Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Miscellaneous

The beneficiaries of Wars, Revolutions and turmoil.

WW2 was the mother of all conspiracies.
Jews create Wars, Revolutions, and Poliltical turmoil because they are the only ones who benefit when the gullible Gentiles kill each other. Tons of gold and silver was looted from the Occupied European Banks during WW2.

All the loot ended up in the pockets of the Zionist conspirators who planned, organized, orchestrated, funded, and coordinated the war.

Adolf Hitler was simply a Zionist Agent who played a major role in the greatest Zionist Conspiracy in the twentieth Century!

The gullible "Goyim" (Gentiles), were duped, once again, by the smart Jews. 50 million gullible Gentiles died during WW2 because they believed in the Masters of deception who rule the world.

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