Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Protest Activity


Three members of Philadelphia Anti-Racist Action were arrested today
at a peaceful demonstration in
support of Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender rights and reproductive
freedom in Phoenixville, PA. One of the arrested was badly beaten by
police and had to be hospitalized. All information as to his health,
whereabouts, charges, and bail is being withheld by police. The
remaining two arrestees were charged with violating a provision of the
USA PATRIOT Act pertaining to supplying identification to law
enforcement personnel and later released.


Three members of Philadelphia Anti-Racist Action were arrested today
at a peaceful demonstration in
support of Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender rights and reproductive
freedom in Phoenixville, PA. One of the arrested was badly beaten by
police and had to be hospitalized. All information as to his health,
whereabouts, charges, and bail is being withheld by police. The
remaining two arrestees were charged with violating a provision of the
USA PATRIOT Act pertaining to supplying identification to law
enforcement personnel and later released.

The demonstration took place outside the home of two organizers with
the notorious queer-bashing and anti-reproductive freedom
organization, Repent America, whose members regularly harrass and
intimidate members of the L/G/B/T community and disrupt events such as
AIDS fundraisers and pride festivals. The legality of such
demonstrations has been clearly established through various
precedents, but police forcibly ended the gathering, arresting the
three individuals, severely injuring one of them. A similar
demonstration took place earlier in the day in a neighboring town, and
although police were present, it proceeded without any incident

Despite the fact that the individuals were peacefully attempting to
call attention to the Repent America organizers' attempts to incite
violence against queer and transgendered individuals and terrorize
their communities, they have been charged with violating a provision
of the USA PATRIOT Act, ostensibly a set anti-terrorist laws, which
have instead been used to target nonviolent political activists. By
using the USA PATRIOT Act against such activists, law enforcement
personnel are attempting to equate peaceful protest, and even dissent
itself, with terrorism. This has a chilling effect on individuals'
willingness to publicly disagree with government policy, or even with
organizations such as Repent America, which regularly attempt to
incite violence against women and queers.

The misuse of the USA PATRIOT Act is only one tactic used by law
enforcement agencies in the war against dissent. The injured protester
had been violently thrown to the ground and then slammed into the side
of a car before being taken away. He is believed to still be in
custody, but police are refusing to divulge any information about his
charges or medical condition. It is further unknown if and when he
will be permitted to post bail.

Members of Philadelphia Anti-Racist Action are calling on individuals
to contribute to a fund being readied in the event the activist is
permitted to post bail. It is imperative that his release be secured
as soon as possible in order to ensure that he receives appropriate
medical care. Anyone able to contribute is urged to contact Tom Keenan
at 609-468-9562, or email him at


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