Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Gender and Sexuality : Miscellaneous : Peace

No to Alito! Bush Step Down

No to Alito!

Bush Step Down and Take Your Program with You!

In front of the Supreme Court

East of the Capitol on 1st St. NE, Washington DC

Friday, January 20th, 10 A.M.

You don’t have to be resigned to what seems like Alito’s inevitable confirmation. Whether you have lobbied your hearts out, written anguished letters, or silently fumed at the newspapers and television reports, now is the time to take to the streets. We have all had enough of watching as the confirmation of Samuel Alito go unchallenged in the Senate. Samuel Alito is a man who never met a wire tap he didn’t love. This is a man who has been working to get rid of a woman’s reproductive choice for twenty years. This is a man who believes the president’s word is law which includes torture, endless war, and spying on innocent people. A confirmation like this is not an isolated incident. Many are waiting for the pendulum to swing back to the left. However, think about what it means when high ranking Democrat, Al Gore, says in a speech on Monday, "If the pattern of practice begun by this administration is not challenged, it may well become a permanent part of the American system." Many groups and individuals are calling for impeachment, but the confirmation of Samuel Alito will slam shut the impeachment door permanently.

Let’s show the world that we refuse to be silent when the lives of millions are at stake. As the Call for the World Can’t Wait states, “Silence and paralysis are not acceptable. That which you do not resist and mobilize to stop you will learn or be forced to accept” Millions of people are outraged by this and looking for someone to stand up for them. This has to be us. Think about what it would mean if a mass group of people showed up to the Supreme Court to demand “No to Alito! Bush Step Down” This would give hope to those millions that there is something that can be done. Bring signs, bring noisemakers, and bring friends. World Can’t Wait is calling you to be at the Supreme Court Friday, January 20 to demand “No to Alito! Bush Step Down and Take Your Program with You” Meet us at 10 AM at the Supreme Court. Send this to everyone who is outraged at the pending confirmation of Samuel Alito.

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