the case is
successfully prosecuted, we thank god for our perseverance, then,
continue on with the rest nazi bushite dumfuk enemies?


/ / It's like the Twilight Zone or some parallel universe.....a bad dream that
upon waking makes no real sense.... \ \


As Iraqis say; "If Al-Zarqawi is not dead, he is happily living on an American base".


‘‘In a free society, there's only one check on political speech
and that's the judgment of the American people,'' the president said to
applause from a friendly audience, a gathering of Veterans of Foreign Wars.
‘‘So I ask all Americans to hold their elected leaders to account
and demand a debate that brings credit to our democracy.”

The estimated cost to Iraq over the life of the new oil contracts is $74 to
$194 billion, compared with leaving oil development in public hands.


The Iraqi Resistance is not an "insurgency". Insurgency is an organized
rebellion aimed at overthrowing a legitimate and constituted government by
force, such as the Contras, a U.S. proxy terrorist gang used against the
legitimate government of Nicaragua in the late 1980s. There is nothing
legitimate about the U.S. Occupation and its puppet government in Iraq.


In that context, I would like to think that there may be millions of
movie-goers who learned from The Lord of the Rings saga the lesson that even
Hobbits --i.e. little people, who have no great eagerness for battle or for
heroics, who like nothing better than to live their own comfortable, decent,
bourgeois lives-- have it in them to rise up and confront and defeat the
awesome and repellant power of entrenched and organized evil.


It is noteworthy to remember that the Iraqi Children Care Organization (ICCO)
has reported during 2005 year only, no less than 71 (seventy one) cases of
rape undertaken by the debased and degraded US soldiers against Iraqi
children under ten.


The Panopticon: A Mass Surveillance Prison For Humanity

/ / A once free people are being totally enslaved and they have no idea as it
brazenly unfolds in front of their very eyes. \ \

I would think everybody would be on board for not killing. But our government
also exploits our fears; they try to demonize people and marginalize people,
so many people in my country don't believe that when we kill an Iraqi baby
that that's an innocent human being. It's like back in the Indian Wars when
Sherman said, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian." So I just can't
believe that my views are extreme because we are supposed to be a civilized

President Clinton shelled Baghdad and killed an Iraqi painter called
Laila Alataar--who was the leading Iraq painter of the Middle East--and all
of her children.


/ / You have no rights. He'll tell you who is guilty without
any evidence to form your own conclusions, and if you disagree
with him, he'll call you the enemy, the terorists who aren't
with him on his blanket assertions against God as the innocent.
he blames for crimes while shutting down criminal investigations.
that would normally persue the actual evil doers. \ \

/ / And yet these are the guys that will fight for the demon
anti-Christ. Demanding certain people are unaccountable to
a rule a law. You know, South African death squad goons
that murder my black brothers. Bush says they can't be held
accountable to Iraqi law, and they can't be held accountable
to American law. But American tax payers are going to pay them
more than a thousand dollars a day, as a reward for being able
to think, that all super stars in America don't have the
humanity within themselves to speak in outrage on that fact
alone. \ \


"the new strategy must punish not only the guerrillas, but also make
clear to ordinary Iraqis the cost of not cooperating."

/ / This is terrorism by definition – attacking the
civilian population to get it to withdraw support from the
enemy. The change in strategy, therefore, represents the
embrace of terrorism as the principle tactic for subduing
the Iraqi resistance. \ \


/ / TALKING POINT: The illegal spying was required to
monitor "calls from very bad people to very bad people who
have a history of blowing up commuter trains, weddings and

FACT: False and false. If this were true, where is the
list of people who blew up commuter trains, weddings and
churches? Why are these monsters being hidden from public
view and why were they only "monitored" and not arrested
and deported from US soil? \ \

Naybe this is why..

/ / In addition to Gertz, other journalists who feature
prominently in the database include Seymour Hersh of The
New Yorker; author and journalist James Bamford, James
Risen of The New York Times, Vernon Loeb of The Washington
Post, John C. K. Daly of UPI, and this journalist [Wayne
Madsen]. \ \


/ / Daschle wrote. "This last-minute change would have
given the president broad authority to exercise expansive
powers not just overseas -- where we all understood he
wanted authority to act -- but right here in the United
States[!], potentially against American citizens. I could
see no justification for Congress to accede to this
extraordinary request for additional authority.
[Congress] refused." \ \


/ / The National Security Agency, the top-secret spy shop
that has been secretly eavesdropping on Americans under a
plan authorized by President Bush four years ago,
destroyed the names of thousands of Americans and US
companies it collected on its own volition following 9/11 \ \


/ / The NSA ended up giving its raw data to then Under
Secretary of State for Arms Control John Bolton on at
least 10 different occasions since 9/11 \ \


/ / DNC Chairman Howard Dean pegged the total amount Bush
received from Abramoff at $100,000. Abramoff attended
three Hannukah receptions at the Bush White House -
Hannukah? What happened to fighting the War on Christmas?
- but Bush denies knowing him. "The president does not
know him and does not recall meeting him," said White
House spokesman Scott McClellan. \ \


/ / The President, according to Charley Savage of the
Boston Globe, issued a "signing statement" -- "an official
document in which a president lays out his interpretation
of a new law" -- in which he "quietly reserved the right
to bypass the [McCain] law under his powers as commander
in chief." \ \


/ / The Taleban offered to turn Bin Laden over to a
neutral party if the US provided any evidence to them that
he had anything to do with the 1997 US African embassy
bombings or the 9-11 attacks.

The evidence was never presented to the Taleban for two

1. There was never any evidence, not even circumstantial \ \

"The future of our country is at risk. We cannot continue
on the present course."

Impeach Bush and Cheney Now!

/ / "The Bush Administration blocked an independent probe
into 9/11 while making fraudulent statements about the
reasons for invading Iraq, and now admits that it spies on
American citizens in disregard of legal limits. What more
does Congress need before it says enough is enough?" Ms.
Garrett added. \ \

/ / DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the
buying and selling of young women and children. While all
of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract
to administer the smallpox and anthrax vaccines, and is
now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine
Acquisition Program. Mr. Secretary, is it [the] policy
of the U.S. Government to reward companies that traffic
in women and little girls? \ \

/ / NSA lawyers advised the agency to immediately destroy
the names of thousands of American citizens and businesses
it collected shortly after 9/11 in its quest to target
terrorists in this country. \ \

/ / Saddam told the lawyers that he did not demand massive
revenge for a failed assassination attempt in 1982 in the
village of Dujail -- the basis of his current trial. He
said he just signed death warrants that judges had passed.
"I never asked about the Dujail case since I left that
place," he said. \ \

/ / Paradoxically the gravest concern the US troops in
Iraq face is not the Iraqi Resistance, but depleted
uranium, which has already killed 11000 troops
participating in the first Gulf War and disabled some
320,000, a number increasing by 43,000 a year, meaning
that soon all the US troops in the first Gulf War have
become casualties, and not only them: also their
girlfriends have been contaminated too, and their children
born with malignancies. \ \

/ / One caller, for example, said, "My father served in
Vietnam in 1961 and 1962. Is there a way he can find out
if he was exposed to Agent Orange?" The VA's response,
according to the VA memo: "He should know if they were
spreading that chemical out then. He would be the only
one to know. OK (hung up laughing)." \ \

/ / In addition to arbitrary arrests, inhuman treatment, violation
of residents’ rights and the theft of their belongings they shout
upon entering towns in the Province “The army of AlHusain is here
to break the noses of the Sunnis”. This is a simple indicator of
the sectarianism and hatred of such groups which was not familiar
to either Sunni or Shia Iraqis and is a further clear indicator of
the treachery of the parties that entered from beyond the borders
of the Iraqi people. \ \

“asked for $9 million in 2003 from the president of a West African
nation to arrange a meeting with President Bush and directed his
fees to a Maryland company now under federal scrutiny, according
to newly disclosed documents. \ \

/ / Bush told reporters after visiting wounded troops at Brooke
Army Medical Center. "I think most Americans understand the need
to find out what the enemy's thinking." \ \

/ / The International Committee of the Red Cross has noted at
least thirty locations in Basra that contain abandoned munitions
and unexploded ordnance (UXO). Most of these weapons were
abandoned by Iraqi forces, although some UXO were fired by
coalition forces. None of these sites has been secured by the
British forces occupying Basra. \ \

/ / Does anyone really believe there are thousands of legitimate
Al Qaeda targets to monitor in the U.S.? If so, just who is left
for the U.S. to allegedly be hunting in Afghanistan? The entire
Al Qaeda terrorist apparatus, and probably Hamas and the Red Army
Faction, must have moved stateside to come up with those kinds of
numbers! \ \

It did seem odd that the [bushite enemy] US forces
went into the neighborhood warning people about a
potential car bomb in the area, then used candy to
lure the children out into the open.

Using Zionist tactic, American troops bulldoze five houses in Hit.

The "Shock and Awe" Gallery©

/ / "The children seem to be the most openly enthused.
They are getting a chance at a future the likes of which
would never have been possible under the oppressive
regime..." \ \

/ / Instead, DynCorp is "very disappointed in the tribunal's
ruling," and the company is considering an appeal. Is this denial
or yet another indication of where this company stands on human
slavery? If so it assuredly makes one wonder why the
Virginia-based Missing and Exploited Children organization
continues allowing its logo to be displayed on DynCorp's Website. \ \

/ /But the main question that has to be asked, and which is so
bewildering, is what it takes to get disqualified as a federal
contractor. Are lawmakers, who appropriate hundreds of millions
of taxpayer dollars to DynCorp, oblivious to the sexual outrages
tolerated by this federal contractor, and would taxpayers approve
of such enormous expenditures to a company that even appears to
excuse or protect such behavior? \ \

/ /There are many U.S. and international laws for
prosecuting torturers and all other civilian and military
criminals who commit cruel crimes. "While civilians may
not generally be tried in military courts for violating
U.S. laws, at least three [U.S.] federal laws provide a
means for prosecuting non-military personnel, including
[the Vice President for Torture, Bush-Cheney junta,] CIA
officials and civilian contractors, for criminal activity:
the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act of 2000;
the War Crimes Act of 1996; and the Torture Act of 2000,"
according to Human Rights First (HRF), formerly the
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights. \ \


Censorship is the tool of tyrants, exercised through the
irrational bush whore thieves who fear open
communications, intelligence, because we make them look as
they truly are in the light of this day: profoundly
ignorant as the ungodly, and oh yeah, truly evil. [this
is why they volunteer as cowardly liars dying to commit
war crimes against defenseless children in Iraq and
Afghanistan as enemies to US all. All being Jesus, Allah,
Hillel, Buddha, or who have you.]

See the bushite, you kill it for America, you kill it for
Christ, you kill it for the hundreds of thousands of
innocent people that have been murdered in Your name.
Victims that the bushite boasts bombing indiscriminately,
to further steal and torture from openly. Do the right
thing by saving some innocent People their lives by
bagging a bushite for a loving Humanity that actually
really does exist. I love Humanity so much, I'd kill
bushite until every last anti-American torture supporter
was put in it's rightly grave.

By exercising your right to perceive representations of
that which is freely available, is of in itself, important
to the sociologist, psychologist, concerned parent, and of
course, the conceptualizing artist reflecting on our
shared reality. Perceptions of our dying world war
criminals fight by promoting censorship as our enemies to
escape found accountability.


/ / That is a high act of treason. And it's not,
"oh well, but maybe it's not true.." No, we have
the two documents of question. \ \


"leveraging the lives of American soldiers in that
process to be sacrificed as fodder, So all the while,
(as again Senator Kennedy told US,) bush's business
partners, these war profiteers can literally siphon
billions of dollars from the undefended American tax

"Is that an American?"

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