Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Media

This Sunday: Indymedia Reporting Workshop

Baltimore IMC offers a writing workshop on Sunday, January 22 at 1:00-4:00pm. The workshop will take place at CampBaltimore (407 North Paca Street).
Indymedia Writing Workshop
Sunday, Jan 22, 1:00-4:00pm
407 North Paca St
(cross street Mulberry)


Indymedia reporters will briefly go over the basics of reporting, feature writing, and interviewing. The meeting then will move into hands-on breakout groups for a critique and discussion session. A short history of the IMC will conclude the event.

· news reporting
· feature writing
· interviewing techniques
· editing

The Baltimore Independent Media Center is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice in the Greater Baltimore Area. We are dedicated to addressing issues that the mainstream media neglects and we do not conceal our politics behind a false objectivity. We hope to empower people to "become the media" by providing democratic access to available technologies and information. We seek to bring to light Baltimore's rich tradition of social and political activism and to apply this historical perspective to today's local and global fights for justice. Baltimore's Independent Media Center launched in the Summer 2001.

CAMPBALTIMORE is a loose collective of artists working to coordinate and highlight alternative social action and cultural production currently based in the city of Baltimore, Maryland.

Info: 410.243.3913 or info (at) -

Sponsors: Baltimore Independent Media Center and CampBaltimore

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