The continuously wrong, boring and foolish threats of Carla Del Ponte serve only her own goals. The Serbians have nothing to gain from being blackmailed year after year.

General Ante Gotovina in full dress uniform
Znam da sam blesav. Pre nekoliko godina, pamtim da je bilo pitanje da li izruciti Slobu u Hag, ili ga ne izruciti. Secam se da sam bio za to da se izruci, bas da bi se ovi smradovi (Del Ponte & Company Unlimited) ucutali i da bi se nekako nastavio pokret od 5tog Oktobra.
Naravno da tako nesto moze samo blesavom coveku da padne na pamet. Pokret od 5tog Oktobra su iskoristili novi pljackasi koji su uspesno zamenili stare, pa nastavili da koriste narod sa jos vecim apetitom za pljacke, podmetanja, ubistva i reketiranja. Djindjic je verovatno isto bio malo bleskast kao i ja, jer se i on zauzimao za tu “Novu Srbiju”. Ode sve to u majcinu, a ove zlocince iz Haga da ne pominjemo. Ne da se ni jedna zemlja na svetu nije odazvala slanjem svog predsednika na neki inostrani sud po nekim njihovim zakonima koji se menjaju kako vetar duva, nego bi ih slatko sutnuli u dupe prilikom nadletanja njihvog vazdusnog prostora.
Imao sam drugara u doba slanja Milosevica koji mi je tvrdio da se “nama nikad nece skinuti s grbace, ni Del Ponte, ni Hag, ni “medjunardon zajednica, ni Monetarni Fond”. “Uvek ce nesto novo da zakeraju”. Tako je na kraju i ispalo.
Dobro ‘ajde, sad i nije greda da je neki tamo Ilija Pavlovic ispao budala i blesavko, ali zar u celom tom novom drzavnom aparatu ne postoji ni jedna osoba koja ce Del Ponteovu da uhapsi pri sletanju na Surcin ili da joj objasni da je postala malo “dosadna” ili skroz nepozeljna – mozda bi i razumela da joj neko kaze da je persona non grata. Opet ovi navalili k’o sivonje pa sad “Gotovina ovo – Gotovina ono”. Mani se ti Hrvatske. Imaju oni neke svoje ciljeve i neke svoje cinkarose – a mi imamo svoje za sebe. Mladic, Karadzic, Janko, Marko, Mirko i Slavko su svi zauzeti i imaju pametnija posla nego da se nadmecu po Hagovima. Eno vam tamo Seselja pa zabadajte one voodoo igle jedno drugome u ledja do milog Boga.
Nicime ta “medjunaronda zajednica” niti taj “Hag” nisu zasluzili poverenje Srba niti srpskog naroda da bi im bilo ko izasao u susret, izuzev sa Kalasnjikovim. Dosta ste se pravili Zanzibar od Srbije, ‘ajte sad malo igrajte se po Ruandi ili jurite onog Chileanca Augusto Pinochet-a. Nema sta da trazite po Srbiji, ionako ste vec 64 puta javili da “pouzdano znate gde je Mladic ili Karadzic, pa ih onda sami lepo privedite a nama skinite omcu sa vrata.
Iliya Pavlovich, PhD (blesavko)
A few yars back, there was a question whether or not to deliver Milosevic to the Hague. I was all for it, on account of the "International Community" demanding it from the Serbs in order to offer this kind of help or that kind of help... Although I never liked the idea that a president of one (any one) country is being delivered to the jurisdiction of some nebulous newly formed entity with exotic Laws - I figured that Del Ponte & Company Unlimited, would be silenced by taking in Milosevic. Boy was I ever wrong. A friend of mine - at that time, warned me wisely that the same "International Community" will continue demands of the Serbians in one way or another. Sure enough they did.
The Serbian "velvet revolution" of 5 October, was bastardized and new thieves replaced the old thieves, but the idea of something new gave everybody some degree of hope - especially the more naive people - like myself. Zoran Djindjic the Premier of Serbia paid with his life (was assasinated) for the same kind of mistake. So far, this same Hague International Criminal Tribunal has not earned one single good point. In spite of many Serbs who voluntarily surrendered, there are still demands and threats to Serbia. How long? With what right? What is the great benefit that Serbia ever saw from the dozens of people who are now in the Hague? What is the idea of justice when the Albanians are being "conditionally released" while Serbians are refused visits by their family and friends? Who's kidding who with this Hague?
The only welcome Del Ponte would get in some cases would be a fully locked and loaded AK-47, with a note that she's PERSONA NON GRATA. Hasn't this same Del Ponte already declared numerous times that the knew for certain where the fugutives were (Karadzic, Mladic, Mickey and Minnie Mouse). Good, let her go and apprehand them. We shall not be an obstacle. But allowing Del Ponte's histrionics within Belgrade is outright foolish.
Now there is the case of Ante Gotovina's capture in Spain. So what? The rain is Spain stays mainly in the plain. That's all I need to know about Spain and some other country's relations with the double/triple or quadruple faced Hague.
Send a message to Del Ponte to simply get lost with all of her blackmails, advance knowledges, reliable information and all other propaganda elements elsewhere (Rwanda would be a good place to continue making Zanzibar out of Serbia. On the other hand there is this fellow Augosto Pinochet of Chile and I don't hear any threats about his being delivered anywher for any trial. What's up with that?
I know I am not the brightest kid on the block, but Serbian government aparatus has to have a collective wisdom far greater than mine - and should decisively stop Del Ponte from even making phone calls to Serbia - she is just plain not wanted. She turned out to be a LIAR and a propagandist working against the interests of Serbia whose help she demands. To Hell with that.
Iliya Pavlovich PhD
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Serbians evacuating after the Nazi Croatian attack on the Srpska Krajina region in Croatia

The White Angel of Mileseva Monastery believed to be the image of our Lord Jesus Christ by Serbian Eastern Orthodox Christians