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Freedom From Psychotronic Torture Activist Group

A Group Dedicated To Ending The Illegal Use Of
Psychoelectronic Weapons On The Citizens Of The
United States, By The United States Government.

Freedom From Psychotronic Torture Activist Group

Our Mission Statement

Since the founding of the United States Constitution, Americans as a people have always believed that we were special. We were told so by our own Government in that each of us was afforded the right to protections under this Constitution, which would grant us liberty and justice for all. It was this promise which made the United States different from all other countries; a promise which made it the
country that people from around the globe immigrated to in the pursuit of such personal freedom.

As Americans, each of us has since childhood, been ingrained with the ideals of our country's forefathers; ideals which we always believed we shared as a nation: that all US citizens were created equal and that as such we were all guaranteed the rights afforded us by our Constitution, including that of due process.

However, over the centuries, something has gone terribly wrong. No longer are the rights which were promised by this Constitution available to all of us. Instead, receiving justice in the courts now appears to be more of an issue of personal wealth then that of being an American citizen.

For many of us, the rights provided to us by our Constitution have eroded to the point where we no longer have protection from it. For some of us, even the Constitutional amendment guaranteeing us the right to due process seems to have been eradicated.

We, The Freedom From Psychotronic Torture Activist Group consist of American
citizens who have had been deprived of our Constitutional rights. While none of us have been charged with a crime, each has been subjected to the most blatant forms of Constitutional abuse imaginable.

We have been repeatedly abused by our own government through their use of advanced technology: classified weaponry which we have termed psychotronic weapons. These weapons vary in type but each is used for one purpose: to torture those being targeted by them.

Some of these weapons can be used to remotely physically torture a target while others are used to manipulate a target's mind through the use of what we term synthetic telepathy. Through the Goverment's use of synthetic telepathy, those targeted can have their thoughts not only read, but also influenced. This type of abuse occurs daily for most of us, and is the most outrageous abuse of human rights
imaginable, since it is used to invade the privacy of one's mind. While there are many targeted individuals now coming forward describing their accounts of these abuses, we know that there are perhaps thousands of others whom are also being abused in this way, but have no where to turn to seek help.

Since most of this abuse occurs at the hands of the United States Government, by way of the FBI, CIA and NSA, we are not able to receive help in a conventional sense, in that even the local police in our respective communities will not investigate our complaints. We have been left with no other choice but to expose to the American
public, the serious crimes that the United States Government is perpetrating against us. We have listed numerous Websites below in regard to others who've been targeted for the aforementioned harassment.

We have also included Websites which offer further information about the illegal technology that is being used against us. Please help us to end these abuses before you find yourselves becoming victims of them. We are offering you an education which we have had to obtain the hard way. Please take advantage of the information that we are providing you with.

The FFPT Group is at present actively pursuing solutions to these problems. As mentioned, alerting the US Government to our plight has fallen on deaf ears, so we are going to the American people to alert you to the despicable crimes being perpetrated against us by our own Government.


The Freedom From Psychotronic Torture Activist Group

Suzanne LeBoeuf
Rob Butler
Derrick Robinson
James F. Marino

Websites On US Government's Illegal Use Of Mind Control/Gang Stalking/ Biological Weapons

Eleanor White's Revolutionary Website On Mind Control/Gangstalking Etc. An alphabetized index to many different types of Government Harassment: includes government sanctioned gang stalking and the illegal use of EM weapons and Mind Control on the citizens of the world. This site of Eleanor's contains the truth about what's happening to the human race, as it continues to be manipulated by those in power who have been irreversibly corrupted in their quest for global domination

Group stalking victim Derrick Robinson’s produced video, “Group Stalking” - about high tech weapons as a public service announcement, 45 mins. Go to: - scroll down to the search box on the left and type in Group Stalking. Derrick's video icon will come up. Click on the icon to begin the
video. This video is perhaps the most compelling example of the terrible effects that Group Stalking has on
those whom are targeted for it. Victims Suzanne LeBoeuf, Gordon Ormond and Rob Butler describe their
harrowing experiences as they live with this constant nightmare.

Petition To Cease and Ban Direct Energy Programs & Electronic Surveillance of Humans.
Please sign it and pass it onto others. Thank you!

The Lowrey Silent Sound System Excerpt From Judi Wall's Article Mind Control With Sounds. "According to literature by Silent Sounds, Inc., it is now possible, using supercomputers, to analyze human emotional EEG patterns and replicate them, then store these "emotion signature clusters" on another computer and, at will, "silently induce and change the emotional state in a human being."

Eleanor White's Review Of Tim Rifat's Book On Remote Viewing As Above

Other Gang Stalking/Electronic Harassment Websites ** IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER ** The visitor to the sites listed below is cautioned that they represent thousands of pages of material written by individuals whom I (Eleanor White) have not met face to face and in some cases have had very little contact with. Furthermore, I have not had time to read every page of every site and verify the information presented there.

Liza Parker, Citizens Against Technological and Community-Based Harassment

Christians Against Mental Slavery Websites On Inner Voice, Target Tracking, and Behavioral Influence Technologies with research articles by John McMurtrey, M.S.

Suz LeBoeuf, target, gives her views and artsy rendition of her experience as a mental health clinician (M.A. in Counseling Psychology with Ph.D. coursework in Psychology from Saybrook Graduate School) or commentary at

MYCOPLASMA -- The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases
Dr. Donald A. Scott's Research Into Biological Weapons Created By the United States Government

Role of bioengineering in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Gulf War Syndrome & AIDS
CFS Radio Program Dec. 19th, 1999, Roger G. Mazlen, M.D. Host
with Donald W. Scott

James F. Marino's Accounts of Electronic Harassment/ Gang Stalking, At The Hands Of The Federal Bureau Of Investigation. A Must Read For Anyone Who Believes That The FBI Does Not Break The Law.

TORTURED BY THE FBI -- A Website Documenting The Torture Of Many Americans At The Hands
Of This Morally Bankrupt And Irrevocably Corrupted Organization.

Lyme disease, a biological weapon?

"Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory, reveals the stunning true nature and checkered history of Plum Island. It shows that the seemingly bucolic Plum Island, on the edge of the largest population center in the United States, is a ticking biological time bomb that none of us can safely ignore." From Michael Carrol's Official Website.

Mind Control Resources Page: Excellent source of information in regard to the many facets of these crimes

Mind Control Victims' Webpage Accounts Of Mind Control Victims Worldwide

University of Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project

U.S. Commercial Remote Sensing Policy (2003)

Remote Sensing Systems, Research-quality geophysical products from satellite data

Remote Sensing org, This site hosts and supports various open source software projects related to remote sensing, GIS, mapping and advanced image processing.

The Remote Sensing Tutorial

Canada’s Centre for Remote Sensing, tutorials about satellite data reception, remote sensing, radar, stereosccopy, 3D imagery

India’s National Remote Sensing Agency , has satellite data capability

U.S. Marines, Non-Lethal Weapons Program

Allen Barker's Mind Control Website: Good information on Electronic Forms Of Mind Control

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, researches magnetic fields (2002)

Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional? By Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz (1999)

United Nations Institute For Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), an intergovernmental organization within the United Nations — conducts research on disarmament and security with the aim of assisting the international community in their disarmament thinking, decisions and efforts.

GA Archives, Algorithms research page

Dr. Robert O. Becker’s silver research. Silver is a not-for-profit website dedicated to providing accurate information on medical colloidal silver and colloidal silver generators, has research sites

The Council on Wireless Technology Impacts (CWTI) is concerned about the safe use of technologies which use electromagnetic radiation, especially where we live, where our children attend school, where we work and where we pray. We are a federally recognized, tax deductible, non profit corporation., on ZDNet News, U.S. Military expands radio-wave tracking (2003)

Navy Center for Applied in Artifical Intelligence

J.F. Montemeyer: International Movement For The Global Ban Of Weapons Which Manipulate the Human Nervous System. Links covering many relevant topics.

British Cell Phone Safety Alert and an Interview with Robert O. Becker, M.D. by Linda Moulton Howe (2000)

Bill MacIntosh submits his article about targeted individuals

Electronic Surveillance, by Surveillance Source as education

Electromagnetic Weapons And Mind Control -- From CNN's Special Assignment -- Circa 1985 Discussion of the Creation and Applications of The Tesla Coil In Regard to Electromagnetic Weapons And Mind Control

Defense News: site claims “ Defense News and its Web site, , are part of the Army Times Publishing Company, the leading military and government news periodical publisher in the world”.

The Following Is A List Of Books Regarding Forms Of Mind Control And Gang Stalking
Reference: The CATCH Website

Terrorist Stalking in America by David Lawson

Gaslighting by Victor Santoro

Mind Controllers by Dr. Armen Victorian (Excerpt from book.)" rel="nofollow">

Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D." rel="nofollow">

Psychotronic Golgotha by N.I. Anisimov (Translated from Russian)

High-Tech Harassment: How to Get Even with Anybody Anytime by Scott French" rel="nofollow">

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