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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD


The tentacles of Agora Inc.of Baltimore and Ireland and England and France and Germany and Asia and South Africa are as wide ranging as are numerous their scammy websights. And I do believe there are even more unofficial sights they have used in their 'work'.And even if Agoracomm of Toronto is not Agora Inc. of Baltimore its modus operendi appears very similar.

I got this email message below from a seems they're in Toronto I think and not related to Agora Inc. of William
or Bill Bonner and James Dale Davidson.Now why would I have thought they were the same ? I guess because they both tout penny stocks and penny mining stocks particulary among others ? Was there something else ? If I'm not mistaken has advertised in the U.S. and particulary in the Washington Post which seemed like something Beltway connected penny stock promoters might do,i.e.- place an ad in the Washington Post.And Agora Inc. of Baltimore is Beltway connected in some fashion.

In fact 'Bob O'Brien' and Patrick Byrnes of did place a one page ad in the Washington Post on February 8 warning W.Bush about the supposed dangers of 'naked shorting' to SS investing in markets.

I noted of Toronto has at least one client,Ad Zone Research,that claims to be a victim of 'naked short selling' and has added the 'anti-naked shorting'group,, to their pr or tout team,(as if's pr services alone wasn't enough).Does officially believe companies they represent are victims of 'naked short selling' as well ? Why does promote itself as well through ?

Does agoracom have any relation to of California or do they just allow their public
relations client, Ad Zone Research, to post's 'naked shorting' propaganda on their website to insinuate their mutual client is a victim of 'naked shorting' ? I ask in part because 'Bob O'Brien' and Mary Helburn of also appear to have some relation to the California 'anti-naked short selling' tout
website folks or at least think highly of them at and Yahoo's NFI message board.

James Dale Davidson of Agora Inc. Baltimore has availed himself of Canadian 'securities services' in the past himself however,dumping Anatolian Minerals shares out of a Toronto account as one example I believe and also organizing internatonal pump and dump scams with Canadian penny stock scamsters(Brent Pierce and Grant Atkins come to mind) as well as unethical use of Canadian institutions to do so(Genemax and MIV Therapeutics come to mind).

The tentacles of Agora Inc.of Baltimore and Ireland and England and France and Germany and Asia and South Africa are as wide ranging as are their numerous scammy websights. And I do believe there are even more unofficial sights they have used in their 'work'.And even if of Toronto is not Agora Inc. of Baltimore its modus operendi appears very similar.

Tony Ryals

From: AGORACOM [Save Address] [Block Sender] [This Is Spam]
CC: "AGORA Investor Relations"
Subject: Re: AGORA Investor Relations Mentioned In Your Article
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 19:32:41 -0500


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Carnegie Mellon:Lycos used for fraud.
by Tony Ryals Tuesday, Nov. 08, 2005 at 1:49 AM (email address validated)

Good evening, Tony. I have just had an opportunity to read this article at and wanted to bring your attention to the fact that neither our firm, AGORA Investor Relations, nor our portal are in any way related to Agora, Inc out of Baltimore. Unfortunately, you have erroneously included us in your article and would greatly appreciate it if you could either retract it, or provide a correction.

The mistake is an easy one to make due to our similar names. Unfortunately, the term “AGORA” is a very popular one in business due to its meaning – “marketplace” in Ancient Greece. In fact, there is an “Agora Investor Relations” out of Poland that was recently awarded best investor relations firm in Poland – but we equally wouldn’t want to take credit for that achievement either.

The people at Agora, Inc. ran into trouble with the SEC over a promotion a few years ago, along with a firm called “Pirate Inc.” However, I assure you that beyond having no business connection to them, neither AGORA Investor Relations, nor have ever been the subject of a complaint with any securities regulator in North America or the world.

I look forward to your response and thank-you for your attention to this matter.

Yours truly,
George Tsiolis, LL.B.
North America's Leading IR Portal For Small Cap Companies
AGORA Investor Relations
North America's Leading IR Firm For Small-Cap Companies
Watch Our 8-Minute Webcast For All Details

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