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DC Anti-War Network protest with holiday cheer!
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December 17. This evening the DC Anti-War Network/DAWN demonstrated outside the home of Bush adviser Karl Rove by singing satirical Christmas carols in an action entitled “Treasons Greetings“. Although said not to be the focus of an investigation into the illegal leaking of the identity of CIA operative, Valerie Plame, Rove has been questioned several times by Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald. The leaking of Plame’s identity came shortly after her husband, Ambassador Joe Wilson, revealed in a New York Times op ed piece that Bush Administration assertions concerning intelligence that yellow cake uranium was supplied by Niger to Iraq was untrue. Wilson was sent on a mission by the US to Niger to investigate this intelligence claim. President Bush cited Saddam Hussein’s possession of this uranium as one of the primary reasons for going to war with Iraq even though Wilson‘s investigation months earlier turned up no evidence for this claim. Tonight’s protest is “Absolutely a success!” said Matt of DAWN who was the principle organizer of the demonstration. There were about 30 participants in the Treasons Greetings demonstration said Genevieve of DAWN. “A lot of Rove’s neighbors came out of their homes to see what was going on.” Genevieve said. Rove or his family were not seen by the DAWN carolers. “His windows were all shuttered up and the car wasn’t parked in the driveway” said Matt. “He is aware of the protest. He was tipped off that we were coming. This speaks volumes!” Matt stated and added that there will be future protests against administration officials. “We are putting them on notice that they may be the focus of peaceful protests” said Matt. Kevin McCarron an official spokesperson for Veterans for Peace said the DAWN carolers were “ebullient” and that the spirit of the group was “non-treasonous and patriotic”. Asked if Rove was home or came out of his house McCarron said that Rove “is too yellow to show up.” Some of the carols sung at the demonstration included "I'm Dreaming of a White Christian", "Deck the Wife", "Arrest those Muslim Gentlemen!", "Walking in a Cuban Prison Camp", "Lesbians Roasting on an Open Fire", "What Illegitimate Child is This?". Matt said that pictures of the protest will be posted on Joining DAWN at tonight’s protest were several members of Code Pink and other area activists.