What a multifaceted career Jack Abramoff has enjoyed! Traitor, white supremacist, crime boss, sweatshop overseer, White House puppeteer, and GOP money launderer. And yet, like so many sleazebags in high places, Abramoff has so far escaped the full public consequences of his despicable actions through a slick little system of “trickle, spin, and deny.” Trickle, as in the media’s focus on a few select aspects of the criminal’s “career.” Spin and deny, as in the media allowing said criminal and his supporters to self-righteously spin off or tearfully deny these minimized charges. This system worked for Tom Delay and G.W Bush for years! It is only when the evil deeds are laid out end to end that the real picture is allowed to come into focus for the public and hit home with the force it should.. Here's a crash course - "Abramoff 101"....READ THE REST at