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true friends

blood banks closed you chsob
True Friends

An editorial


Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)

Why in this world would a government pay for friendship? A true you do not have to buy, we have many yet the Bush Government seems to think we need these governments as friends. He thinks having POW camps in the third world is good. Why? Because they cross the line we won’t, well sir we shouldn’t allow others to do our dirty work; which by the way is against the Geneva Convention and international. With friends like these who needs enemies. Last time I checked we were a democracy governed by law, as all know the rule of law is as old as earth itself.

The code of Hamurabi, the Magna Charta, The French article of confederation, the Constitution of the United States, the declaration of Independence and the bill of rights, after World War I, the European, and Asians and United States government signed and ratified the Geneva Convention governing the rules of War. We had two War Crimes trials one in Europe and one in Tokyo and we tried the leaders of the warring party’s with war crimes. What makes this government any better, we saw elgrib prison come to light in Iraq and our warriors made the scape goats to protect the Central Intelligence agency. Who was running the interrogations? So thus by supporting these governments we can be held responsible for their atrocity in the CIA interrogations camps.

Shame on you Mr. Bush and your government. In 1940 to now two countries in Europe have been our true friends the United Kingdom, and the French Republic and the commonwealth countries of Australia, New Zealand and Canada, France warned us in the Nato Meeting in 2002-03 that we were opening a can of worms we did not need to open. Iraq was no military threat, but in the eyes of President Bush what better way to revenge his father’s mismanagement of the first war then by invading Iraq and make money while he was at it. He is being an oil man. I guess what I am trying to say are we don’t need to buy friends in South America, Central America Asia, and the Middle East. Or send are jobs there because they work for 3.00 and week, Manufacturing job, production job, lumber industry in my own state of Maine jobs in the county the Millinocket mills lost 1,300 jobs, at Pinkham mill in day they had 222 and it went down to eighty when they closed the second shift and the second mill, in day the other mill John Paul Lévesque and Sons had 280 which is still to this day. JPL, Frasier timber limited still has it full work force even in this economy which is very good. Service jobs (restaurants, shopping centers, groceries and discount stores and hotels and telemarketer) range from 27,680 employed 26,000 even which can bounce up and down in the county, in the farm industry the numbers of jobs range from 6,100 seasonal and on farm help add another 900 during Harvest. Unemployment rate for Aroostook 6.2 and the state 4.7 overall none seasonally adjusted.

Union busting by out sourcing our jobs over seas is wrong buying friends with over taxed underpaid people’s income wrong. As I have stated in my foreign policy paper we have three commitments South Korea, Japan, Diego Garcia in Asia and Europe. I have pasted my foreign policy paper and paying for hate to this article so you can read.

United States Foreign Policy

On the sands of Iraq we have bled two thousand of our finest warriors. My Question is Mr. President how many more, in the world of the middle east we are hated by every cleric; who interpit the Holy Koran each in their own way; but as writer I read a lot Sir and the Koran is comparable to the Bible and the Book of Mormon and torah. It is the law of the living God but these clerics are blind they have left the true path Allah. If we are so hated sir, then why stay, we should bring home all of our Navy, Marines, Soldiers and Airmen also all of our technology that we brought there also we should recall all Americans from the Middle East, technicians, oil worker, doctors, and lawyers and so on. I would also break all diplomatic ties with all except Qatar.

I would also sir break diplomatic ties with Israel. I would also bar all United States flagged ship from entering the Perishing Gulf, I would also make arraignment with the United Kingdom to station an army of 15 divisions making the First Army of three corps on Diego Garcia and also I would form a far-east fleet. Headquartered on the island, second I would station another 15 division on the peninsula of South Korea making up another three corps of the US 7TH Army with naval task force of two carriers, six cruisers and twelve destroyers on Okinawa would be Headquarters army group B with the third marine division and air wing as quick reaction force nighthawk, by removing ourselves from the middle-east we remove the target on our backs.

Mr. President you know as well as every republican in the house and senate that we can find other fuels other then fossil fuels. I suggested of refitting the battleships by removing the oil tank and adding nuclear reactors as their power plants, we should also redesign a nuclear reactor and build them from one end of country to the other; this would remove the use of oil and coal in the electricity needs of the United States. I would also contact California technical college and the Massachusetts institute of technology and have them find synthetic gasoline, and also I would have them look into a string of Satellites to collect solar energy that could provide heat and power for an eternity. As for our commitment to Europe I would station another three corps. Making up the United States 15th army, with a fourth corps of Airborne stationed in the United Kingdom, another naval task force of two carriers, twelve heavy cruiser and twenty destroyer stationed at scapa flow the Royal Navy Base. The rest of the United States fleet and military personal would be withdrawn home and into United States waters.

Third, I would call on the Governors of all fifty states to form a colonial guard or home guard of regiments of volunteers to back up the National Guard and reserve their age 16 to 60 everything from light infantry division to Heavy infantry division also armored infantry and cavalry along with at least twenty heavy armored Division (two brigades of M60 Main battle tanks built around a brigade of M1A1 and A2 Abrams tanks)

Fourth; policy concerning the taking of Americans and the Murder of Americans to apply political Pressure on the United States of America, there shall be only one negotiator tool bombers and fighter, we shall never negotiate with terrorist of any kind, we shall never apply pressure on sovereign states to release terrorist. He who make me your enemy it is their fault not I. There will never be back door negotiations with any terrorist group. For every murder, for ever terror attack on the United States we will respond in kind, twice that of their attack.

Fifth; the Middle East and the holy land shall be barred to travel by United States citizen and airliners and United States Flagged ships. We cherish our freedom, we cherish are right to exist and we shall never back down to anyone anymore, never again the Marine Barracks at Beirut, never again the embassy in Beirut and Africa, never again TWA flight 80, never again September 11,2001 we have a long memory as we did on December 7, 1941. No company, no corporation shall do business in the middle-east any caught the government shall seize such companies and corporations and try their operating officer for treason against the United States

Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)

Paying for Hate

An editorial


Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)

Mr. President, I have a question for your government, why are we selling our technology to people who hate use and everything we are? Why are we given money to people who hate us? I do not know if you took history in school because if you did you would know. In the 11th, 12th and 13th century we invaded the Middle East in the name of religion. Our European ancestors did at the call of a Catholic Pope. That’s the first reason; the second came two years after World War II when the United States recognized the state of Israel. The third reason why are we paying corrupt government’s money for drug interdiction when they put it in their pockets along with the pay offs of the Cartel’s.

It is this Americans thinking that we need a new president, a new vice president and a new government who is not bought off to look the other way; while are jobs go over seas and our people lose their homes. We import more then we export and this president could give a flying frack who he and his corrupt government hurts

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