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Foreign spy flying Cessna plane over ISRO and Filming in Kerala

Foreign spy flying Cessna plane over ISRO and Filming in Kerala

Foreign spy flying Cessna plane over ISRO and Filming in Kerala

This has come to our attention from our IntelliBriefs source in Kerala that , the other day a foreigner ( either Italian or Swiss) came to Thiruvananthapuram, hired the Cessna plane belonging to the Trivandrum Flying Club, flew over the city and filmed the entire sensitve defense installations which include the ISRO Indian Space Research Organisatio's VSSC, the premier Space Research Centre of the country.

The fact is that as per the legislations of the country, no foreigner is allowed to fly over the the cities in hired planes and film the locations without the permission of the defence forces. But in Kerala, it is reported that a senior offiocial (it goes without asking that he is a Christian) forced the flying club authorities to take the foreigner for a joy ride. The interesting thing is that the foreigner left the country with all ther video rercordings.

Now public representatives must question the government , particularly Civil aviation and Defense minister , demanding answers -- who is the person and for what reason he came to Kerala, who allowed him to fly violating the law of land . If this incident is ignored , such things will repeat leading to undermine our national defence and security .

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