Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Media : Miscellaneous : Protest Activity

submissions call for book on US activism

Submissions Wanted for a book about Amerian DIY groups and Radial Activism (Please Repost)

We're looking for essays, comics and interviews with and by people
involved in creative resistance and radical groups and DIY scenes in
the US.
Roughly, we are looking for people involved with: ARA, animal
liberation, feminism, genderqueer, APOC, youth liberation and
freeskools, infoshops and libraries, bike collectives, newspaper and
(maga)zines, squatting, radical healthcare, DIY sho spaces and
community centers, immigrant rights, street parties, forest defense,
urban greening, free and pirate radio, unions, Food not Bombs, and
prisoners' rights groups. (This list is not meant to be exclusive.
If you are involved with or know about other groups, we'd love to hear
about them!)
We want to collect a group of writings and representations of, and by,
activists from around the United States, people involved in all sorts
of every day resistence. We welcome submissions by people of all
genders, ethnicities, ages, sizes and backgrounds.
(Also, if you'd be willing to interview people you know who do rad things, that would be great.)

Please email for more info. The final date for all submissions is May 1. You should be seeing flyers for this around soonish, I hope.
Submissions Wanted for a book about Amerian DIY groups and Radial Activism (Please Repost)

We're looking for essays, comics and interviews with and by people
involved in creative resistance and radical groups and DIY scenes in
the US.
Roughly, we are looking for people involved with: ARA, animal
liberation, feminism, genderqueer, APOC, youth liberation and
freeskools, infoshops and libraries, bike collectives, newspaper and
(maga)zines, squatting, radical healthcare, DIY sho spaces and
community centers, immigrant rights, street parties, forest defense,
urban greening, free and pirate radio, unions, Food not Bombs, and
prisoners' rights groups. (This list is not meant to be exclusive.
If you are involved with or know about other groups, we'd love to hear
about them!)
We want to collect a group of writings and representations of, and by,
activists from around the United States, people involved in all sorts
of every day resistence. We welcome submissions by people of all
genders, ethnicities, ages, sizes and backgrounds.
(Also, if you'd be willing to interview people you know who do rad things, that would be great.)

Please email for more info. The final date for all submissions is May 1. You should be seeing flyers for this around soonish, I hope.

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