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BTL:Taliban Attacks and Election of Warlords Spark Concern about America's...

...Forgotten War in Afghanistan ~ Interview with James Ingalls, co-director of Afghan Women's Mission, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Taliban Attacks and Election of Warlords Spark Concern about America's Forgotten War in Afghanistan

Interview with James Ingalls, co-director of Afghan Women's Mission, conducted by Scott Harris

The ongoing war in Afghanistan remains overshadowed by the larger conflict in Iraq. But a recent surge in Taliban attacks has many observers concerned about the future of Afghanistan. Taliban fighters, using "improvised explosive devices" along roadways, similar to those employed by insurgents in Iraq, have launched almost daily attacks over the past month on U.S., international and Afghan soldiers and police.

An Australian television report recently revealed that U.S. Army soldiers had burned the bodies of two dead Taliban fighters and then used the incident, and insults shouted over a loudspeaker, as part of a psychological operation in an Afghan village to draw out insurgents. The Islamic faith and the Geneva Conventions both forbid the cremation of fallen combatants -- prompting human rights groups to warn that these kinds of tactics are likely to trigger a violent backlash against American troops.

Further, Afghanistan's September ballot for parliament and provincial councils, has resulted in the election of some powerful warlords -- several of whom have joined President Hamid Karzai's government. Many of these warlords have been condemned for their abuse of power and human rights violations. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with James Ingalls, co-director of the group Afghan Women's Mission. He takes a critical look at the political and military situation in Afghanistan -- which has become America's forgotten war.

Contact the Afghan Women's Mission by calling (626) 676-7884 or visit their website at

Related links:

Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan

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