Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

Travel Scholarships available for Virginia Anarchist Gathering

The Virginia Anarchist Gathering (, planned for Harrisonburg Virginia, October 20-23, has raised money and is offering travel scholarships for low income people and anyone else who needs financial assistance to come to the conference.
The Virginia Anarchist Gathering (, planned for Harrisonburg Virginia, October 20-23, has raised money and is offering travel scholarships for low income people and anyone else who needs financial assistance to come to the conference.

Anyone interested should send an email to vagathering (at), or a letter to Rising Up collective, PO Box 504, Harrisonburg VA 22803, explaining your situation and telling us how much you need to pay for gas/ take off work/ etc., to attend. Funds are limited, so please contact us as soon as possible.

The Virginia Anarchist Gathering is a conference and networking opportunity for Virginia-area anarchists and anti-authoritarians. You can learn more about the gathering from our website, Registration and housing forms are now on the website.

The Virginia Anarchist Gathering will also provide free food, housing (if you register and request it), and childcare.

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