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BTL:Critics Say Bush Authorization of Domestic Spying Without...

...Court Warrants Constitutes an Impeachable Offense ~ Interview with Kit Gage, director of the First Amendment Foundation, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Critics Say Bush Authorization of Domestic Spying Without Court Warrants Constitutes an Impeachable Offense

Interview with Kit Gage, director of the First Amendment Foundation, conducted by Scott Harris

A political firestorm is gathering in Washington after The New York Times published a story on Dec. 16 revealing that President Bush in 2002 had secretly authorized the National Security Agency to spy on American citizens through electronic eavesdropping, bypassing a federal law requiring court approved warrants. The surveillance of international phone calls and email was purportedly conducted to identify terrorist groups and prevent attacks. The New York Times delayed reporting on the story for a year after the White House requested that it not be published.

Many congressional Democrats, some Republicans and civil liberties advocates maintain that the president has violated a 1978 federal law that mandates that all electronic monitoring be approved by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Separately, documents obtained by the ACLU under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit confirmed that the FBI has been spying on U.S. environmental, religious and animal rights groups such as Greenpeace, PETA and Catholic Workers communities.

In response to the NSA spy story, Bush confirmed his approval of surveillance without court warrants and vowed to continue the practice. The president asserted that government monitoring of citizens was authorized by a 2001 congressional resolution to use all necessary force against terrorists responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Between The Lines Scott Harris spoke with Kit Gage, director of the First Amendment Foundation, who explains why she believes President Bush's action is a grave violation of the U.S. constitution and represents an impeachable offense.

Related links:

American Civil Liberties Bill of Rights Defense Committee:

"Did Bush Commit an Impeachable Offense?" letter by Senator Barbara Boxer, via Dec. 19, 2005

" Rep. Lewis Calls for Bush Impeachment," The Associated Press, Dec. 20, 2005

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