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11th Annual Michael Flannery Testimonial Awards Dinner

Cumann Na Saoirse Naisiunta will hold its 11th Annual Michael Flannery Testimonial Awards Dinner on Friday January 27th 2006 at the Astorian World Manor in Astoria to recognize and honor Irish Americans and others for their contributions to the promotion of Irish history, literature, human rights and Irish freedom




Cumann Na Saoirse Naisiunta will hold its 11th Annual Michael Flannery Testimonial Awards Dinner on Friday January 27th 2006 at the Astorian World Manor in Astoria to recognize and honor Irish Americans and others for their contributions to the promotion of Irish history, literature, human rights and Irish freedom.

The National Irish Freedom Committee (NIFC) will hold Annual Testimonials to recognize and honor Irish-Americans and others for their contributions to the promotion of Irish history / literature, human rights and Irish freedom.

Annual testimonials are an inherent and enduring part of the Fenian tradition here in the U.S. since 1972. As the inheritor of that tradition the NIFC will honor worthy individuals for their lifelong contributions to Irish history / literature, human rights, and Irish freedom. Each year three individuals will be selected to receive the following awards.

The Pearl Flannery Humanities Award - Margaret (Pearl) Egan was born in, Co Tipperary. She was educated at the local National school and Loreto Convent, Balbriggan. She was awarded a Co. Tipperary scholarship to University College Dublin (UCD). She graduated from UCD with a degree in chemistry. After UCD she attended the University of Geneva on a traveling scholarship.

Her student years in Dublin coincided with the great revival of national feeling resulting from the Easter Rising of 1916. As a member of Cumann na mBan, Pearl was actively involved in the national movement for Irish freedom. Two of her brothers were interned in the Curragh prison camp during the Civil War, as was her husband-to-be Michael Flannery.

Later, on her departure to the U.S., Pearl was paid tribute to by 'C' Company of the IRA for her 'support in the most dangerous times when all were solely tested'. Pearl worked for many years as a research chemist for major chemical companies in the U.S. Pearl's interests included literature, classical, and traditional music.

The recipient for the 2006 Pearl Flannery Humanities Award is Mary Holt Moore, another extraordinary accomplished woman who for years as President of the Gaelic League kept the Irish language alive by teaching and promoting it when the times were most difficult with little outside help.

The Sr. Sarah Clarke Human Rights Award - Sr. Sarah Clarke was born in Shannonbridge, Co. Galway. Sr. Sarah was a member of the La Salle Order. She taught at the Bower College in Athlone and elsewhere in Ireland before moving to England in the early sixties.

Not long after arriving in England she became aware of the discrimination directed at the Irish and other less fortunate groups in British society. She worked hard and fearlessly to counter the British backlash against Irish agitation arising from the 1972 Derry massacre. She later joined the Relatives for Justice Committee who aim it was to seek justice for all Irish people in British prisons, especially where political motives came in to play. In the mid-seventies her superiors allowed her to give up teaching to devout all of her time to the prisoners and their families who came to England to visit with them.

Sr. Sarah at one level was a typical Irish nun who gives unselfishly to the service of others. In Sr. Sarah case it meant service to Irish prisoners and their families in England for nearly a quarter of a century. Throughout her life Sr. Sarah was indeed a true angel of mercy.

The recipient of the 2006 Sr. Sarah Clarke Human Rights Award is Karen Lewis who presented the 2005 Sr Sarah Clarke Award to Fr. Lawrence E. Lucas and in the process grew to truly admire Sr. Sarah

The Michael Flannery Spirit of Freedom Award - Michael Flannery was born in Co. Tipperary in 1902. His family was staunchly Republican with a long history of opposition to the British occupation of Ireland. Mike's life was marked by acts of bravery, patriotism and compassion. He believed deeply in a united Ireland and had a great love for the country of his birth.

At the age of fourteen Mike joined the North Tipperary Brigade of the Irish Republican Army. Before his fifteenth birthday he took an oath of allegiance to the Irish Republic and fought in the Irish War of Independence and the subsequent Civil War. Mike was captured by Free State forces and spent two years in Mountjoy Jail. He was subsequently freed in 1924.

In 1927, Mike immigrated to America. Down through the decades, Mike assisted Republican activists who sought refuge in America including Ernie O'Malley in the late twenties, Andy Cooney in the early fifties and others in the seventies and eighties.

Mike was a member of several organizations including the Tipperary Men's Association, the Gaelic Athletic Association and Clann na Gael. In 1970, after the present phase of the struggle started, he founded the Irish Northern Aid Committee to raise money to support the dependents of Irish Political Prisoners. After returning from a visit to Ireland in 1987, Mike along with George Harrison and Joe Stynes founded Cumann na Saoirse Naisiunta (The National Irish Freedom Committee)

We remember and his comrades for their honesty and 'never say die' spirit and that same spirit can be found in Larry Kirwan who the recipient of the 2006 Michael Flannery Spirit Of Freedom Award. Larry has shown a kind heart and a great generosity through the years and has been there since the early 70's when he devoted his time and talent to an LP recording on the Eire Nua label

An Ad Journal that will be produced to mark the occasion.

For more information please visit the NIFC website at:

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