Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: War in Iraq

Solutions to problems

Solutions to problems
They say that every solution has a logical explanation. After many yuears of intensive searching, we have established that Iraq does not have any WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction). We have also established, without any shadow of doube, that the Iraqis do not have any links with Osam Ben Laden or Alqaida.
The only civilized thing to do is to apologize to the Iraqis for trashing their country, and killing 200,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, and depart. Muslims do not like the concept of Democracy. There is no point in forcing people to accept a foreign (Greek) Political System they abhor. As for the problem of Global Terrorism and suiside bombing, that problem can also be solved very quickly. All we have to do is force Israel to return all the stolen land they took from the Palestinias and allow one million Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland. Then we can sit back enjoy peace and quiet for a very long time. Is my solution TOO LOGICAL?

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