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The White House is going after ALL dissidents who have ANY hard evidence against the administration. The list cited here is merely a fraction of who they are targetting

Leslie Oliver, Jesus Mendoza & Clare Wehrle have received MORE DEATH THREATS by Black Ops. (Read their accounts below)


Stew Webb -- Whistleblower 5 murder attempts

Charles Schlund Whistleblower


Jimmy Walter (9/11 Activist)

Weve been told by reliable sources that orders from the White House are in effect which call for the assassination of any whistleblowers holding hard evidence against the Bushys & Co. The recent attempts to brazenly murder dissidents using both conventional and electromagnetic methods -- are revealing just such an agenda, aimed at permanently silencing those who dare speak out.

Enough suspicious accidental deaths and so-called suicides abound. The aggressive funding of electro-magnetic/microwave/scalar weapons indicates that their use will not be limited to just terrerists - but are already being used to cattle-prod the masses and perpetrate evidence-less assassinations of dissidents who have become problematic. Microwave & SCALAR Weapons are NOW being implemented. This means that the Black Ops/U.S. Gestapo CAN and ARE -- FROM A DISTANT LOCATION;

1-COOKING TARGETS TO DEATH and/or BLINDING THEM using MICROWAVE WEAPONS (see photo of Jesus Mendoza on and read Leslie Oliver¡¦s account below)



After incapacitating their victims they can assassinate them and set the murder scene up to look any way they choose. This ploy has been used innumerable times.


Herein is a list of 6 recent Assassination Attempts & Death Threats Perpetrated by Black Ops on Dissidents, that we personally know of: These are their stories.

Following months of harassment by the Bush administration, that includes getting him fired from his job at a think tank and attempting to strip him of his membership in the Washington Press Club, the Bush administration has stooped to new lows in trying to make former National Security Agency employee Wayne Madsen disappear. America has entered a dangerous new age of the Neo-Con and new Nazi movement that thrives on lies and propaganda from Fox News and right wing talk show hosts. With Pat Robinson pushing for assassination of foreign leaders are domestic internet journalists next?

Insider Editor's Notes:
"Dear Readers:
At Wayne Madsen's request we are putting this message to him from a source high in a United States Intelligence agency. Wayne is now in hiding and on the run after his source revealed that a private contractor assassination team had been hired to take him out due to his articles and exposures in and We will keep you informed and If the assassination teams kill him then all the world will know where the orders came from..."
dear john: You now have what was sent to me by someone who has excellent bona fides. If anything happens to me -- send this far and wide. I am leaving Washington for a few days.---wm

Intelligence Source: We have reason to think that a "project" will be undertaken against "someone" considered problematic now....not next week but NOW. That person is not specified but is in the US, in an apartment setting and lives alone. It is a "he" and he works via www. This information is specific to an intent but not specific to a person. The source is impeccable and you know my track record which have parallel sourcing.

THE CALL FOR ASSASSINATION (slightly abridged):
The "project" will be assigned to "parallel contractors" who will make any action appear random and witnesses would suggest Middle Eastern in source. Actions would be carried out in or near the home. We do not hear things like this often (almost never) and so far every warning of this type has been within 24 hours of action and these warnings have proven 100% accurate in the past. Your recent work and profile make us tell you this directly. Please respond with a note that all is normal there. Please consider what can be done while taking any measures you think necessary to avoid this "project". We consider this warning as coming with the highest level "authenticity" and purity of motive, but the subject and message subject and it's specifications were too unusual to be sure of intent.

Tim's brilliant expose below is obviously one reason they wish him dead. He has been targeted electromagnetically for 10 years and has recently been visited by the UK version of Men in Black who attempted to assassinate him. Read the complete article at the urls listed below
by Tim Rifat

Microwave weapons that turn people into stressed, confused, submissive zombies are being used in inner cities. Developed by the communists, microwave weapons similar to microwave ovens have since the 1980s, been targeted on inner city council estates. These weapons transmit extremely low frequency (ELF) signals which mimic natural brain waves; at the flick of a switch, all the people around these microwave transmitters are turned into submissive zombies who cannot think clearly, become depressed, apathetic and want to lounge around all day doing nothing: the inner city malaise found on Britain's streets. With the advent of new ELF detectors designed by the author's research teams, the mass mind control of the metropolitan UK population can be proved. ELF signals are officially only found at nuclear submarine communication stations, so the researchers were shocked to find microwave and UHF, mind control signals in city centres, the author's flat, being sent through mobile phones, the BT telephones and from the numerous transmitters that dot the country.

The massive increase in mobile phones has enabled the Us & UK security forces to use this network of transmitters to beam mind control signals into the brains of anyone living near these transmitters. Microwave phones use pulse modulated microwaves of the correct intensity to pass through the skull into the brain and control behaviour. Microwave transmitters are therefore the perfect medium for the transmission of ELF signals to mind control the UK population.

It is alleged that Marconi put this microwave technology into full scale production, and around thirty scientists and military personnel on the project who began to ask questions committed `suicide' under mysterious circumstances.
My research has found that microwave weapons are targeted on middle class troublemakers and researchers who cause problems for the establishment. Russian and American research has found that pulse modulated microwaves (as used for mobile phones) can, when modulated with ELF which mimics specific brain patterns change the behaviour of the victim at the flick of a switch. Symptoms can be depression, befuddled thinking, loss of memory, stress, not being able to cope, manic behaviour, schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, physical collapse, brain and nervous system damage, heart attacks, cancer...
Torture is alive and well in the UK & US. MI5, the UK's secret police, regularly use Non-Lethal Weapons on any dissidents. Since MI5 were instrumental in bringing down the Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson, they naturally took to spying on, and discrediting, any group or person who did not follow their rabid right wing dogma.

Microwave weapons are impossible to detect unless you have a detector, dissidents have no idea these weapons exist, and best of all, they are totally deniable.
More to Read at:


Full Account: or

Electro Magnetic Weapons CAN/WILL WIPE OUT MANKIND... that is... AFTER they covertly assassinate individual dissidents... by sudden heart failure, "mysterious" airplane and automobile crashes, choking, suicides and a myriad of other types of "natural" deaths all of which are occurring right NOW.

The following report is an accurate account of the illegal, violent atrocities and numerous attempts to murder me by what is now know to be the Black Ops of the corrupt U.S. Gestapo Government or Organized crimeE This new American mafia is condoned, supported and protected by local police, federal law enforcement agencies and all levels of government, including the very highest offices.

The Black Ops/U.S. Gestapo Government now has the capability of LITERALLY CLOSING UP A PERSONS WINDPIPE or PLUNGING A PERSON INTO UNCONSCIOUSNESS FROM A DISTANCE to incapacitate and kill them. They then set the murder scene up to look like an accident.


And there is ZERO DOUBTEthey have every intention of using these EM weapons on us.
With the use of Microwave/Scalar EM Weapons aimed directly at us, guns and conventional arsenals are virtually obsolete. The following is a true and accurate account of the assaults, attempts at murder and obvious campaign of the United States Government to destroy me psychologically, physiologically and financially. But most importantly, this describes TRUTHFULLY what the new weapons can do.
I have added the most recent incidents first. Most of this information has already been posted publicly on, Portland and the other Indymedias.

Electromagnetic Murders; An Assassins Dream

September 2005, India.
Microwave heat throughout my body especially my chest and head. Constant cough. Blood vessels begin to break in my eye. Notice I am being stalked.

Aug 15, 2005 Kathmandu, Nepal...
and the stalking has continued... no doubt the plan is to have me 'disappear' en route somewhere or make me ill. Something is sprayed onto me while I was walking but most of it apparently missed me. I was told it was one of their EM CocktailsE
Coincidentally, right after the incident, Tim White emailed me and asked me if I felt OK
Does it get any more obvious who the perps are?

Since my last post, the long murdering arm of black ops in the U.S. has reached across the globe to Dharamsala, India and began systematic 'electric shocks' to my chest, along with their infamous microwaving. This is done to induce a natural-looking completely unnatural heart attack as many prominent figures who oppose the new Fascist governments have suffered.

In early February 2005 ~ During my first experience of electronically being LITERALLY CHOKED, the residents in the house where I formerly lived were awakened in the middle of the night by me gasping for air. Electronically, they partially closed up my windpipe so I could barely breathe and was on my way to choking to death when they abruptly stopped it. This was done as a threat after I tried to contact Ed Asner- that same night to make public the attempts of black ops agents to crash my car. Shortly after this incident, even more attempts to knock me off of the road were made.

February 7, 2005, a group of about 4 or 5 Black Ops agents were waiting in the somewhat deserted back parking lot of Saks Fifth Avenue in Palm Desert, California and began surrounding me after I left the store and walked towards my car. I had enough time to run back into the store and call my friend who came and rescued me. I was not able to go back home again before I left the country except to get my clothes. The reason that they tried to assault me or kidnap me is because I had already begun making preparations to leave the country which they were aware of because of their illegal surveillance and this was to stop me from leaving the country so they could get their legal ducks in a row and arrest me on bogus credit card fraud charges which I found out later. Seven days later, on February 14, 2005, I managed to leave the USA for good. One week later, they arrested 100,000 so-called felonsE(AKA dissidents) across the nation.

May 6 2005 ~ Dharamsala, India, after telephoning Arlene Johnson of, I was again abruptly woken up by 'something' closing up my windpipe and literally choking me. This was an attempt to threaten me a second time.

May 8 2005 ~ Dharamsala, India ~ The guesthouse proprietors of where I am staying witnessed me staggering out of my hotel room into the main lobby - again gasping for breath and unable to breathe as something was closing up my windpipe. This was all done electronically -- in retaliation for trying to contact Stephen DeVoy who they have already ‘neutralizedEfor making his assaults public.

Winter 2005 ~ Palm Desert area, CA ~ Upon calling the offices of JIMMY WALTER (the 'eccentric' millionaire who aired commercials asking for the re-investigation of 9/11), I was told that he was putting together more commercials.. Not more than 15 minutes after trying to email my suggestion to Jimmy Walter's assistant in Pacific Palisades, CA, a rough-looking agent in a silvery-green Jaguar (obviously well-paid) license plate #04WIR094 drove up and remained parked directly across the street looking into my house.

I live on a dead end street in a more rural part of the Palm Desert area of California. Because there is nothing but sand opposite my property... and because everyone is on a minimum of 3.5-acres, anyone parked across the street is either a visitor of mine or is looking to buy the empty lot. But no one can just sit in their parked car staring into my house from across the street... without being 'up to no good'. Sure enough, I walked out of the house to see who was there and the man in the Jaguar looked totally shocked and then sped off. A few minutes later, he came back again very, very slowly ... glaring at me, turned around at the next house and drove back past me again in a very threatening way. He did this 4 times until he noticed I was writing his license plate down and he took off like a bullet, for good. About 4 or 5 other vehicles then also appeared and drove very, very slowly past me . One was a maroon pick-up Truck, license plate #GW97080 who gave me the finger. Another was an older blue Ford (Escort, I believe) license plate #D1 SHARK who started to drive straight towards me as if he was going to run into me but I lurched behind my gate.

When I called Jimmy Walter to find out where I could send information, he told me that he could only give me his PO Box - not his physical address - as he had been getting 'death threats'. These are the cars & license plate numbers of those who have literally tried to push me off the road by sideswiping me in their campaign to electronically kill me and try to make it look like a car accident starting from July 2004 to February 14th, 2005-- the day I left the USA.

These are all California plates: 4JJD727 Black car, 2FPK059 Gold older Volvo, 3DHG785 White car, 1052115 ("City of Riverside" written on outside of Grey car), 4CL1362 white Honda Accord owned by a stout Hispanic man.

These are the names of BLACK OPS AGENTS: The first 3 Perps that I listed work together
1- JOHN MECCA at 119 Whittier Dr. Kings Park, NY 11754 (631) 360 1557 (631) 360-1883 (917) 428-2730. He runs a bogus EMAIL: timetogo2 (at) He claims loudly to be a victim himself while threatening to go out and gun the perps down. He uses his website to illicit trust in people who are genuinely looking for help by selling a so-called ‘jammerEEa contraption which does work to neutralize some of the uncomfortable electro magnetic waves. Within that context he becomes trusted and easily manipulates victims by feeding real information with disinformation.
He works with a woman named,
2- DEBBIE LAMB has a strong Texan accent She too claims to be victimized-- however she is a Black Ops agent as well and works as John Mecca’s ‘yes-manE
Always on hand is Black Ops Chicago Attorney,
3- JOHN PHILLIPS 290 Streamwood Drive, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 (219) 462-1520 (312) 762-9212 & 762-9214 pretends that he is going to ‘fight the government. He advises people to hire expensive investigators so they can drain their finances by ‘getting evidencealthough evidence abounds. People believe they are protected when they speak confidentially with an attorney and John Phillips is used exactly for that purpose. To illicit confidential information from trusting people so they can ‘hang themselves.
Known by many as a college professor at South Coast College in Costa Mesa, CA,
4- JOANIE SALINGER, also claims to be victimized ‘since childhood and plays the victim while she passes disinformation. She too is a Black Ops agent.

View His Video:
Electronic murder assault target Jesus Mendoza of Mission,Texas brought his case to the world's attention two years ago on The Power Hour radio broadcast. He has been under heavy electronic and stalking attacks, particularly when he is at home, and particularly when he is in the company of his children. His children also suffer these attacks, even when he tried commercial faraday cages (electromagnetic shielding enclosures) around his children in bed, furnished by a specialist in electromagnetic hazards. (The cages didn't help.) His case is also somewhat unique in that he has been able to videotape both non-ionizing EM and ionizing (xrays, gamma rays, radioactivity) radiation readings on his several meters, and these readings tend to drop when he switches on the camcorder. Some articles relating to Jesus Mendoza's case are posted on:

As of September 24th, 2005, Jesus reported that he is receiving death threats. No doubt this is in response to the Video which exposes the torture he and his family are enduring. His incoming and outgoing emails are read and sabotaged -- especially when they are from persons offering help or relevant information which pertains his slow Electro magnetic murder. His telephone calls too are under heavy surveillance and are being controlled. All members of his family including his children, wife and in-laws -- are literally being electronically cooked o death. And now, finding himself almost unable to breathe, and with barely enough energy to function, Jesus is bedridden much of the time. The blood seen in his eyes indicate broken blood vessels. See description below.

"Heating the victim to death, by microwave cooking is caused by increasing the field intensity of the radiation, to cause local hot spots in the victims' eyes and gall bladder, which have poor circulation, so cannot carry away the heat.

Irradiating the optic nerve of the victim with the same signal that is sent to the brain by this nerve, causes the nerve tissue to overload. In this way, subversives can be blinded by the intelligence community without them knowing what has occurred." -- Tim Rifat

Please feel free to contact Jesus -- that is, if you can get through on his telephone or email
Jesus Mendoza, 2202 E. 28th Mission, TX 78574, (956) 519-7140 Email: jesusmm7 (at)

RadioActivists Forum (edited)
I am much in need of legal help and support. The background issues in my case involve targeting and ongoing, ILLEGAL Mind control EM experimentation by the CIA, COINTELPRO and U.S. Black Ops for which I have quite a bit of evidence. Being very outspoken on the internet, at least 5 attempts have been made on my life (along with the perpetration of other kinds of violence).

The police force in Lafayette, Louisiana -- the site of the most recent murder attempt-- have ILLEGALLY DENIED MY RIGHT TO REPORT THE ASSAULT AND THE ATTEMPTED MURDER perpetrated on me, in an effort to COVER-UP the obvious purposeful intent of our U.S. Secret Gestapo Police. This is, in spite of my having contacted the police immediately after the incident. In fact, there have been so many civil liberties violations, I can hardly list them (visit

In this most recent attempt, I was out at night in Lafayette, LA.The main reason I could not rent a hotel room was that my ID, ATM card AND credit card were negligently “LOSTEby a corrupt hospital in Central LA (Coincidently, this appears to frequently happen to people who cannot replace cards without a mailing address.)

Thus, without housing, I remained in the vicinity of an all night convenience store on the 5700 block of Johnston Street near the Acadian Shopping Mall in Lafayette. Despite my efforts to remain awake all night as I knew it would be safer to sleep during daylight hours, I fell asleep at a picnic table near "Toys'R Us" as dawn approached. I woke up with a knife at my throat. And although I am not that young now, I did not panic as I have had years of self-defense training. And so, I was able, thank God, to seize the knife and throw it out of range so that I could not be overpowered with the weapon. The ‘agentEthen tried to get me into a stranglehold (as they have tried on previous murder attempts) which I was able to fight off, all the time screaming. Eventually he left and I left afterward for the convenience store (I did not stay right at the store as I may have been arrested for loitering or trespassing). The salesgirl said she had heard the screams but did nothing.
I called the police, who arrived with EMS. However, luckily I did not need EMS as the stab wound was very light. I brought the police back to the scene of the crime and located the knife. I turned it over to the police, but THEY REFUSED TO HAVE THE KNIFE TESTED FOR FINGERPRINTS OR DNA!
The attacker was apparently a young, highly fit white male, whom I could not see clearly in the shadows. There was no rape attempt.

Later, upon calling the Lafayette Police station, I found that NO POLICE REPORT HAD BEEN MADE. There was NOTHING ON FILE. The newspapers in Lafayette, though friendly, never returned my calls when I tried to report on this. So the incident was covered up completely (WHY?), despite the popularity of this shopping mall.

I thank in advance anyone who can offer further legal assistance. If you can offer advice, please send a copy to me at cwehrle05 (at)

A Visit from The Boys in Black Is Expected.
Its late fall of 2004. Fred McKenna* surveys his beloved radionics equipment with sorrow. “I am expecting a visit from the boys in black,Ehe sighs to me. Because he has been engaged in storm mitigation and deflection, he’s sure that military and other authorities know of his location and activities. Fred has already begun to dispose of the reagents, the active principle used for the “broadcastEof specific corrective energies to persons or the environment. By transferring their activity to the land itself, he hopes this might at least protect a passive aspect of his operation. But he fears that the machines themselves may no longer be in his possession by the end of the following year.

Its for good reason that Fred is concerned about confiscation of his radionics machines. He has received numerous threatening phone calls; his computer has been sabotaged while connected to satellite weather-data sites; and he has even been subjected to a psionic attack intended to cause a car crash Ewhich would have happened if he had not serendipitously made an unplanned turn off the highway. Just as he was stopping the car, he was suddenly plunged into unconsciousness (for which no medical explanation could be found). Had he continued on the road, he said, the car would have smacked into a rock face.

.Just because Fred lives in Canada, he is not exempt from interference or even being arrested. The U.S. military has a very long arm. As evinced by many examples, the US feels it has the right to reach into any nation on earth to take whatever it wills by force, whether this is oil fields or weather-influencing technology.


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