Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Environment


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ENMOD is the attempt to alter your environment so that you are more amenable to a takeover by a Foreign Power. This Foreign Power has sometimes been called the New World Order and it is composed of secret societies and religious sects whose ideals are many times at odds with true American ideals, as outlined in our Constitution.

This ENMOD technology was unleashed FULL force on Americans right after 911; in fact many believe 911 to have been a diversion to allow the New World Orders technology to be used against Americans directly, dissidents in particular.

We have pictures of early testing of this chemtrail technology, going all the way back to buchenwald prison camp in nazi germany, but the technology as it exists now was deployed without restriction as top secret SECURITY technology right after 911, and like the income tax, it is not going away unless we make it go away. And like all this foreign governments ideals, it is not good for you.

A lot of this NWO technology is Time Domain Corporation surveillance technology, and a lot of it is weather modification technology. A lot of it is direct behaviour control by inundating you and your food and water and air with conductive particulates so you now respond to the various energies better. This NWO technology, stolen from the American Taxpayers over many decades time, and carefully hidden for private uses, is energy and radiation technology. By looking at the plants a little more closely, particularly out here in the west, you can easily see the results of this technology in the radiation damage it is doing to the plant life here. The radiation effects on human tissue were well known by many, and recorded for history, until destroyed during another false flag terror operation which conveniently removed the Gulf War One Medical Records, stored at the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City prior to its destruction.

The energies being harnessed and perpetuated as ENMOD are High Power Broadcast, via antennae, as well as Macro-solar, and also Tectonic. The tech is many tiered and is very involved, convoluted, and expensive. A lot of this energy tech is now augmented with biotechnology, spread in the same manner as the so-called beneficial particulate sprays for ENMOD.

Some of the technology being used, hoarded for this day, originated with Nikola Tesla. Some from Stubblefield. Some comes from various other sources, none well known.

This book is just a primer, and some back-up info concerning patents and such, so that you can see ENMOD and all its aspects has been taken very seriously, by many, for a long time. This publication is less than 10% of the printed information I posess, and the photographic evidences of all this are voluminous to say the least. I traveled from October 2001 to May 2004 documenting the operations across the entire United States. Visit

At the bottom of that page are ftp download addresses for over 1000 pictures of ENMOD Operations across the USA, 2001 to 2004. Also visit I post there regularly (some of my best pix are there in the archives) and many others do also.

You should take it very seriously that you are a human test subject as you read this book. Because thats exactly what you are. This administration and its root organizations is well known for taking liberties with the peoples safety and well being, and in fact they consider us nothing but experimental animals who must be continually hoodwinked into believing anything but the truth.


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