Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

Zombies Against The War

Join us on July 1st, 11:00 AM, for the first ever "Zombies Against the War" march and rally.
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Join us for the first ever "Zombie's Against the War" march!!!!

On Monday, July 1st, we will host the first ever "Zombie's Against the War" march in Towson. It will feature everyone's favorite things: Zombies, Grim Reapers, and Capitalists! We will have legal people in case of arrests (which are not expected), speakers, and suits for all!

The theme is basically "War brings NOTHING but death". We will do make-up and stuff to make everyone look dead. Here is the outfit layout:

Zombies: Ripped up clothing, red paint on body and clothing, mess your hair up (unless you are punk as nails, in which case, leave your hair as is), and any fake body parts you can find!
Grim Reapers: Black cloak and hood, covering body, we will have signs mounted on sickles.
Capitalists: We only need a few, we recommend emailing us if you wanna be a capitalist. Wear a suit, bring a briefcase. We will have fake money to throw about and hand-out at will.

Meet in the park behind the Towson Library (on Towsontown Blvd) for make-up and costumes at 10 AM sharp! Bring any make-up and extra clothing you think will be useful!

Rally and speakers will begin in front of the Old Courthouse (county seat) in Towson at 11:00 AM. We will then march through Towson. The demonstration will end at around 12:30, where we suggest a Zombie Picnic begin at the park where we began, so bring food (vegan-friendly if you can)!

Bring video cameras and cameras too, it will be an artistic event.


BE CREATIVE! Bring plastic body parts to drop around, make a coffin and bring it, bring tombstones, etc. Anything visually appealing that pertains to ZOMBIES.

We will be discussing this event in more detail this coming Wednesday and the Wednesdays following it at the Towson Library at 6:00 PM (outside the main entrance). This will be part of the GlobalToxin general meeting.


Email us with ideas, concerns, and questions!


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