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Camp Caset Is Here To Stay
There is a new song written to honor Cindy
Sheehan's effort to stop the war in Iraq
lyrics posted below.
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Camp Casey Is Here To Stay
by Maioan Person
It's been tough on the frontlines in the fight against the war,
But finally there's a hero we have all been waiting for.
Cindy Sheehan has declared that our kids should die no more,
So she sat down to confron the man who began this war.
Her son was killed in Iraq, he was only 24...
So, she has asked the President "What did my son die for?"
Now the name of Casey Sheehan shall live forever more;
The camp that bears his name has redefined the war.
Camp Casey is here to stay, it's coming to your town.
Those who wish we would go away cannot deny we have found
A common thread that is raisng the dead to bring the masters of war down.
Camp Casey is here to stay and it's right here in our town.
Many Soldiers have died, Casey's not the only one,
But now the mistake we've made is summed up in one mothers son.
& for every soldier that has died there is at least a hundred more
Innocent civillians who have given their lives for
The lies of those who try to claim we are fighting to defend
Freedom or security as an excuse to send
Our young men and women to die in a foriegn land
In order to profit off the oil hidden beneath the
Camp Casey is here to stay, it's coming to your town.
Those who wish we would go away cannot deny we have found
A common thread that is raisng the dead to bring the masters of war down.
Camp Casey is here to stay and it's right here in our town.
Oh god, I am sorry to say, there is a Casey Sheehan from every town.
It's been tough on the frontlines in the fight against the war,
But finally there's a hero we have all been waiting for.
Cindy Sheehan has declared that our kids should die no more