Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism : Culture : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq

Anti-War Folk Musicians to stage pre-mobilization benefit concerts Friday September 23rd in DC

On Friday September 23rd there are two seperate benefit concerts being planned in the DC Metro area. So, if you get to town early, you can enjoy a night of powerful anti-war music prior to the big rally and Operation Ceasfire Concert on Saturday! Come out to hear great tunes from Yikes McGee, Sue Jeffers, Magpie and many other awesome artists.
Anti-War Folk Musicians to stage pre-mobilization benefit concerts Friday September 23rd in DC
On Friday September 23rd there are two seperate benefit concerts being planned in the DC Metro area. So, if you get to town early, you can enjoy a night of powerful anti-war music prior to the big rally and Operation Ceasfire Concert on Saturday! Come out to hear great tunes from Yikes McGee, Sue Jeffers, Magpie and many other awesome artists.

There will be a show to benefit United for Peace & Justice featuring Sue Jeffers, Chris Chandler, Magpie, and Sonia with Disappear Fear. This event will start 8pm at Oneness-Family School 6701 Wisconsin Avenue in Chevy Chase, MD. There is $10 suggested donation , no one turned away for lack of funds.

Also, starting at 8pm Friday night in northwest DC, Folktivism will be putting on a concert to benefit Hurricane Katrina victims. The featured performer will be Yikes McGee, and the show will also include Maioan Person, JoJo Roberts and other folktivists. This event is to be at Cafe Mawonaj (624 T St. NW). No one will be turned away for lack of dough, but there is a suggested donation of $5 which will benefit Hurricane Katrina survivors.
By the way, Cafe Mawonaj has some of the best food in the DC Metro area, so you eat an awesome dinner while watching a great show!

In addition, there will be a Folktivist Open Mic at Cafe Mawonaj on Sunday evening, September 25th hosted by Yikes McGee and Maioan Person... everyone is invited to perform your best anti-war songs.

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