Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

Help Support The Vicitms of Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina’s destructive force has displaced hundreds of thousands of people and left them with little more than what they have on their backs. The Baltimore Free Store is collecting donations of clothes, shoes, toiletries, diapers, soap, toys, games, personal care items, feminine care items, new undergarments, bags and suitcases, and household items to help relieve a bit of the suffering. We will be delivering the items to refugees who will be relocated to the Maryland/DC area. Please take a look around and see if there are items you do not need that others could put to use. In times of great suffering it is important that we come together to help one another by sharing our resources and providing our skills where we can.

The Baltimore Free Store is an all-volunteer organization that takes donated and salvaged items and provides them to people for FREE. We target no to low-income individuals but do not deny anyone free items. Where as we normally target Baltimore City residents through rotating ‘set ups’, we are doing this special project as our way to help in the wake of this horrible disaster. When governments fail it is up to people like you and me to take up the slack.

We do this as a way to highlight and cut back on the amount of waste we produce in our society, encourage reuse/recycling, promote a gift economy, and help alleviate the traumas of poverty.
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The Baltimore Free Store has been asked by the Community Services Agency of DC to assist them in collecting goods for 400 families displaced by Hurricane Katrina. The families are coming to stay in the DC armory, possibly as early as Monday. They will have nothing. So far the call is out for clothes as they will only have what is on their back and has been for several days and personal hygeine products. I would love to see if when they arrive we can get there with some clothes and supplies.

1. Donate your unwanted goods or purchase new items including
a. Personal Care Items: deodorant, shampoo, soap, emery boards, pre-moistened wipes, feminine care items, Kleenex, paper towels
b. Baby Care Items: disposable diapers, baby wipes, NEW baby bottles, NEW baby blankets, unopened bottled water in baby bottles
c. Child Items: coloring books, crayons, toys, books, games, NEW clothes/shoes
d. General: NEW t-shirts, underwear, sweat pants, NEW canvas bags, suitcases
2. Make a contribution to the Community Services Agency, earmarked for "hurricane relief". Send checks to 1925 K Street NW, Suite 410, DC 20006, or go to to make secure on-line donations. We will use the funds directly for hurricane victims once we ascertain need.
3.Volunteer for pick-up and delivery of items, or help distribute items at the DC Armory once we know what's up: call Kathleen, Jackie or Silvia at the Community Services Agency, 202 857-3410, or email

The Baltimore Free Store is open every Saturday from Noon to 3 and will be extending hours to accommodate this emergency. Please check our website for updated info or call us at 410-340-9004

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