Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Activism : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq

White House Action Monday 9/26

Monday September 26 at least 370 people were arrested in front of the north side of the White House while demanding an end of the war in Iraq, the return of American troops, and for President Bush to meet with Cindy Sheehan and other military families to give a real reason for the war in Iraq.
Marching up 15th and 17th streets to meet in Lafayette Park, peace activists from across the country descended on the White House during a week day lunch hour to call for en end to the war in Iraq.

After Cindy Sheehan and other members of Gold Star Families for Peace and Military Families Speak Out were rebuffed once more in their requests to meet with Mr. Bush, hundreds of activists swarmed the fence of the White House, covering the entire fence in the postcard zone with names of Iraq war casualties from all nations, banners calling for end end to the war, flowers, and even an eviction notice for Mr. Bush and the American military abroad.

The Park Police announced the sidewalk closed, while groups of the activists occupied the sidewalk by sitting down or otherwise claiming the space in the name of their first amendment rights, refusing to leave until they could meet with Mr. Bush. To most people's surprise, one man climbed over the fence to the White House and was quickly tackled and hauled away. Following this incident, the police forced everyone away from the fence, but not off the sidewalk.

The police began their arrests with Cindy Sheehan, and continued to arrest ultimately more than 370 people including Cornel West and Michael Berg. Activists had come from all over the country, and the group included vetrans from every war the United States has fought since Worled War II, members of Code Pink, Baltimore Pledge of Resistance and other Pledge of Resistance members, DAWN, vetran civil resisters, people for whom this was their first arrest, and people who hadn't been arrested in 20 years. There were young and old, clergy and the religious, as well as secular people. The huge number of arrests and the great mix of people made for great discussions and stories during the long processing time by the overwhelmed Park Police.

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