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LOCAL Announcement :: Culture

Poems Against War Magazine Releases Its Fourth Issue

Poems Against War, a binannual journal dedicated to pro-peace and anti-war poetry, published its fourth issue: A Positive Vision. It features 7 poets--including Baltimore poets Rosemary Klein, Marcus Colasurdo, and Paige Armstrong--looks at both contemporary issues and visions for a better future, and costs two dollars.

Poems Against War is available in Baltimore at Minas Gallary (36th Avenue, Hampden), Red Emma's Bookstore and Coffeehouse (800 St. Paul); in D.C. at Trover's (221 SE Penn.), Capital Hill Books (C Street, SE), Bridge Street Books (Georgetown), the Brian MacKenzie Infoshop; and in N.Y.C. at St Mark's Books.

From ''Poem for the Living''

Squads of tanks and soldiers
pass crowds in business casual
to invade overseas for oil.

Under a Saturday March sun
parading draws shoppers and children
as dogs lope through nubile buds....

The workweek rehauls itself
onto buses, subways, into cars,
as elsewhere populations flashbulb to dust.

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