Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Protest Activity

Stop the War - Come to Boston October 29th

Stop the War!
Mobilize on Boston Common - October 29th
End the Occupation of Iraq!
Bring The Troops Home Now!
Military Recruiters Out of Our Schools!
Fund Human Needs- Not War!
Click on image for a larger version

leafletfornow.pdf (134 k)
Two and a half years after the brutal and illegal invastion of Iraq,
the nightmare continues-- with a terrible toll on Iraqis, and U.S. troops
used as cannon fodder. At the same time a catastrophe of massive
proportions is unfolding on the Gulf Coast. The deaths of thousands in
Katrina's path were no more necessary than the deaths of thousands
in Iraq. The hundreds of billions funding wars only serve to measure the
terrible toll inflicted on our communities. How many more billions will
be looted from vital social needs such as jobs, hurricane relief,
reconstruction aid, education, and healthcare or libraries, firehouses,
childcare, eldercare, or Social Security? How many more will die in a war
based on lies?

Stop the War!
Mobilize on Boston Common - October 29th
End the Occupation of Iraq!
Bring The Troops Home Now!
Military Recruiters Out of Our Schools!
Fund Human Needs- Not War!

March and Rally – October 29th
Boston Common – 11:00AM
Planning Meetings Every Monday - 6:00 PM @ Mass Global Action Office
33 Harrison St. – 4th Floor – Near Chinatown on Orange Line T

Sponsored by: October 29th Coalition
A broad coalition of Boston area Antiwar, Student, and Community Organizations
For more info visit: or call: 617-338-9966 Option 5 or email: info-AT-OCT29.ORG

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