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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Health Care : Labor

Health Care for All. By Dr. Linda Rae Murray

Dr. Linda Rae Murray will speak on "Health Coverage for All: Job Health & safety, the Uninsured and the Role of Unions" as the 4th Annual Ric Pfeffer Lecture. The discussion will take place Sunday, December 4th, 3:00-5:00pm at The Cork Gallery, 1601 Guildford Avenue - 4th Floor.
Dr. Linda Rae Murray to speak on "Health Coverage for All: Job Health & safety, the Uninsured and the Role of Unions"

Research Associates Foundation's 4th Annual Ric Pfeffer Lecture will take place:

Sunday, December 4th, 3:00-5:00pm

The Cork Gallery
1601 Guildford Avenue - 4th Floor

Dr. Linda Rae Murray will draw on her extensive involvement in the US health care system as well as her experience with the Canadian health care system to discuss development of a plan for a national health care system. She will focus on the current status of occupational health and the role unions might play in effecting change.

Dr. Murray is chief medical officer of Primary Care & Community Health: Ambulatory & Community Health Network of Cook County, Illinois. She studied medicine and public health at the University of Illinois, Chicago, was a member of the First Congressional District of Illinois Health Task Force under Chicago Mayor Harold Washington, and received the Debs-Thomas-Harrington Award presented by the Democratic Socialists of America.

The Ric Pfeffer Lecture is a program of Research Associates Foundation, organizer of the Progressive Action Center. Ric Pfeffer, in whose honor this lecture series was established, worked with OSHA at the Department of Labor where he made notable contributions to worker protections from lead and the provision of basic sanitation measures for agricultural workers. At the time of his retirement due to illness, he was working on a standard that would have established a single universal process for managing and monitoring worker health and safety in all of the nation's workplaces--a project abandoned by the Bush Administration. This year's lecture is dedicated to furthering the goals of this unfinished work.

Co-Sponsors: Generations for Peace & Democracy, Labor Studies Program at CCBC Dundalk, Maryland Universal Health Care Action Network, Student Labor Action Committee of the Johns Hopkins University.

(Entrance to the Cork Gallery is on East Federal Street--buzzer 9)

Info: 410.243.3913;


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