Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Peace

WILPF 10th Anniversary Celebration

The Catonsville Branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom will celebrate their Tenth Anniversary on Saturday, October 1, 2005 from 4 - 6 PM at Mt. Olivet Church hall, 823 Edmondson Aveue.
The Catonsville Branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom will celebrate their Tenth Anniversary on Saturday, October 1, 2005 from 4 - 6 PM at Mt. Olivet Church hall, 823 Edmondson Aveue. Speakers from the past ten years of programs are invited guests. The afternoon will be a time of recollections, remembrance and refreshments.
The speaker for this anniversary celebration will be Sr. Carol Gilbert OP currently living at Jonah House here in Baltimore.

RSVP by September 26 to Lucy Vecera at 11456 Old Frederick Rd., Marriottsville, MD 21104

Contact:Phyllis Yingling, 410-889-3185

Sr. Carol Gilbert, is a member of the Grand Rapids Domincan Order of Preachers. She and two other sisters of the Michigan Order,Sr. Ardeth Platte and Sr. Jackie Hudson, have for many years opposed the development and deployment of nuclear weapons. In October of 2001 they participated in a Plowshares action of civil disobedience at Colorado missile site in order to call attention to the illegal weapons of mass destruction in the United States. The three were arrested, tried, and given severe sentences in three different prisons. Sr. Carol will share with us the reasoning behind this Plowshares action and describe her life during the two and a half years in prison in Alderson West Virginia.

Past speakers at Catonsville branch:
Ann McLaughlin
Kuniko Takumi
Diane Paul,
Dr. Ed Orser
Jill Chambers Bartlett,
Marii Hasegawa,
Farzana Kattak
Felicity Hill
Quentin Wyatt
Rebecca Ascedillo
Nan McCurdy
Sally Matlin
Susan DeFrancesco
Lewis Diggs
Marliese Diaz
Ellen Barfield
David Kirby
Gwen Marable
Carlos Sanchez
Christine Sarbanes
Gillian Gilhool
Victoria Carter
Bill Sneeringer
Rep.Elijah Cummings
Mary Zepernick
Fahima Vorgetts
Louise Sheldon Mc Donald
Gwen Braxton
Mary Gunning
Dorothy Ruyak and Jessa Goldberg
Paul Hughes
Roxanne Costley
Leila Shafig
Elizabeth Martin

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