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News :: Drugs

Medical Cannabis. June 6 National Day Of Direct Action At DEA. 54 Cities So Far.

Nearly 800 people so far have signed a Pledge of Resistance to participate in civil disobedience actions in the case of federal arrests or harassment of medical marijuana patients, caregivers, or dispensaries. To prepare for both the June 6 National Day of Action and the Emergency Response in case of federal actions, trainings will be held in 8 [it's now up to 11 cities nationwide] cities on the west coast. These sessions will cover the ASA campaign, media work, organizing logistics, nonviolent direct action tactics, knowing your legal rights, and strategic planning.

Medical Cannabis. June 6 National Day of Direct Action at DEA. 54 cities so far.

Please distribute.

UPDATED list for training sessions June 1, 2, 5. In 11 cities nationwide.

For June 6 National Day of Direct Action at DEA offices in 54 cities. For Medical Marijuana.

This compilation email is publicly archived here:

Local Action Contacts! 54 cities participating so far.

Local DEA Outposts.

JUNE 6! Direct action training sessions. UPDATED. June 1, 2, 5. Times, places, contacts, info.

The messages below are from the email list archive for the medical marijuana June 6 National Day of Direct Action. The messages are from the public archive. The list homepage has links to the archive, and to a list signup form. Just fill in your email address, and then click to subscribe. Email list homepage:


Nationwide meetings & trainings for June 6 DEA actions

From: "Hilary" <>
To: <>
Subject: Nationwide meetings & trainings for June 6 DEA actions
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 13:14:14 -0700

This is our last organizing weekend before the June 6 action! In the body of this email are some updated locations for trainings and meetings, and attached is the updated local contacts list. If you can't get through to the person cited as the local contact, and you haven't heard anything about the organizing, empower yourself to take it on yourself and call a meeting to plan something. If more than one collection of people show up at your local DEA office- so much the better! Also, please pass on the local information to your networks. And check out for color posters, leaflets, pledges, and other organizing materials.

Remember, June 6 is just the beginning of this campaign, and even small groupings can plant a seed towards a larger resistance!


San Diego - Saturday, June 1, 12 - 4 pm, Effective Actions training, Stir It Up Coffeehouse, 4683 33rd St. Contact: 619.521.033

San Francisco Bay Area - Sunday, June 2, 12 - 4 pm, Effective Actions training - CAN office, 1605 Ashby (at Calif.), Berkeley. Contact: Steph -; 510.486.8083

Sacramento - Sunday, June 2, 12 - 4 pm, Effective Actions training- Holiday Inn at 300 J st. (916.446.0100) Contact: Amanda 916.628.2716

San Jose - Saturday, June 1, 1 - 3 pm, Organizing meeting - Rosegarden Public Library, 1580 Naglee Ave. Contact: Dennis; 408.269.7432

Santa Rosa - Saturday, June 1, 12 - 4 pm, Effective Actions training - Peace & Justice Center, 467 Sebastopol Ave. Contact: Doc 707.824.1534
Los Angeles - Sunday, June 2, 12 - 4 pm, Effective Actions training, 2406 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica. Contact: (310) 453-5575


Eugene - Saturday, June 1, 2 pm, Organizing meeting, meet at Free Speech plaza to find out meeting location. Contact: Michael - 541.346.7586

Portland - Friday, May 31, 7:30 pm, Organizing meeting, contact Anna (503) 239-6110 for location.


Philadelphia - June 5, 7-9 p.m., the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (1213 Race Street)


Houston - June 1, noon 11215 Oakspring 281-752-9198


Seattle - Sunday, June 2, 1 - 4:30 pm, Effective Actions training - Douglas Truth Public Library, 2300 E Yesler, Downstairs meeting room. Contact: 206.363.6718


Madison - Sunday June 2, 3-6pm - organizing meeting and bbq in downtown Madison this to plot strategy and create signs, etc., for the June 6 action. For more info on the meeting contact or


June 1 & 2 trainings for DEA actions

From: "Hilary" <>
To: <>
Subject: June 1 & 2 trainings for DEA actions
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 23:55:06 -0700

Effective Actions Trainings

Nearly 800 people so far have signed a Pledge of Resistance to participate in civil disobedience actions in the case of federal arrests or harassment of medical marijuana patients, caregivers, or dispensaries. To prepare for both the June 6 National Day of Action and the Emergency Response in case of federal actions, trainings will be held in 8 [it's now up to 11 cities nationwide] cities on the west coast. These sessions will cover the ASA campaign, media work, organizing logistics, nonviolent direct action tactics, knowing your legal rights, and strategic planning. Please contact your local organizer to reserve a space!

[List deleted. See message above for updated city list for trainings.]


National Day of Direct Action June 6th.

Push back the DEAs expanding war on Americans!
Keep medical marijuana safe and legal!

Local Action Contacts!

Current as of (5-28-02)

AR - Little Rock
AZ - Tucson (520)323-2947
AZ - Phoenix
CA - Huntington Beach (714) 964-2162
CA - Long Beach
CA - Long Beach (562) 422-7408
CA - Los Angeles (310) 453-5575
CA - Oakland (510) 486-8083
CA - Orange County (714) 469-8137
CA - Riverside County (760)799-2055
CA - Sacramento (916) 635-2222
CA - Santa Barbara (805) 252-6580
CA - San Diego stir it up coffeehouse (619) 521-0337
CA - San Jose
CA - San Jose
CA - San Francisco (510) 486-8083
CA - Santa Rosa
CA - Sonora
DC - Washington DC (202) 986-6129
DC - Washington (301)314-2138
FL - (321) 258-7036
FL - Tallahassee (850) 224-0868
FL - Tampa (888) 210-0425
GA - Atlanta & statewide
IL - Chicago (847) 800-6696
IN - Indianapolis (317) 281-3915
KY - Paducah (270) 362-8186
LA- Southern -
MA - Western Mass (413) 527-5949
MT - Havre (406)265-8726
MT - Kalispel
MI - Saginaw (231) 885-2993
NC - Chapel Hill
NH - Concord (603) 682-9077
NY - Morris (607) 263-2319
NY - New York (212) 370-1835
OH - Cleveland (216) 521-9333
OK - Oklahoma City (405) 321-4619
OR - Eugene (541) 346-7586
OR - Portland (503) 239-6110
OR - Springfield (541) 988-9265
PA - Philadelphia - (215) 633-9812
PA - Pittsburgh 412.605.0647
RI - Warwick (401) 737-7057
SC - (843)824-9359
TX - Austin (512) 868-9032
TX - Austin (512) 587-8838
TX - Dallas
TX - Houston (713) 783-5755
TX - San Antonio 210-829-4128
UT - SLC (801) 262-1340
VA - Blacksburg
VT - Springfield (802) 885-5762
WA - Bellingham (360) 303-8924
WA - Seattle (206)363-6718
WI - Madison (608)241.8922


getting started for June 6 and beyond

From: "Hilary" <>
To: <>
Subject: getting started for June 6 and beyond
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 15:00:37 -0700

Thank you all for taking initiative and organizing in defense of patients' access to medical marijuana! Today I mailed out organizers' packets to all who requested them that include:
s An Organizers' Handbook

s Copies of the "Pledge of Resistance"

s Outreach postcards

s "Cease & Desist" orders

The handbook has material that is easily reproducible for others in your group, and has information that ranges from beginners' level, such as how to call a meeting, to an advanced level, such as how to use a jail solidarity legal strategy during a civil disobedience action. All the materials mailed to you can also be found on our website

However, please don't wait for the organizers' packet to start organizing! In order to pull off the June 6 action, you will need to set up a meeting time and location with other activists as soon as possible. Start building a coalition of different folks to attend the meeting and action, and don't forget to use the phone in addition to email. We hope that the groups and contacts that form for June 6 will create the necessary network to mount an immediate response to probable upcoming DEA attacks on patients' access, so even if your group is small for June 6, remember it's just a first step in a larger campaign. After you meet with other local activists, you'll have a better idea of what actions your group will want to do.

We hope that you will seriously consider using nonviolent direct action in your protests. ASA believes that it is a strategically important time to escalate tactics in defense of medical marijuana. We've already educated and informed and won the support of 73 percent of Americans. We've passed state legislation in many states allowing the use of medical marijuana. We've tried judicial means to secure our democratic will. And despite all our successes, the federal government continues to find ways to deny our democratic will. We need to take a stance of zero tolerance against federal harassment, and show that we will stand up for our rights. Direct action is a powerful tool, capturing the depth of conviction of those willing to put their security and freedom on the line for a just cause. A direct action campaign can be very effective in a number of ways: it can point a spotlight at the threat to our democratic rights, it can raise the social and political costs to those seeking to deny us our democratic rights, and it can build a movement, providing opportunities for people to engage in committed action. ASA believes that we have a rare opportunity, in which so many people support safe access, to employ these nonviolent tactics to galvanize public support for patients, doctors, dispensary operators, and other supporters of medical marijuana.

So, what would an effective civil disobedience scenario on June 6 look like? It could be any number of things, and preferably will be a combination of creative, smart, photogenic actions by various small groups of friends or allies organized into 'affinity groups'. One affinity group of patients with their medication (and prescriptions) could occupy the lobby of the federal building until they received a promise of non-harassment from the DEA, and risk arrest by staying until they do so. One affinity group could bring some press and lock-down equipment and get inside the DEA office and demand the same. One might do a banner drop in a place where lots of people will see it, and another might send a delegation of patients, doctors, local elected officials, and local sympathetic police up to the DEA with their "Cease and Desist" order. It is possible to combine a variety of legal and non-permitted actions.

The important thing to remember is to make your message simple and clear, and do the press work and local organizing necessary ahead of time to make it an effective action. If you are planning civil disobedience, make sure you have anticipated your needs, and have all bases covered. Have legal counsel lined up, and legal observers at the action. Make sure your group members have all gone to trainings to prepare for civil disobedience. Think in advance of what action guidelines you might want to ask of participants. (We have suggested some in the handbook) Have people assigned to fill roles of support, police liaison, media spokesperson, and perhaps others that are good at de-escalating conflict to provide as safe an action as possible for all participants.

Throughout history, every significant and successful movement for social change has employed the tactics and strategies of nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience. From the labor movement to the civil rights movement to the anti-globalization movement, creative nonviolent confrontation was critical in achieving key campaign successes. Direct action has also played an important role in the success of patients' and users' rights movements. People with disabilities used direct action to achieve federally mandated public access; ACT-UP has used creative direct action to gain access to medicine, increase research funding, and fight prejudice against people with HIV/AIDS; and needle exchange began (and in many places remains) as an act of civil disobedience. As referendum successes are met with judicial resistance, ASA believes it is most strategic to escalate the tactics we use to include nonviolent direct action.

Don't forget to take pictures (preferably digital) so we can share our images and stories of success with each other. Whatever action you decide to take, thank you for your energy, your time, and your work! Despite the need for continued activism, we have been winning on this issue for a long time because of all of you.

Hilary McQuie

Campaign Coordinator

Americans for Safe Access

1678 Shattuck Ave. #317
Berkeley, CA 94704
phone: 510-486-8083
fax: 510-486-8090



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