Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Activism


The Betrayal of a Nation

An editorial

By Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)

In 2000, the year of the beginning of tyranny and harm to a nation; George Walker Bush was elected to the Presidency of the United States of America. His first of many acts against his own people was too take a two hundred billion dollar surplus and he gave it away with one swipe of his pen of lies to his friends the rich, the upper class; yes a few low income got a couple of dollars. He was paying his debt to the powers that be, and the rich and upper class that elected him to office.

His leadership is a walking SNAFU (situation normal all fracked up) on September 11, 2001 sitting in a classroom in Florida he was told of the surprise attack on New York City and he just sat there like a dumb brick. A true leader would have gotten up and got his ass in gear and gotten into the airborne command post then the following should have been done and immediate joint session of the Senate and the House to which he would report the attack and state that a state of war now exist between the United States of America and the Taliban government of Afghanistan. He started out doing what was right then he decided he wanted to avenge his father George Herbert Walker Bush on the Hussein Government in Baghdad. He used a day of pain to give reason to an invasion of a noncombatant government.

He stated that this government had connections to enemy combatants in Afghanistan, he also stated that he had intelligence (yeah right) that the Hussein government was developing weapons of Mass destruction both biologic and chemical and supposedly nuclear, this was all made up; it was what comes out of a southbound end of a north bound jack ass. In Iraqi Freedom combat operations, how many of our warriors died? 1,613 KIA and 7,281 wounded post combat operations 109 killed in action 1,499 totaled. Operation enduring freedom cost 126 killed 646 WIA – 391 wiard, 255 WIA. So far operation in the ITO two thousand fifty, yeah we removed a tin-plated Adolph Hitler and the thing is if he had weapons of Mass destruction why did he not use them? on the United States expeditionary forces and the BEF of the United Kingdom. If my back was to the wall and I was getting slapped silly I would have used them if I was him.

He had nothing and the President knew it. There intelligence was as useful as toilet paper, and a major part by George Tenant‘s advice and other’s who could not find a whore house in Austin. They allowed the enemy under command of Osama Bin Laden hiding by the way in the Packastani-Afgani border area to refit, reform, rearm and enemy combatants are pouring into the ITO and we continue to lose our warriors for what? For what, oil profits filling the coffers of the powers that be and the Republican administrations pockets and the congress which is controlled oh by the way by the Republican National Party. Our economy is in the crapper, inflation is at a high and climbing; the rnc would not know fiscal responsibility if it stared them in the face. New weapons platforms are good, but why do we throw systems that still function in the crapper. He finds money for war yet cuts social welfare programs, Medicare, Medicaid, food for the poor, building hospitals, getting drug programs up and running that actually works. Why? Can I ask do we pay people? To be our friends, we should not have to; I have field a classified field op with CJCOS to withdraw our forces, our technology, our people from the Middle East, and oh guess what our money too.

Mr. President, how many people in the northern United States of America will freeze to death on the streets? How many children will be victimized by child pornographers? How many will be raped on the streets? How many will be strung out on dope, crack, crank, ice? How many families will lose there homes because you allowed your friends to take jobs over-seas to places like South America, Central America, Asia, and the Middle East? We use to build things sir, we use to make quality cars, quality computers, we use to make things, but the Republican in there minds figured lets do some union busting. Reagan did so why don’t we. You and your party have done a good job in scaring the elderly, the disabled, the poor and the low income. Programs that should be funded to the fullest capability of the Government, like liheap, food stamps, oh and economically people should receive a full allotment of food stamp coverage if they only get 600.00 a month or 1400 a month people on fixed incomes are trying to keep their homes, heat their home, have electricity, have communication with their family’s put gas in the car, repair the car, pay their wal-mart and sears card and have some sort of humanity.

The republican party has said screw it, why should I care if children have enough to eat, the elderly are warm, people see doctors go to hospitals or families stay together. The feeling of this writer is one of shame to be called an American and see his people treated like white trash, drug addicts, and useless people. Seeing mentally ill people who should be in a fully funded facility eating out of garbage cans, gasoline has gone down but heating oil is going up, for every truckload of food that comes up from Boston to Aroostook county in some store bread a lousy loaf of bread cost 1.99, hell potato chips are 2.09 a bag, in some place meat is so far up that we can not afford to buy not even chicken. Were lucky if we can get a pound of hot dogs for .99, I get fifty-eight dollars for food from food stamps it barely last me a month with the price of food were it’s at. Our children are fighting a dying for what so King George’s friends can make a profit… see when gas goes up food goes up. I have to keep my heat at 65 even when it’s 32 and -32 with the forty mile an hour winds. This country has been mismanaged from day one of his taking office in 2000, two thousand and fifty-five of our future our warriors lay dead on a foreign land because he thinks he is a leader.

In the Nam, when elements of the 101st Air Assault Division were trying to take Hamburger hill, they had and still have a motto “we don’t start fights we finish them” in the ITO every whack job with a AK47 and a RPG is pouring into theater to martyr them selves by exploding IEDs and shooting as many Americans as they can. If I were the president I would do my country a favor and resign along with his entire government. Before there is blood spilled here in a second civil war. The Rnc for all its thoughts and agenda’s have lost one thing not faith, or loyalty, its humanity. Mr., Bush it’s time to go along with corruption and idiots you placed in jobs they do not know how to do. Mr. Cheney that goes for you and Halliburton and the oil industry can frack off.


Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)

E1, A Company

1st Marine Battalion

1st Marine recruit regiment

MCRD, Paris Island, South Carolina class of 1982

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