Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Review :: Baltimore MD

Globalist Blueprint

...the entire outline and agenda for the globalist movement to enslave and debase the planet...
I don't understand why, with so much talk of the New World Order, Police State, One World Government, and Prison Planet, the book CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 by Dr. John Coleman is not mentioned and discussed more often.

It gives the entire outline and agenda for the globalist movement to enslave and debase the planet, explaining not only very clearly current events, but those of decades past. The book is stunning in its clarity, revealing the stark brutality of the centuries-old plot.

So why do I so rarely hear or see the book mentioned? Because this is one book the New World Order does not want you to read. It names names, and it tells you exactly how this small group has gone about its sustained plan of action to erode all institutions of society and civilization as we know them.

This book may first have been "hidden out in the open," with no expectation that anybody would ever read it or believe it. But now, with the clock running out, and people beginning to take notice, the mind control supression and the social and political pressure - outright intimidation just this side of censorship- is so great that some people are afraid even to talk about this book -- because it names as the foundation of the conspiracy the royal families of Europe and their close economic and industrial cohorts, and reveals the surprisingly treacherous and treasonous nature of the so-called "Liberal Establishment" in the US.

Basically, everything that happens in the United States is, and has been for decades, manipulated by a small handful of British aristocracy, and their 5,000 or so think-tank minions in this country who propound the policies fed to our drugged-out and blackmailed, rubber-stamp legislators.

Read for yourself, if you dare, the actual globalist blueprint, method and timetable, lock, stock and barrel: CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 by Dr. John Coleman.

You'd think with the growing mass of evidence to suggest a world-wide conspiracy to throw civilization into a new Dark Age, people would want to know who's behind it...right?

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