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Does oxford.indymedia censor religious criticism and science history ?

I have noted my article,'The Pope's Misconceptions About Conception And Science History',went missing from oxford.indymedia news about as fast as I published there.It was first published,for the record,in September of 1987 when the pope visited San Francisco,California.The pope's visit,coincided,like a bad joke,with the bicentenial of the U.S. Constitution that supposedly,ha ha,allows for free speech and separation of church and state.

Dear Oxford Indymedia and citizens of Oxford,
Greetings from Guatemala.I have noted my article,'The Pope's Misconceptions About Conception And Science History',went missing from oxford.indymedia news about as fast as I published there.It was first published,for the record,in September of 1987 when the pope visited San Francisco,California.The pope's visit,coincided,like a bad joke,with the bicentenial of the U.S. Constitution that supposedly,ha ha,allows for free speech and separation of church and state.

Reasons for the removal of my news-essay from oxford.indymedia might be redundency.I have recently published it on various indymedias,from the U.S. to Australia and the Philipines, and if I find my old Spanish translation I may repeat it around the world in Spanish as well.It is science and western history that no one had ever written,for whatever reason,until I first did in 1983 after Pope John Paul II claimed,in international news and the San Francisco Chronicle,that 'modern agriculture' could feed humanity and thus allowing birth control,much less abortion,was a grievious sin.

My self education immediately brought to mind the historic fact that the Catholic Church,and the European educational system it had dominated for centuries,was based upon Aritotle's teachings which held that the universe was composed of five elements.The stars and planets were Aristole's 'fifth element',a 'quintessential' or 'perfect element' that did not intermingle with the less pure 'four elements' at the center of of the universe,(i.e.- the planet earth).

The other four elements,as your Oxford and other science and western history experts would know,are 'earth,air, water,and fire'.During Galileo's time only the 'fifth' element was challenged and debunked and I credit the German and Lutheran Johanes Kepler for that,more so than Galileo himself.

Coincidentally the first english translation of a book by Pietro Redondi titled,'Galileo: Heretic',coincided in 1987 with the pope's visit to SF and my chance to at least publish 'The Pope's Misconceptions about conception.. ', somewhere.I began searching for his book that claimed Redondi's Vatican archive research brought to light that Galileo had gotten himelf into trouble not only for espousing a belief in the earth's movement around the sun,but a belief in atoms,immediately !

My egotistical fear was that this discovery had led to Mr.Redondi doing a book that dupicated my essay.Not so. Although Mr.Redoni's coincidental discovery further validated and strengthened my reasoning for writing it,NO MENTION WAS MADE OF THE PHOSPHATES WE CONSUME AND EXCRETE PER PERSON PER EARTH ORBIT AND THE FACT THAT WE NOW STRIP MINE PHOSPHATES FROM AROUND THE WORLD TO SUBSIDISE OUR OVER POPULATION AND SOIL DEPLETION ! Perhaps that is too bad because Mr.Redondi was in a much better position to make a noise about it and bring it to world attention than I was or am.

The reason it took 5 years to publish my article,essay,or editorial anywhere,besides the fact that I am not a professional writer,is that the established media is so closed and there was no internet so to speak much less indymedia at that time.Academia,Oxford's or Bereley's,is likewise closed and is a 'good ol boy' system,to use a southern U.S. expression,where new ideas from outside or ignored or rejected,not so very different from a close minded church.What I term 'intellectual incest'.So only the pope's visit to the U.S. even allowed a reasoning,in the established media's mind,to allow such an article or editorial to be published.

Even at that only the local university daily newspaper,the University of California in Berkeley,was willing and even then only a couple of days after the pope's visit.This I believe was due to the controversy surrounding his visit that was centered around Auschwitz and his minimizing the Jewish deaths there relative to Catholic Poles,which was why local Jewish groups organized protests at that time anyway.

My oxford.indymedia post of my science and history article
was just above a post titled,'Archbishop Nicholls and the Catholic Education Service: An Apology',which is how I note it is missing,whereas the apology to the Archbishop remains prominent.I have indeed heard that British libel laws are more repressive to free speech than in America and I realise even the truth is at times libel at least in the minds of those being criticised.One example may be found on a Google search of 'william alpert australia'.

Bill or William Alpert is an editor of Dow Jones' 'Barrons'
magazine and wrote an article some time ago about an Australian businessman and his questionable or unethical,
(at least to some people's minds),promotion of promotion
of small companies of which he held substantial interest in or shares of.While the man of course claimed these companies had bright futures he,(from various parts of the globe),was quick to inundate the world market with those shares.This of course was a disaster to those investing in
his companies leading to a collapse in the value of their shares as his own,virtually free shares,inundated the markets.

This type of stock scam is an all too old story and even worse with the coming of the internet but in regards to free speech it does show some grievous difference between U.S. and British libel law.And as one who has been taken in a similar scam I believe it most unfortuneate when British libel law can even be used to discourage the warning of others who might become a victim of a scam and your solicitors should consider giving more of their time to opposing petty nuisance libel litigation than to aiding those,regardless of economic status,who might want to use it to cover up unethical or possibly even illegl activities of themselves.

Oh yes,the reason the Australian businessman vs. William Alpert is additionally interesting to indymedia supporters and readers is that the businessman's contention is that his name and reputation was exposed not just in America, where the article was published,but also around the world due to its release on the world wide internet.

I previously had a post go missing from Bristol Indymedia a short while ago that was titled 'Is James Dale Davidson using GB ?'.You may find a near duplicate of this writing so far on New Zealand,Australia indymedias with a google
search of words,'james dale davidson using new zealand'. Mr.Davidson is an American Oxford graduate and friend and co-publisher with the Lord Rees-Mogg,by the the way,and the man most responsible for accusing Bill Clinton,falsely in my opinion,of the murder of Vince Foster.I am presently writing more about all this as well as my experience in being scammed in a penny stock promotion followed by massive dumping or selling of the shares he controlled,(i.e.- an illegal pump and dump).

As Mr.Davidson as well as former U.S.President Bill Clinton are both Oxford graduates as well as Rhodes scholars,I am hoping to use oxford.indymedia to post some of my writing on that subject as well as Mr.Davidson's
penny scam involement.I hope this history of James Dale
Davidson and Bill Clinton of Oxford and the titled Lord Rees-Mogg is not too controversial for the Oxford and Great Britain indymedias when I am ready to publish.

Oh,I gladly note at least my article re the pope remains on the main UK INDYMEDIA server.Thanks.

Tony Ryals

The Pope's Misconceptions about Conception and Science History

Tony Ryals

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