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Why is CodePINK's Medea Benjamin allowed to commercialize the S24 action by allowing to run their conference in competition? And they CHARGE to attend. $15
BENJAMINS FOR BENJAMIN WEEKEND: How CodePINK's Founder Profits From The Anti-War March
Green Festival Announcement ^ | Doctor Raoul

Posted on 09/17/2005 2:01:32 AM EDT by Doctor Raoul

The throngs of "anti-war" marchers heading to DC to attend the September 24th rally don't know that they are being used.

CodePINK and United For Peace and Justice are both prodigy of Global Exchage, the 501(3)c non-profit formed by Global's Medea Benjamin.

It's the "Benjamins For Benjamin Weekend"!.

Using the attraction of a Hate America event to lure attendees, Code Pink's Medea Benjamin's cash cow, Global Exchange, has scheduled one of it's "Green Festivals" for the same weekend and is running it in competition with the anti-war events scheduled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

How convenient?

How many people will wind up at the Green Festival instead of in the streets? How much profit will Medea Benjamin make?

Global Exchange made over $7 million in 2003, why a run the Green Festival in competition with the anti-war march on the 24th?

Friday night is a "fund raiser" for the Green Festival, price $50.

Saturday and Sunday, you can attend the Green Festival at the Convention Center, provided of course you had Medea and her husband, Kevin Danaher, the $15 for a ticket.

On the schedule as a speaker are Medea herself and "Authors and activist from the new CODEPINK book, Stop the Next War Now". How nice. How profitable.


Why are Amy Goodman, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Greg Palast, Lester Brown, Daniel Ellsberg, Alisa Gravitz, John deGraaf, Lois Gibbs, Rev. Graylan Hagler, Dr. Alan Greene. Priya Haji, Van Jones, Gifford Pinchot III, Nora Pouillon, Barbara Krumsiek, Nora Poullion, Brock Evans, Ariel Gore, Michael Toms, Zoe Weil and other visionary leaders speaking at the Green Festival and not the rally? Because it's the "Benjamins for Benjamin Weekend"!


Below is the text of their announcement:

Washington DC Green Festival - September 24-25

It's time to make plans to attend our Washington DC Green Festival, the world's largest Sustainability Expo! Come and celebrate what is working in our communities – and enjoy the festivities and our marketplace! Over 300 Green Businesses exhibiting and 125 Speakers!
There's something for everyone at the Green Festival!

Washington DC Sept. 24-25 at the Convention Center
(on the Metro line, downtown DC) {}

Speakers include: Amy Goodman - Congressman Dennis Kucinich - Greg Palast - Lester Brown - Daniel Ellsberg -- Youth Speaks - Medea Benjamin - Kevin Danaher - Alisa Gravitz - John deGraaf - Lois Gibbs - CodePink - Rev. Graylan Hagler - Dr. Alan Greene - Priya Haji - Van Jones esq. - Gifford Pinchot III - Nora Pouillon - Barbara Krumsiek - Nora Poullion - Brock Evans - Ariel Gore - Michael Toms - Zoe Weil and 100 other visionary leaders....

Special Attractions include:

A marketplace of 300 green businesses - come and do all your holiday shopping Marc Maron and Laura Flanders of Air America Radio broadcasting live Premiere showing of Farmer John's new award-winning documentary -The Real Dirt on Farmer John Reverend Altagracia Pèrez on the Wal-Mart victory in Inglewood plus
a sneak preview of the new film Wal-Mart: The High Cost of a Low

Authors and activist from the new CODEPINK book, Stop the Next War Now

Wanda Urbanska from the PBS series Simple Living: Living Better on Less 13 live performances from local artists

Walk-through the Discovery Creek Children's Rolling Rainforest - a mobile tropical rainforest exhibit

Fair Trade Pavilion with hourly coffee and chocolate tastings and art auction

Hands-on workshops include: Green Careers - Community and Social
Investing - Greening your Home & Office - Parenting - Responsible
Travel - Green Technology - Green Funerals - Home Brewing - Green
Building - Building Sustainable Businesses - Arts and Activism -
Peace and Justice Mobilization

And don't miss out on the Organic Beer Garden - Peace Dove Parade - SRI Pavilion - Environmental and Social Justice Film Festival - Organic Vegetarian Food Court - Yoga/Movement Room - Bookstore - Live Music Stage - Community Action Area

All at a nearly zero waste event!

All this for just $15.00!

Read more at {}

Green Festival Benefit Party

And reserve your spot at our special Green Festival Benefit Party -- Friday evening, September 23, 7:00 p.m.

Hear our special guest speaker - enjoy organic food, beer & wine -- green door prizes/auction --free tickets to the Green Festival
Help support Green Festival
$50 Please go to to reserve tickets or call us at 800-58-GREEN or 202-872-5307.

The Green Festivals are two-day parties with a serious purpose: to accelerate the emergence of a new economic paradigm that is
life-affirming and life-restoring. Together we are cultivating a
culture of sustainability and social equity that honors our
interdependence with all life. In our fourth year, Green Festival
continues to unite green businesses, social and environmental groups, visionary thinkers and thousands of community members in a lively exchange of ideas, commerce and movement building fun.

The Green Festivals are a joint program of Global Exchange and Co-op America.

>>To volunteer go here

>>To exhibit go here
or call 877-727-2179

If your plans include traveling - our hotel rooms will sell out --so make sure you make your reservations early!

>> To reserve hotel rooms go here

We look forward to seeing you at the Festivals!

Kevin Danaher, Global Exchange, Co-Founder
Alisa Gravitz, Co-op America Executive Director {}

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