To whom it may concern: The recent fine of $10,000 by the Department
of the Treasury against Bert Sacks for delivering humanitarian aid to
Iraq has come as a tremendous surprise to me. As a citizen of the
United States, I was not aware that delivering humanitarian aid
directly to peoples who are suffering from acute medical ailments and
malnutrition was a crime against the democratic principles
for which our country stands. This is even more surprising, given the
assertions by the Administration that our foreign aid budget is too
low and has directly contributed to the rise of terrorism against our
country. Of course, this case begs the question, "Who
has done more to cement the power grip of Saddam Hussein (an
obviously evil man)"? Successive administrations who have
provided him first with military assistance and then with excuses for
repression, or concerned citizens who have given Iraqis medicine and
food (above and beyond the paltry $0.33 per day per person provided
by the UN Oil for Food Program) so that they may have the means and
energy to organize effective resistance to the current regime? However, in the interest of fairness and equal
protection under the Constitution, I ask you to
also consider filing suit against me. While I have not actually
traveled to Iraq to deliver medicine and other goods (such as
pencils), I have contributed several hundred dollars to those who
have and assisted in organizing the financing of their efforts. I
would be happy to provide your investigators with any pertinent
information relating to this case. Furthermore, I am happy to report
that I have once again contributed money to alleviate the suffering
of the Iraqi people. Please contact me with the details of the
pending suit.
Sincerely, Kristan Markey
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