To be real in this sickened world is to be on fire! To shoot back is to be a man.
The state terrorism behind all the Homeland Security Thugs and the billions a propaganda and hate that they shove down the throats of the poor and the immigrants will be silenced. They use the pretext that every one who don't do what Whitey says is like a terrorist organisation. Well comrades we got the Homie Security Department and we kickin into action

Street gangs, Rappers and Insurgents – We Coming Together
We Are Heavily Armed, We fear nothing – we are for the people – especially the poor brown people and those who gonna be our allies against the Oligarchy of Power that Whitey got.
Listen yous gringo chumps, you ain't the bosses no more. Power is in the streets and we own them. You got the blame for all this shit. All you chingaso ricos made up a bad world and now your time is gone - us bad asses gonna choke your scene down.
We got family in the prisons, on the streets, in the barrios. We organizing in your schools and all over the MF continent.
If you don’t support the armed struggle of youth everywhere then you work for the death squads of Uncle Sam the-Yankee-Man. You are scum bags and we be looking for you.
Most of the world is sealed up in graves: graveyards of the mind or of subjugation. Many will soon die from the invasions of the US military and its puppet militias. Many will die in the aftermath of US conquest and the dead ends of economic slavery. Many will just remain trapped and sealed away in their graves of denial and their terrible fears. These graves all have tombstones engraved with the words: Gringo Lies.
When a cop hits the dirt, when a US helicopter crashes anywhere, when a bank is ripped off and its dirty dollars expropriated for the people, when a suicide bomber ignites, when ever Jorge Ja Ja "Bush" opens his stinking mouth and makes a fool of his whole race: we should all really Kiss the Earth, be inspired. let our hearts beat with excitement.
When ya see a fine sniper rifle, a new pistol, or a RPG let us kiss the sky and clench our fists.
To be real in this sickened world is to be on fire! To shoot back is to be a man.
The state terrorism behind all the Homeland Security Thugs and the billions a propaganda and hate that they shove down the throats of the poor and the immigrants will be silenced. They use the pretext that every one who don't do what Whitey says is like a terrorist organisation. Well comrades we got the Homie Security Department and we kickin into action.
Ultimately the exploited must rise up and overthrow their oppressors themselves – the police state, the Comprador capitalist Pigs and all their allies. And we will be in the midst of this battle because we are of the exploited class, We are the Frontlines against the Gringos. We are the defenders and we ain't after political power. The games of control and management of the struggling exploited are not for us. We want to destroy domination. We want to fight for freedom. The AK is our symbol – Patria o Muerte our slogan and battlecry.
El 'eM eSe' Marabutas, Ya QUINCE (05' de sicarroso Norteno) y Allianza Tatuaje
Mano Dura o Mano Amiga, es tu broma.
Learn the Lesson or teach us one.
Los monos (micos) de ATF, FBI, DHS, Hombres "Menos de un Minuto", Sombras negras y ICE/ NGIC : Hasta La Vista Baby – Hasta La Vista Gringolandia!
Oh There are Positions Yo Know
Like anybody who putting on the cool suit, the progressive, the hard greens, the Left alternative or the revolucionarios – All have to demand:
1 – Reduce US military budget in half and give tax cuts/credits to the poor and working poor.
2 – Remove all US military bases and soldiers from all foreign soil – including Puerto Rico and Cuba!
3 – Reduce the CIA budget by 80 percent and make it totally public and transparent.
4 – Increase the gasoline taxes by a dollar and then by two dollars and make mass transit usefull and free.
5 – Increase taxes on the wealthiest 5 percent of the population – the dammed rich! Use it for poor people health clinics and education.
6 – Increase legal Latin American immigration by 50 percent and Central American immigration by 80 percent. Prosecute all the messed up Border Patrol Migras pigs who abuse immigrants. Outlaw the Minutemen – make it illegal to cross state borders to encourage racism and xenophobia.
7 – Prison Reform:
Review the cases of the 130,000 people on death row or life-without-parlole.
End the use of isolation – make punishment more humane.
House inmates near to their designated relatives whenever possible.
Reduce sentences for all non-violent drug offenders and offences – even for repeat offenders if non-violent. And reduce sentences/fines for crimes of poverty – shoplifting, welfare fraud, looting and car theft.
Reduce overcrowding.
Pay Prisoners minimum wages.
Allow free access to printed materials.
The use of super-maximum security facilities should be strictly limited.
Prisoners should not be confined in restrictive conditions of isolation and extensive control except when their behavior has shown them to be so chronically violent or dangerous and to pose such a demonstrable, extremely serious threat to prison safety and security that prison officials have no other choice. Mere membership in a gang, absent actual dangerous or predatory behavior, should not be the basis for supermax confinement.
All confinement in supermax units should be for the shortest period of time possible in light of legitimate security and safety considerations. The length of time in supermax confinement should be not extended because of minor rules violations.
Inmates should be able to reduce their time in supermax confinement through good behavior and the accomplishment of identified program goals.
Inmates should have a meaningful opportunity to contest assignment to, or continuation of, supermax confinement, and they should have a meaningful opportunity to appeal. All inmates should be given in writing a detailed, individualized explanation of the specific reasons for their original and continued supermax confinement. Senior central office corrections officials should periodically review the justification for supermax confinement for each inmate. Any inmate kept in supermax confinement for a prolonged period should be able to obtain a review of the justification for such placement from an impartial, independent authority.
Physical conditions should be healthy and humane.
Cells should have windows that permit natural light to enter, heating and cooling systems that maintain reasonable in-cell temperatures, and adequate air circulation.
Inmates should be confined individually in cells; double-celling should not be permitted.
Return all foreign nationals held in the US to the country of their choice.
Terminate the new FBI Prisoner 'Threat Assessment' program which is nothing but an excuse to discriminate against Hispanic, Black and Moslem prisoners.
Dismantle the illegal and secret prison complexs which the USA maintains around the world (Morocco, Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Israel... ad nauseumni...)
And This Above is the minimum program – bet we can do better yet.
Another Favor for the People:
Yo! Yous wanna-be gangster-bangers, a million chollitos and the rap-attacker squads, could you like take out all those shiny black half domes and those ugly white boxes that are the surveillance cameras of the rich – the street lights too and the traffic lights if they mess with our hoods.
Fo all yous Uncle Toms and snitches – and all yous Suburban Look-Aways, we got a special inferno waitin for all your asses.
Muy muchas pelotas michinados carinos policias – Buena suerte en sus quilombos - SOLA VAYA! Ninfos cucarachas!
The song always playing in the cops heads, “Oye chico, vamos a salir a buscar flete por ahi. [sus propios fletes cabron!]”
No te lo pienses más
baja la guardia y mira atrás
nadie te va a alcanzar
No tienes rival , no tienes rival.
Todo lo que ellos quieren para ti
Son todas las cosas que ellos no hicieron.
Todo lo que quisieron; una pequeña pista.
Todo lo que quisieron; la verdad.
Todo lo que quisieron; un pedacito tuyo.
Todo lo que quisieron,
Pero que nunca consiguieron.
Carnalitos hasta la muerta!