Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Senator No Fan of Cyclist, Defends Critical Mass Bike Riders Civil Right

Senator Jim Elliott from the red state of Montana is no fan of cyclists, so why is he concerned about what’s going on with Critical Mass in in NYC ? And why he thinks every citizen should be too. Find out what got this cowboy mad enough to write an article for
As a rule, authority distrusts innovation and spontaneity, which to my mind pretty much embodies today’s cycling movement. I was reminded of this a couple of weeks ago when I watched “Still We Ride”—a documentary on the mass Critical Mass arrests in New York City during the 2004 Republican National Convention, and the subsequent harassment of cyclists and confiscation of unattended bikes.

It angered me to see a group of people targeted for legalized harassment for doing nothing more than enjoying their civil liberties.

Let me first make something clear; I am not a cyclist, nor do I intend to become one. In fact, in rural Montana, where I live, I tend to be more annoyed by cyclists who choose to tour our extremely scenic and narrow highways than sympathetic. That’s why I was prepared to cast a jaundiced eye on the plight of the people in “Still We Ride”.


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