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LOCAL News :: Activism

Dec. 1 - NYC, Detroit, Boston, Oakland, and across the U.S.

Momentum is growing for the

Rosa Parks National Day of Absence

Against Racism, Poverty & WAR
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* ENDORSE the December 1 Rosa Parks Anniversary National Day of Absence Against Poverty, Racism, and War

* VIEW initiators and endorsers

* LIST your local activity

* VOLUNTEER to help build the Strike

* DONATE to help build a movement against war & racism

Across the U.S., cities say "Honor Rosa Parks by continuing the struggle."

In city after city, activists have succeeded in passing Rosa Parks Day resolutions, calling for December 1 as a day to honor the Civil Rights giant with a day of absence, calling on local businesses and schools to close or allow people to leave to participate in the Day of Absence.

Resolutions have been passed in Boston, New York City, Oalkland CA, Baltimore, Detroit, and Cleveland. Ohio and Michigan have declared December 1 as Rosa Parks Day statewide.

Yesterday (Friday), a New York City Council committee held a public hearing discuss the Rosa Parks Day resolution, which passed unanimously. Activists and elected officials who testified at the hearing included Brenda Stokley of NYC Labor Against the War; Clarence Thomas of the Million Worker March Movement; Nellie Bailey of the Harlem Tenants Council; City Comptroller William C. Thompson; Rev. Herbert Daughtry, National Presiding Minister of The House of the Lord Churches; Nana Soul of Artists and Activists United for Peace; Larry Holmes of the Troops Out Now Coalition; LeiLani Dowell and Mia Cruz of FIST (Fight Imperialism Stand Together); Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz; and Eric Anders-Nilsson of the Jersey City Peace Movement.

To read the text of the Boston and NYC resolutions, go to

Shut the War Down!

Opposition to the war is growing across the U.S. and worldwide, with every poll indicating that the majority of the people are against the ongoing war and occupation of Iraq. Even the corporate media is reporting on the Bush Administration's lies that were used to justify the war. But the growing opposition to the war won't end the occupation without a movement in the streets. Politicians will not stop the war--both parties are funded by the corporations that profit from militarism and occupation. We need a massive grasroots movement to Bring the Troops Home Now!

The urgency for such a movement is highlighted by the racist neglect by all levels of government in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. FEMA has added to its record of negligence and absolute contempt for poor people and peeople of color by announcing that it plans to observe December 1 by evicting more than 53,000 Katrina survivors.

Outrage over the war in Iraq, over the government's racism and neglect in the Gulf States, and over the Bush Administration's war on working people and civil liberties has inspired local December 1 actions across the country. In New York city, there will be a massive march and rally on Wall Street--the headquarters of the warmongers. Organizers across the country are planning marches, rallies, direct actions, walkouts, and vigils.

Some of the cities where there will be actions of Dec 1 include: New York, Boston, Milwaukee, San Francisco, Raleigh, New Orleans, Bremerton WA, Louisville KY, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Los Angeles, San Diego, Atlanta, Denver, Baltimore, Washington DC, Houston, Crawford TX, and many more. (see for an updated list)

Help Build a Movement Against Poverty, Racism, & War

We need your help to make December 1 a success--the launching of a new phase of the struggle that unites the struggle against the war in Iraq with the struggle against the war on working people and people of color here.

Here are some ways you can be a part of this movement:

* ENDORSE the December 1 Rosa Parks Anniversary National Day of Absence Against Poverty, Racism, and War

* VIEW initiators and endorsers

* LIST your local activity

* VOLUNTEER to help build the Strike

* DONATE to help build a movement against war & racism

Troops Out Now Coalition

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