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Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Military

NCO: No Compassion Observed

Hold up in a fox hole with one last bullet. The author writes her true story. This book has attitude. A must read. Know what really happens behind the military doors.
Negligent homicide, U.S. cover-up, South Korea, President George W. Bush, Ft. Sam Houston, Lyme disease, and more..

The crime - U.S. cover-up. The results - rioting, assault, and kidnapping. The punishment for a civilian uncovering the truth - revenge. The civilian is Sue Vogan. The story is true. From the edge of your seat, you will find yourself laughing and crying. In the end, you’ll be screaming for truth, justice and the American way.

Now, Sue is holdup in a foxhole with one last bullet -- NCO-No Compassion Observed, Bedside Books, ISNB 1-58982-249-8

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Sue Vogan:
“A quick, devastating, and enlightening read…a metaphor for the systemic forces in our society that prevent effective diagnosis and treatment of this multifaceted and all-too- often ignored disease. - David Moyer, Lt Col, Ret, USAF,

"Sue Vogan is a true patriot…Sue's affection and services for our military must be recognized, and her book is a must-read." -Sunny Park, winner of USO Patriot Award; founder, Good Neighboring Foundation

“NCO, No Compassion Observed” is an indictment not only of how the US military treats dedicated and loyal members of the armed forces and their families, particularly during a time of medical crisis, but it is also a call to arms for the rest of the country which benefits from their sacrifices. Sue's self-deprecating account of her struggle with Lyme disease and her 20-year veteran husband's attempts at getting help within the system to which he dedicated his life, is all the sadder because it is so true of thousands today – both within and outside the confines of the military. This is a book to which the American public should pay attention. - Denise Lang,

"Knowledge is power; this book is properly researched and annotated. It’s well written and easy to read. Know your enemy. In short, if you want to know about Lyme, buy the book and read it." - Tom Travis, County of Ventura/Environmental

"Sue Vogan is a remarkable writer. She has such a way with words that you can actually "see and feel" what she is writing about. The story of NCO has been long in coming - Lida H. Mattman, Ph.D., author of Cell Wall Deficient Forms, Stealth Pathogens, 3rd Edition"

Sue Vogan, courageous wife of an American soldier, gives a first-hand exposé of the military! Read about her husband's illegal job assignment, the military's nightmarish health care system, and other “hush-hush” occurrences she witnessed. In this heart-wrenching, true story, see how she contracts Lyme disease, then her husband Tim is sent to South Korea, only to be listed as AWOL when released on leave! Left destitute only months away from retirement, Tim faces the fact that his wife is seriously ill, and doctors are actually refusing to treat her! Learn about the true horror of living with Lyme disease. Help Sue fight for the fair treatment she deserves from the military. A must-read for all educated citizens of America. - American Book Publishing

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