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Cease and Ban Electronic Surveillance of Humans, Murder, and Remote Pulses to the Chest

Direct energy programs, remote sensing applications, and electronic surveillance of humans on earth are causing pain to people and should be stopped.
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In corrobaration with Leslie Oliver’s post
about remote 6 assassination attempts taking place in the United States against its own people, there are many other victims being attacked with electro-magnetic pulses to the chest and the throat area..

I know of four victims personally.

A long-time victim in Florida, who is in contact with many victims, says she know of twenty victims now being remotely hit by electro-magnetic radiation to the upper chest area and throat.

I am a victim also, and I ask the employees of remote sensing applications and direct energy programs to immediately cease targeting humans. These programs and energy are causing pain to innocent individuals: this is a crime against humanity and your own countrymen.

People, if you are suffering from what feels like excess acid indigestion, or pulsing to the chest—when there is no logical reason, you are probably a victim of electronic harassment.

Direct energy victims have been complaining about this electro-magnetic targeting for four months, so trace back the time it started happening to you.

Others are still being targeted by planes, whether for locating victim coordinates, marking intersections for subliminal messages, or simple harassment.

Contacting political leaders does no good: there are few responses and most of them ill-advisedly signed off on a defense authorization bill that provides technology to monitor its own citizens.

I would encourage you to go these five sites and read to learn about electronic harassment and covert stalking, if you have not done so., and
and last but not least, a site that shows a cell phone radar system that tracks humans, information page at (Get out of range, and jets may start to suddenly fly over your locale.)

You may want to get involved in chemtrail banning. Look at the page based in Santa Cruz, Cal.

And consider looking at some photos and reading Carolyn Palit’s site at She lives in Texas and trying to get a “no exotic warfare zone” resolution passed. Access her link for a copy.

You may find some of the answers you need on a discussion forum at (However, I understand the forum is now open only to approved members.

There are other forums dealing with mind control discussion, covert stalking, and electronic harassment.)

Be sure to check out some countermeasures for the harassment on the web.

Many of us are advertising mind control atrocities however possible: web sites, newspaper ads, bulletin boards, churches, etc …And yet others are meeting together for support in Texas and California.

Consider recording some measurements of adverse energy or taking some pictures. There are agencies such as the FCC (in charge of the rf spectrum) and NTIA (microwaves) receptive to helping keep the airwaves in order.

We pray to be secure in our own persons from remote sensing as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution). And we pray for legal representation.

There is a web site called the International Movement for the Global Ban of Weapons at The site is a reference site for activists looking for scientific and factual evidence to document and end this madness.

Many people blame the FBI, CIA., NSA, or the Justice Department for most of the covert activities taking place. I suppose we should pray for open files and confession.

Other people contact the Air Force Direct Energy Office, Naval Research Office, Dept. of Energy, and other agencies to help end electronic pollution. But there has been little response.

And yet others, as I, blame an international crime outfit.

Scientist organizations seem receptive to helping us. (There are science foundations all over the world and I suggest you contact some of them.)

I hope you find the help and mercy you need to escape electronic aggression.

May God have mercy on all.

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