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BTL:Global Warming Linked to the Increased Power of Hurricanes Battering the US

Interview with Ross Gelbspan, journalist and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Global Warming Linked to the Increased Power of Hurricanes Battering the U.S.

Interview with Ross Gelbspan, journalist and author, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, it's more than just the levees around New Orleans that broke. The social compact Americans assumed would protect them from disaster was also shattered. The destruction of most of the wetlands in the Gulf of Mexico -- which used to buffer cities from the worst flooding a hurricane could inflict -- now intensifies the destructive force of hurricanes along the coastline.

Less directly apparent was the connection between the destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina and global climate change. But that connection is being made by increasing numbers of scientists and other experts researching the subject.

Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Ross Gelbspan, a veteran journalist and author of two books on global warming. He describes some of the hurricane-related phenomena that can and cannot be attributed to global warming, and lays out what governments are doing to reduce the effects of global warming, and the conspicuous inaction of the U.S. government under the Bush administration.

Ross Gelbspan's two books on global warming are titled, "The Heat is On," and "Boiling Point." Visit Gelbspan's website at

Related links:

ACORN Hurricane Relief, please call 1-800-790-2290

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